Carlos SpicyWeiner's STILL Never-Ending Comment Contest

*middle finger* Hahaha...... not for me. Stayed up late zeroing a couple of patrol rifles. Ugh... I'm still not awake.
ok  post lunch coma :sleepy:
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I keep debating in my head if I'd add the other Amber. But the more I look at it, the more I like it.
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im a sucker for symmetry, and that single amber just looks out of place amidst the beautiful blue


can i just reiterate how much i dont like getting up before the sun?  mom wants me to weedeat at her 2 houses when i get off work so i had to load up a change of clothes, extra water, the weedeater, string, and extra gas into the car this morning before i even thought about getting ready for work this morning.
Here for my 2 day week! Gotta love it
<--- Sick of working.  I'm on day 7 of 17. Over it already. :drooling:
We're switching to the new shifts..... I got to work 4 days but not the benefit of 4 off as this weekend I start on the day of the new cycle..... At least it's 2 days off.

The new cycle I have leaves less days I a row but more off during the week. So I don't work 6 days straight max of 4 now
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I won Houston Rodeo tickets once.
Was it a $2 ticket? LMAO
last day of this jobs work week... i do 20 hours this weekend at the old job... plus i have 5 - 7 yards to mow when im not at work.

surprise, surprise the shooter yesterday was inspired by ISIS in AMERICA Chattanooga is 100 miles from me.
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I want to know the weapon details. Thanks to friggin' Clinton my fellow service members can't be armed. When I was active duty, I was also a reserve police officer and had permission from my command staff to carry anywhere on base. I have always carried everywhere.... no matter what. Unless it was a federal building or something. I will never be without a weapon.
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1 sidearm a rifle of 5.56 caliber and a shotgun is what's being reported
I won this contest once and never got a prize. :(
over $150 voucher that you declined on a product. Two others did get it and took advantage of it though.  
Taser re-cert today..... now at 5'11" and 170 pounds with only a 32" waist, I have yet another thing to add to my belt. Ugh..... I'm too old for this sh*t.

Before long I'm going back to old school..... Gun, reloads, handcuffs, and a hand made Hickory straight baton.

"Look dumba**, you're under arrest and I carry 3 tools. It's your choice which of the 3 are used."
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In east central Louisiana, ice cream is a fantasy we see in pictures from up north. The only two things I hate about being back down south are the heat and the mosquitoes. My nice heavy gunbelt keeps me from being carried away by the bugs.
Taser re-cert today..... now at 5'11" and 170 pounds with only a 32" waist, I have yet another thing to add to my belt. Ugh..... I'm too old for this sh*t.

Before long I'm going back to old school..... Gun, reloads, handcuffs, and a hand made Hickory straight baton.

"Look dumba**, you're under arrest and I carry 3 tools. It's your choice which of the 3 are used."

Some many years ago, I was faced with the same situation. I eventually found that it was easiest to buy a larger duty belt as each extra accessory was added, then eat more to fill up the extra space with body fat.

I went from a 32" waist and 160 lbs to a 44" waist and 235 lbs. Fortunately, I did not have to add another piece to the belt before I retired. New gunbelts were getting expensive as were new clothes and new body armor. 
im having "one of those days"

I don't see why companys make everything shitty nowadays.

I JUST bought a brand new weedeater last month. I was at a house trimming today 1 of 2 I had to get done but I couldne even finish the first due to the fact the damn thing just started running rough and then bogged down and died. I wasn't cutting thick or tall grass. I cranked and cranked and cranked on the damn thing until I got wore out. I went back to the house drained all the fuel out of, cheked the plug and checked the air filter. ( al were fine as should be considering its friggin brand new)  I got pissed went to go eat and come back thinking maybe it had a gotten too hot or maybe all the moisture in the atmosphere was making run rough. I go get some chinesee food and come back to the house...

I go back to the weedeater fill it back up with gas and low and behold the sumbitch works. so I go back to the house I was weedeating at. the thing ran for about 3 minutes and then BOOM!. head locked up.

now im having to call every damn tractor supply around here to try and find another one because the one here in town. "is not getting anymore lawn equipment in for the rest of the year". WTF!!!

Ive called 2 stores in the next big city over from me where I was talking to a guy who sounded like he knew what I was talking, he says "let me go look for you" so he puts me on hold. 30 seconds later this girl answers can I help you. I told her I was on hold for a guy that was helping me out and she asks "let me transfer you to that department" im thinking uh ok....

so this next girl answers Bethany... this is Bethany can I help you... I told her the same thing I had told the guy. she stumbels with words for about 30 seconds then says "I don't know anything about weedeaters... (buy this time Im cussing this idiot out in my head, then why the fuck are you working at tractor supply!!!!!!!!!!!!!) college kids don't need to be working at TSC if they don't know what they are doing. I tell her can you put me back with the MAN I was talking to who was doing his job.

so I was hold. for about 4 minutes and hung up.

then I called their other store where I got another guy who knew what he was talking about. told me he was out of weedeaters until TUESDAY.   

I guess I will be mowing all the yards I have to mow tomorrow and then try to find time after work to weedeat them after I leave work in one town drive an hour to see if they actually got them in TUESDAY because nobody in this town (walmart, lowes, TSC, and the friggin CUB CADET DEALER) has any weedeaters...
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that wont be till 10pm tonight. im @ work till then...

on a tad lighter note. Ant man was better then id thought it be... which isn't saying much.

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