Think i have an IMPERSONATOR calling me! Never mind

Fast LT1

May 24, 2010
Sedgwick County, KS
Okay, Friday night and Saturday night about 12am a person claiming to be an Officer Riviera has called my house twice about an application i "supposedly" filled out on November 21st 2008. I don't recall ever filling out any applications other than 1, which i got the position with. I can't remember if he said which department he was with when he called the first time, and when he called the second time i asked him which department he was with and the phone either got disconnected or he hung up. I called 911 dispatch and they said they couldn't find an officer Riviera on the computer. I did call case desk and i made a report, i also alerted my department that someone was possibly impersonating an officer. His number is coming up as unknown so i can't call it back. Any other ideas as to what i should do other than call 911 if he calls again?
Unfortunately that is about all you can do, especially with their number being restricted. Only other thing you can really do is get a recording of the conversation and then turn it into the PD and have them fill out a supplementary report.
DaveCN5 said:
. Only other thing you can really do is get a recording of the conversation and then turn it into the PD and have them fill out a supplementary report.

Huh, i never thought of a recording, if he calls again i sure will!
Fast LT1 said:
Huh, i never thought of a recording, if he calls again i sure will!

Depending on where you live, it could be illegal to record them without their consent, but because the person is claiming to be an officer, I don't think the PD would do anything.
Dial *57 after the call next time. This will trace the call, and keep a log at the phone company. It usually costs a little to use, but at least you can track it down.
Actually that would fall under a type of harrassment and prank phone calls. Have the phone company tag your line for awhile tell them someone has been calling your house in the middle of the night and back trace the incoming call in that time period. I also agree record the phone calls. It may be illegal but there are circumstances invovled where this can negated, but work with the local law on this because if he is saying he is with a dept he is probably impersonating.
If you call the phone company with the date and time of the call and tell them its related to a police report. They will give the number to the PD. and log it as harrasment.
ISU_Cyclone said:
I thought it was *69
*69 recalls the last number, if it's not blocked. Caller ID kind of killed the need for it.

*59 is call trace, even if the number is blocked, the phone company can still get it, and log it for their records.
You can also advise him that such and such has moved away and here is his phone number *************. give him the number of the police chief or the mayor :D :D
I'm just guessing but it sounds like this would be someone you know just dicking with you. Nothing else really makes since. Does someone really think they are going to get over on you by call you at midnight on a weekend about an application you filled out two years ago?
Just throwing this out there but was the call from a soundboard? Officer riviera is the LEO on the YouTube videos recorded using unnssary force against kids and there a ton of prank calls using quotes from the YouTube videos like "I am Officer..RIVIERA" check it out on youtube

HFD eng1ine said:
Just throwing this out there but was the call from a soundboard? Officer riviera is the LEO on the YouTube videos recorded using unnssary force against kids and there a ton of prank calls using quotes from the YouTube videos like "I am Officer..RIVIERA" check it out on youtube


WOW!!!! Can someone say JACKASS!
kinnelonfire75 said:
I tried dialing both numbers *59 and *57 after calling my cell from my house phone and neither did the trace...
Try the opposite, it's a land-line thing I think, not a cell phone thing. Be careful doing it though, it actually reports the call as abuse, but does not give you the number.
The guy in the video's! You're cool "DUDE!!!" Anyhow it turns out it was all actually legit, he just called me tonight about 2 minutes ago, and i got a badge number and name, called dispatch and they said it was legit. So i'm going out there Friday for 3rd shift they want me to come in and meet everyone and then we'll be discussing swat training among other stuff!
Which dept would have an officer/recruiter call at midnight, (and on a weekend nonetheless) and hang up/disconnect more than once- without a callback immediately to apologize?
No shit, this guy seems to be involved in a lot of drama. Plus why do they want you to come in and meet everyone and talk about SWAT? Does the SWAT suck that bad they are looking for non police, possible recruits to fill slots???? just sayin ...
TNFF412N said:
No shit, this guy seems to be involved in a lot of drama. Plus why do they want you to come in and meet everyone and talk about SWAT? Does the SWAT suck that bad they are looking for non police, possible recruits to fill slots???? just sayin ...

Probably, its a small ass town 40 miles away, i'm not too interested to be honest. :roll:

And he did call back once he got disconnected, it was a while after though. :?
Fast LT1 said:
Probably, its a small ass town 40 miles away, i'm not too interested to be honest. :roll:

And he did call back once he got disconnected, it was a while after though. :?

Might be different near you, but usually when it's a small town, they don't worry about trying to fill a SWAT team with their 10 officers. My area uses regional teams a lot....and each department usually has 1 or 2 guys on it...

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