The Best Response Video Thread

lafd55 said:
Then what is the point of telling people to move right for emergency vehicles...... There is not any bumper to bumper traffic on the opposing side and no raised or divided median.

Move right when you are traveling down the road and see an emergency vehicle approaching. Kind of hard to do when you are stopped at a stoplight several cars back in line and traffic continuing to flow for the green light preventing you from moving out into the intersection. So do you just sit behind the line of cars blaring the air horn and siren waiting for the light to turn green, or do you spot an opportunity of someone who knows the emergency vehicle needs to get thru, be it in the right turn lane, and opens up that lane for you to go into to proceed into the intersection? Not trying to be sarcastic, you just gotta think like an emergency responder and when responding lights and siren, just about anything works. Within reason.
RyanZ71 said:
Move right when you are traveling down the road and see an emergency vehicle approaching. Kind of hard to do when you are stopped at a stoplight several cars back in line and traffic continuing to flow for the green light preventing you from moving out into the intersection. So do you just sit behind the line of cars blaring the air horn and siren waiting for the light to turn green, or do you spot an opportunity of someone who knows the emergency vehicle needs to get thru, be it in the right turn lane, and opens up that lane for you to go into to proceed into the intersection? Not trying to be sarcastic, you just gotta think like an emergency responder and when responding lights and siren, just about anything works. Within reason.
I never said anything about waiting behind cars to get out of the way, unless you can find where I did.... Slowly go in opposing traffic, especially when it's only a few car lengths away from the intersection, it shouldn't be a problem... You never seen any videos of this?
I would have done the same thing. If my options are a clear path in the far right lane or going against traffic I'm taking the right lane every time because it is the safest path.
I agree with the others, there are times that passing on the right is not only acceptable, it's the only option. For example, I've got a couple of intersections in my district that going into oncoming traffic isn't an option because of very limited sight distance for oncoming traffic. I've also got a couple that traffic is separated by a Jersey wall. Given the right conditions, passing on the right isn't as dangerous as you're making it out to be.
^Agreed. Passing on the right is perfectly safe so long as you use caution and let traffic know you're there (in this case an electronic siren, a Q and airhorns aided in that).
OK, I was away.

On Somebloke's South London video, at 1:29. That's why you don't follow the first unit too close. Drivers never seem to expect a 2nd emergency vehicle.
SomeBloke said:
Avon/Somerset Police - variety of vehicles and responses.

The one at 1:42 was going flat out!

I wish these European agencies would either...

1) stick with blues-and-twos


2) use a siren with a proper wail and yelp waveform
vonirkinshtine said:
I wish these European agencies would either...
1) stick with blues-and-twos


2) use a siren with a proper wail and yelp waveform

My understanding is, it's deliberately pitched like that to pierce through car radios/music.

Maybe these are more to your liking;

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vonirkinshtine said:
... Now, if they'd only stop driving on the wrong side of the road.

SomeBloke e-slapped me when I used that old joke.

They ran interference for that yellow/green car because he was on the lunch run for the office. Pasties, no doubt.
Very nice! Love the different siren tones between the two vehicles, that's key when a multiple vehicle response. Side Note: That white car was an A-Hole, passing cars that were pulling right and traveling with the Ambulance just to get into the business past the intersection...
SomeBloke said:
Meanwhile in Germany.....The US Army joins in...

That's actually a German staffed fire department at the Garrison.

"... explain why we got a ladder out there?"
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I'd forego the formalities of the siren and shout into the PA "Either move your f#%&ing dumb@$$ out of the way or we'll do it ourselves...with the TRUCK."
Time told us which won out.
Unmarked? Hardly marked with the lights on.
I'm sure this is posted somewhere on the board but it definitely qualifies in the response vid category.. Swedish police in a Saab chasing a Kawasaki @ 235 km/h. Grab a beer cause it runs 1 hour plus, but the interesting part starts around minute 16.
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I don't have an hour to watch this. Does the bike wreck out?

I was going 60 MPH once and a bumble bee hit me in the chest and knocked the wind out of me. I can't imagine going nearly 150 MPH and hitting that same bee.
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There is a popular misconception that until the introduction of the two-tone airhorn Britain was a land that resonated purely to the tinkle of the Winkworth Gong.

While that may have been true in London, other cities and towns did things rather differently. Here is a newsreel piece from around 1959-60.

In fact the newsreel was rather behind the times. Our local police had been equipping its patrol cars with friction drive sirens since the middle 1930s.

I like how this guy drives (see 1:05 to 2:08).


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