Officer punches Woman in face, what do you think

tnems7 said:
I also think the crowd behavior was "sick". They agitated the situation and didn't come to the aid of the officer. In Nashville, I believe someone would have either tried to deescalate the situation or intervene to help the officer, but that does depend upon the area of town.

I think that the crowd behavior was "normal," given the circumstances. It would be great if people had stood up, but individuals in groups seldom do that, instead they feel camouflaged and supported by the group to act out, That's even discounting the human inclination to not get involved.

There gets to be a point also where we as cops need to do a little cost/benefit analysis of what we are trying to accomplish and whether or not the price might be a little to high. Pride will lead us to do things that the little voice in the back of our head tells us aren't smart. If a troop doesn't have the ability, tools or assistance needed to solve a problem, odds are it's just going to get worse.

As for backup, who knows? There are plenty of places where backup is over 50 miles away, and maybe off-duty and asleep in bed. Some guys are also slow to call in for help because they think it looks weak.
Most of the LEO's I know are quite binary in going hands on. They either do not or they take of business assertively and definitively. This fiddle-fuck, kindasorta, push-pull, semi wrestle as shown is begging for problems in a variety of ways. The officer there should have quickly realized what he wadded into and either depart, or call some boys in to assist. He's lucky he didn't get his ass kicked (as mentioned) and he put himself (and the people there) in undue risk.
The jaywalker couldve been warned before the video and did something else to provoke the police to take actions. Sometimes ignorant fools purposely commit little misdemeanors infront of a police thinking theyd get away. Enough is enough i guess
She got exactly what she deserved. Who cares if shes black... who cares if shes only 17... who cares if shes female... she was interfering and got a punch to the face. Go cry about it.. I cant stand people who moan when they get arrested. If you dont like it getting your azz kicked then maybe you shouldnt do the crime in the first place? Why is it always considered racism.. Everyone always has to turn it into racism. It had nothing to do with that.. just sad what bs people try to make up
Jasen Hatfield said:
I guess I am lucky, I do not work in a city environment with thugs and hooligans that are depicted in this video, however I have been in a few situations such as this. I agree, the use of force was necessary, and it obviously worked, she stayed out of the fight after that. Had something like this occurred in my patrol area with people standing around like that, she would have had about 10 citizens on top of her trying to help restrain her as well not trying to hem a cop up on tape.

People watching and not helping him BEFORE it got to that point makes all those bystanders pathetic excuses for human beings.
"ladies" is being generous.

"stupid fucking bitches" more precisely describes
gotta do what you gotta do. He used justified force No matter what state your in. Of course it doesnt look good to the general public. Thats why guys I work with swear by OC. Leaves no markings and doesnt look all that brutal.
mcpd2025 said:
Well, it might not even be the department as a whole. In my department, you can request the training and being issued a Taser, I haven't gotten around to doing it yet. I only started to carry OC spray on patrol about 4 years ago, and have never used it on a person. Even though I have 8 people on my shift, the vast majority of them are lazy and don't run calls or back officers... they enjoy their afternoon coffee and chat time more than doing their job. I was in an extended foot pursuit last summer chasing a group of 8 poeple. Ended up catching one, he resisted arrest, had to struggle with him before getting him into custody. Then I was able to drag him over the 2 fences we jumped, through the neighborhood and up a hill back to my car. I searched him and was in the process of field testing the cocaine before the first backup officer arrived. I had1 good, trustworthy guy on my shift, and he was up at jail with his own prisoner at the time. Did I mention that I am the senior officer on the shift?
I do know that all of the officers at the pd have to take mandatory tazer and oc spray ever year and half and are issued to them once they are sworn officers. As far as officers not running calls or backing up their own there is something really wrong with that... have you said something to your sergeant or watch commander? And doesn't dispatch them to the calls, telling them to go. And man i feel for you man that just sucks knowing that there isn't any back up out there. Some body needs to do some house cleaning.

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