Orion Director/TDWL 36 strange behavior


Veteran Member
May 21, 2010
Ok, I installed my new Orion Director control box today for use with my TDWL 36. I followed the directions in the manual and it was very simple since it was a color-coded hook-up. However, I hooked the control box to my 2a 12+ and get NOTHING. Zilch, nadda, zip. No sound, no light, nothing from either the Orion or the bar itself. The TDWL worked fine earlier when it was still connected to a standard six-switch box. I've checked and re-checked my grounds and fuses. My + source is good (other items are hooked up to it). Did I get a bum box?
After my panic has subsided some, I have discovered what I believe may be the problem. I returned to the car after about a half hour (when I was in here posting). I tried it again and got the box to light up. I began pushing buttons and VOILA! It works. As soon as it started, it began acting strange. The "Center out" button only illuminated four modules on the bar and then would wink out. I had been working on this car for a couple of hours and I think the battery is very low, and the Orion box must be voltage sensitive. After a few minutes with the door open, the system would barely function, and the "center out" function wasn't working. It would just briefly illuminate, and wink out.
start the car and see if that helps, or hook the vehicle battery up to a vehicle battery charger.

my whelen lights do funny sync crap when my truck is off, but work fine when the truck is on.... voltage drop might be the issue.
I'm still not getting anything on the "center-out" button. I let the battery charge and again, when I press the <-----> I get a flicker from four modules on the left and then nothing. The controller is showing the pattern on it's LED display, but the bar isn't doing anything.
Did you ever get this figured out? Mine is acting up now also. I can't seem to program the buttons to the bar. I replaced the TD/WL 24 with a TD/WL 36 and now can't program the buttons again.
No, haven't had time to mess with it. IIRC, I think it is a setting on the bar itself that I need to change, before I hook the Orion up to it for directional use.
Maybe mine is the same issue then. The 24 worked great with the Orion. Then I hooked the 36 up to it and it won't keep the patterns anymore. Everytime I hit a button it cycles to the next flash pattern. With/without the pattern selection wires messed with. I'm at a loss....

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