NYPD Forklift with R/W Whelen Liberty !


May 16, 2010
City of Houston,Texas
Just when i thought i seen all the NYPD Fleet,this one was interesting a Red/White Liberty on a Forklift. Anyone else have interesting NYPD Fleet Vehicles or item pics?





It's a good thing that amber beacon is there in case you can't see the Liberty... :confused:
Why in God's name would a forklift, NYPD or not, need a fully populated Whelen Liberty? Tax dollars at work, ladies and gentlemen.
sbparkcop said:
Why in God's name would a forklift, NYPD or not, need a fully populated Whelen Liberty? Tax dollars at work, ladies and gentlemen.

And people wonder why this country is in debt- people that do retarded shit like that!
please pull your vehicle over...WTF??? Its a forklift that moves boxes for the nypd...Just weird imo
You have GOT to be shitting me!!! Like someone said, stupid shit like THIS is why the country is in the financial situation that it is in.
Its even got takedowns for the traffic stops it makes
What the heck is the NYPD's PMU (written on the side of the forklift)? The closest thing I have found on Google was Performance Monitoring Unit, but not a description.

FireEMSPolice said:
What the heck is the NYPD's PMU (written on the side of the forklift)? The closest thing I have found on Google was Performance Monitoring Unit, but not a description.

Preventative Maintenance Unit?
Are we sure it's a Red/White bar, and not a fully populated amber bar...? But knowing NYPD, its probably red/blue or red/white... LoL
Maybe HPD sold it to the NYPD. They use the fed sig lightbars, I have never seen a Whalen bar on a NYPD vehicle before.
ok, first of all, its red/white !!! it belongs to the mounted unit, im more than sure its to lift a horse trailer off a hitch and move it on to another vehicle,or something to that effect, and i also believe there is a pa300 mounted in there........ and now for the ooooh whelen lol , the nypd uses more whelen than you think !!!
put that on my "police vehicles my KIA could outrun" list cause i aint stoppin for it.

Oh crap, please tell me that bar suffered a roll-over collision and was pulled out of the trash and put on the forklift by some bored motor pool jock.

If not, more wasteful government spending at work...
911 said:
ok, first of all, its red/white !!!

Easy killer... I was merely asking if we "knew" that this was a Red/White bar since the pics don't show the bar lit up... My apologies for asking a question... I shall remember to never do it again... LoL
TritonBoulder47 said:
My apologies for asking a question... I shall remember to never do it again... LoL

BULL $HIT ! :lol:

Maybe it has the lightbar because it fell off of a pallet it was moving and cracked an endcap. Doesn't NYPD throw away everything if just one thing breaks? :roll:
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MY guess is that it went to fleet services to lettered and upfitted. The mechanic then realized they had the bar laying around and they got a kick out of slapping it on a forklift. 911 is correct, the PMU designation means it is assigned to the mounted unit.
john is right, but it was outfitted at shop 7 i believe, manhattan scooter shop ...... from what i can tell
First, that amber beacon was probably factory installed IMHO. Second, I'm deeply saddened that this was not repainted in typical NYPD colors; 911 you know what I mean, Hell, even the Prius's (Priui?) that were originally white on blue were repainted to blue on white.

Third? That would look so much better with a mini jetstream like the rest of the Cushman's out there!
most blue/black nypd cars are being retired rather than being painted........ its cheaper to buy white for everyone,and also its provides omni-presence......the nypd does do weird things with lights,but if you noticed whelen has been showing up alot lately in the fleet......
sbparkcop said:
Why in God's name would a forklift, NYPD or not, need a fully populated Whelen Liberty? Tax dollars at work, ladies and gentlemen.

You mean you don't get into chases with your forklift every other shift? Good god man you must work in the sticks. Get a real job. :lol:
kitn1mcc said:
would be good to keep vehicle from fleeing list up a wheel

A sphincter says what?


For what ever reason, my computer slipped into a black hole, and posted the same message 3 times. I can't explain it.
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damn key board

said it could be used to keep vehicle from Fleeing during a traffic stop pull up and lift up the front end
VolEms said:
Maybe HPD sold it to the NYPD. They use the fed sig lightbars, I have never seen a Whalen bar on a NYPD vehicle before.

I have never seen a Whalen bar period.....
FDNY 10-75 said:

Well, if this was taken on new years eve in time square, then one may be lead to think it may be used to transport metal bariers.

and as for the lightbar, hell, why not. I know if i had a forklift with a LAPD sticker on it I would put a fully populated lightbar on it. :D
Bigredinstalls said:
Well, if this was taken on new years eve in time square, then one may be lead to think it may be used to transport metal bariers.

and as for the lightbar, hell, why not. I know if i had a forklift with a LAPD sticker on it I would put a fully populated lightbar on it. :D

one may be lead to think that, but it was confirmed that it belongs to the mounted division... like i said it was confirmed as such to even say that one forklight also has a pa300 in it !
Maybe they need to start putting Federal Q-2B's and some auxiliary lighting on those forklifts? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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