What do you refer to the dispatcher as?

No idea why this thread was locked up.. but..

some fire agencies local to here call dispatch "control" (not command)
My department is kind of unusual in that we are only supposed to speak with the dispatcher, so we just need to identify ourselves on the air. For example if I am marking out on a traffic stop I just say "4i23 traffic". When dispatch acknowledges, I give the details. If I need to raise my sergeant for a phone call, I say "4i23, can you have 4i10 call me". We aren't supposed to conversate with anyone but dispatch... but if its a fluid situation we just get on the air and talk to each other, "Rob, got him inside come around back"
Crayon Eater....O you mean over the radio. Fire Dept is "Central". Work is "Base"
At my full time police gig, we refer to dispatch as the actual city name. At my part time department, the town uses the county PD dispatch, and we call them by the state locality number.
Seeing as how I work in dispatch, I'm aware of the many different euphamisms that are used to refer to us. lol. My fulltime job is usually Headquarters, or dispatch. My parttime job, units usually call us by county name or base.

On the Firefighter side, we're dispatched by 3 different agencies, so it depends on which one calls. Either "911" if the county 911 center does it, the county name if it's the local EMA, or "PD" if the city dispatches us. Talk about a cluster.
At home, it's "dispatch;" back in the day it was "fire control." At school, it's the radio's callsign: KNEH 858, or "858."
PD: the county name

FD: dispatch, with station 1 (also has a radio room) being fire control if used for 'command' traffic (for example: 'fire control, we are back in service, where do you need this unit?' vs 'station one, have the capt call us at the er')
When I'm working, I (we) are referred to as one of the following:




(City we are located in)

Sheriff's Office


SO (City we are located in)

Initials of Dept

My First Name

My Last Name

My Nickname

My Badge Number

One of my other nicknames

When I'm calling in to my dispatch (VFF/EMS) I call:


Initials of Dept


Dispatcher's first name

Dispatcher's 3 digit call number.
my county has a central dispatch center for LE and fire/ems. They handle county pd, state pd and a few towns. The LE side goes by "RECOM" pronounced "ree-comm" (short for regional communications) and fire/ems simply goes by "fire board". Different dispatchers cover the various terminals but are all within a few feet of each other.
For my FD/EMS we call dispatch "Neptune" since thats the town name and the PD handles dispatch.

At my PD we call them "Belmar" since that is the name of the town that handles our dispatch.
dcfrmp255 said:
Where I'm from we call them "radio".
I cant believe no one quoted this RADIO I LOVE IT

Mac: Come in Radio.

Farva: Don't call me Radio, Unit 91.

Mac: Don't call me Unit 91, Radio.

Farva: ...Are we done?

Mac: Yeah okay Radio. We got a suspicious vehicle, White Caprice, Vermont Plates, Tijuana, Gringo, Oner, Fiver, Zero

Farva: Roger, checking...Unit 91 that license plate belongs to a local Spurburry police vehicle.

Mac: It does?! OH MY GOD!!!

Farva: ...Very funny 91.

But The town i volly in we call them Central

and the college i volly at we call them Miccom
Back home my department self-dispatches, so we use our department number: 540.

Down here we use centralized dispatch in the county, so it's "central".
Always, always, always use the name of the location where the dispatch center is. We have dispatch consoles in all the fire houses and during events they are manned by us to reduce the pressure that would be created on the dispatch center. Of course only to handle fire-side events. Such as tomorrow's santa detail we will have one member in each radio room answering phones, etc so that the people that would call 911 to say that they missed santa (yes, they have done it) would call us instead. Then we would contact the appropriate Santa.
I don't refer to them as anything. If I want them to answer me, I just say my badge number and nothing else, and they will respond.
At home we use "County," at school we use "central."
County, Sandusky County or 7200 the counties in Ohio are numbered. Sandusky County is 72. Dispatch is 7200, the Sheriff is 7201 on down the numbers ETC)
sbparkcop said:
At my full time police gig, we refer to dispatch as the actual city name. At my part time department, the town uses the county PD dispatch, and we call them by the state locality number.

Same here at my PD job we call our dispatch Cameron "which is the county which i am in" And at my Volly fire dept we call it by the name of the city which is Edinburg
County 911 center is referred to as "Orange 911" which is the name of the county and since it's the 911 center..

Village is "594"

County used to be 36-control but with NIMS compliance (what I was told) they had to switch to a different name.
"York" (Name of our county)

Example: "York, Engine 63-1 responding"
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At the ambulance service it is "Med-Comm" I'm with TNFF412N for VFD its "Comm Center" since we are in the same county......and like most everyone else off the air, it is a whole lot more funa nd colorful
here in ct it is weird. Middlesex county FD there is Valley Shores,KX,Middletown Control,Control 3,Control 9. KX and Valley Shore Also Dispatch for New London County Dept as well as Tolland county. Then there is Stations Like Groton Fire Alarm and Station WW AKA Willamantic Switch Willimantic used to be an actual Switch board that Handled Fire Calls.

on the Rail Side Amtrak were i am there is The shoreline Dispacher,and the New London Dispatcher Shore line Covers from the Division Post in new haven to About mystic or so but if the New london desk is on they cover Conn river to about mystic. new haven it is Metro North RTC District G

at work Meters Services is East and west Dispatch the Power Delivery is called the Station in shelton but Each Sub is also a Station Example West River Station to the Station. All out Subs can Act as mini Dispatch points as needed
If its the county dispatching our ambulance, we call them broome (broome county). If its the university police dispatching us, which it is unless its mutual aid or an off campus request, we call them SUNY.
My PD, everybody has a unit id and dispatch just calls us,

Dispatch: (unit id) (Type of Call)

(unit id): His/Her current Location

(unit id): His/Her current Location

Dispatch: Call notes and location of call

(unit id): Copy/ or Copy; Code 3

(unit id): Copy/ or Copy; Code 3

Dispatch: time stamp

So we never refer to dispatch as anything they just call us or we call them such as a traffic stop

(Unit id): Traffic

DispatchL 701

(unit id): His loation/ a plate details

Dispatch: time stamp

Unit id is what ever shift your on and your seniority, for example graves is team 7 and if i'm the last person in seniority then i would be 709

I hope that, that makes some since
My home county we refer to them as the county name. I work as a dispatcher in a neighboring county and they refer to us as the county name, county, or control.
mcpd2025 said:
My department is kind of unusual in that we are only supposed to speak with the dispatcher, so we just need to identify ourselves on the air. For example if I am marking out on a traffic stop I just say "4i23 traffic". When dispatch acknowledges, I give the details. If I need to raise my sergeant for a phone call, I say "4i23, can you have 4i10 call me". We aren't supposed to conversate with anyone but dispatch... but if its a fluid situation we just get on the air and talk to each other, "Rob, got him inside come around back"

We do it like this too. I'm a dispatcher and if an officer needs to talk to us they just give their unit number. And if we need them we just call their unit number. We don't do any kind of "Central to <xyz>" or "<xyz> to central" stuff here.
depends on where yourat around here.

everything in coffeecounty is "coffee county to xxx unit"

moore county is "county"

here in bedford county...

Shelbyville PD is 421

county SO is 388

county jail office is "bedford county"

City fire is 907

county fire is 706

Meat wagons use "comm center"

Spd has its own dispatcher Jail officehas its own dispatcher ( or rather a person with a handheld) Comm center does everything else and has a staff of 2

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