Whelen CanTrol...??

i think it's a really cool concept, but in terms of how many departments or ppl will buy it for functionactily, i don't think that it'll be something that catches on widespread. The only time that i personally can think of an officer maybe needing to use the remote to operate the lights/sirens is if he/she is pinned in an altercation with a suspect, and the officer wants to scare the suspect by thinking that backup units are arriving. Other than that, I personally am not sure that I'd see a need for remote access to a patrol car other than how K-9 handlers have remotes for the cages on their vehicles and maybe an officer running to his vehicle for extra firepower in an emergency and opening the gunlock as he gets closer to his unit (to save a few seconds by having it open once he/she gets there). Again, this is just my opinion. ;)
I would assume the "Can" part of this would likely point to some type of Canbus system that is controlling the lights and sirens. Can anyone "in the know" confirm or deny that? Sorry if Canbus systems have been around in previous Whelen products, like WeCan and I just haven't really had that dawn on me.
I believe the remote control on that charger was put in for show purposes. H.A. would be able to confirm this. I believe it was just to show the potential functionality of a totally synched system. I too could put a remote control on my vehicle to turn on lights and sirens, just don't have a need for it, and I would assume most people wouldn't have the need for it.
C17LVFD said:
Has anyone heard anything new on the CanTrol?? I talked to 54ward today, and their new "Light Commander" http://www.54ward.com/lightcommander.html they told me has been made for the FS SS2000, Code 3 RLS, Whelen MPC, CenCom & CanTrol systems.


Call and ask your local rep for details or request a demo. There are full CanTrol demo cars floating around out there. All I have to say is DAYUM! The things this will do is incredible!
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When I visited Whelen's NH plant, they had a demo CVPI with the CanTrol system; that car is on the front of their catalog. They took the car to the CT plant the day before I got there, though.

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