Triton, for goodness sake, you better figure out how to sell some stuff before you start dreaming too much more. The dream fairy is going to start charging you interest on all that.
I like the UFO term. I thought i had it licked explaining "big blocks of light" but the last cars we got still had 2 split avengers in the back instead of solid. changed back by someone because "it looks better"
I like the UFO term. I thought i had it licked explaining "big blocks of light" but the last cars we got still had 2 split avengers in the back instead of solid. changed back by someone because "it looks better"
Yup it looks better lol. When we went to get the last vehicle up fitted the installer was talking about split light heads like they were the best thing invented since ....... well you fill in the blanks.
after 2 days off im at work today then get 2 more days off. all next week I get to play boss and get his pay. which is $5 an hour more that I make now! woo hoo. got to build savings back up after the holidays.