Carlos SpicyWeiner's STILL Never-Ending Comment Contest

Well the vending machine guy finally came in and re-stocked the machine in city hall  :D  ..... I almost never eat sweets (maybe a few times a year) and today I'm craving cookies. So I excitedly and happily skip over to the vending machine (well, almost skipped)  :fangirl:   .... it won't take any coins whatsoever  :eyebrowhuh:   .... so I storm into the court clerk office and demand a solution  :hissyfit:   .... she hands me a paper dollar  :lightbulb:    ..... so I go back to the machine (walking this time) and insert said dollar  :thumbsup:   .... IT TOOK IT!!!! YAY!!!  :celebrate:   ...... punch in the number for the cookies..... "Make other selection"  :angry:   ......WTH?!?!?!..... So I decided on some other cookies and punched in those numbers..... "Make other selection"  :Banghead:   ..... WHISKEY TANGO FOXTROT?!??!?.... It was almost shots fired.   :badday:   :whiteflag:
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lmfao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I literally started laughing when I read shots were almost fired!!!
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Chats down, lifes over.

Checking in for 12...  4 OT and then my regular 22-06...  Closing has been pushed AGAIN, but this time only a day...  lol  So Friday Morning everything should be all said and done...  
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left for home from work yesterday and washed the ride.

then got my new weedeater out of the trunk, took the "d handle" off the new one and put my better handle on it, then my bump head shaft from the previous weedeater because apparently bumos are a thing of the past....

then weedeated 3 yards. went to go to my GFs Lunch and the car didnt want to start. it was acting like the computer was messed up again. ( i had to replace my cars computer 2 years ago because for some reason it bit the dust during an oil change....) all the car was getting was +12v to the starter. looks like ill be searching ebay for another one as a back up in case...
well of course I get toned out for the big fire yesterday for support, of course it comes as I am getting out of work around rush hour... even with lights it would have taken me a half hour to forty five minutes to get there....... missed that call :hissyfit:
the downside to working for a dual purpose EMS agency, ie 911/transports: as my partner for the night couldnt drive, and we had runs back to back to back: i literally drove for about 12 1/2 hours of my 14 hr shift.

yea yea i know for you truck drivers thats zilch, but im used to drive, get out, be out a bit, drive, etc.

im zonked :crazy:
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Reports, reports and more reports....... AND NO DAMNED COOKIES!!!!!!!!!!!  :explode:
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Reports, reports and more reports....... AND NO DAMNED COOKIES!!!!!!!!!!!  :explode:
we had a nice pharmaceutical  rep bring us lunch today, and there were cookies......   :woot:
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i donf want to awake right , please check back later

Guess which finger I'm showing you....... HAHA
If it helps, I didn't have any cookies this morning, so I ended up with a baggie of Wheat Thins in my lunch box instead.

But I did buy some Reeses peanut butter cups to make up for that.
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havent even gotten into work and already have been advised my 12 has turned into 15hrs


last day of the work week for the new job... back in the shack tommorow
Soooooooo....... The devil is a tranny??  :squint:
If I am, that means gay Gods DO exist!  LMAO......

On another note, where is the best place to buy new suction cups for windshield brackets?? I need some.
Yea but I like to have extras. I've ordered a few used lights and will be mounting some other old stuff I have that is missing them..... so the stuff I ordered may not have them all and I need more anyway.  So there. Hah! :razz:
get the 3m lock tape, all snaps in place and the heat doesn't cause the cups to pop off the windshield
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Apparently it is freaking Mars day on the Facebook groups. Guy 2 hours north of me found this...

[Broken External Image]:

Yes that is a Mars Model 22 ArrowFlash that it is mounted on....

And another member just posted this SpectraSystem...

[Broken External Image]:
Damn. At least I find comfort knowing i have that msp led beacon inbound....

..still tho I'll take those any day!
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