Carlos SpicyWeiner's STILL Never-Ending Comment Contest

Back to the grind again...  

Closing on the house got pushed for the 6th damn time...  Now its supposedly on or before the 23rd...  I'm really getting tired of this shit...  

On a better not, I finally upgraded my Clear Feniex Fairys with Dual Color (B/W) Feniex Cannon 360s this weekend...  I took a couple quick lower quality vids...  I'll take better ones this week...

Blue Warning:

looks good boulder! I got around to installing some lights in my new truck... still need some suggestion's
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Boulder slow the blue only pattern down as slow as it'll go
I'm stuck alone in the shop the rest of the week... trying to build shelves and I have zero energy because of my diet.  I should have one complete unit built today and all I got is two of the 5 shelves done in one unit :(
Too bad you aren't closer to PC. Could be a good volunteer opportunity for my guys.
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Gotta get that warehouse time in
Checking back in for 12...  Nothing on the agenda...  I thought about bringing my 2 flat-tops in and tearing them down and possibly making the 36" into something to sell...  But it was too hot to go diggin for my stuff...  lol  Maybe tomorrow...  lol

Boulder slow the blue only pattern down as slow as it'll go
I like the double flash...  The single didn't look right...  I might play around with it on my days off...  

I got a night and day vid of them now too...  

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I think you missed out.

When I stopped by TSC today, I asked for Bethany and was introduced to her. She is a VERY attractive young lady. Single and working at TSC, and at another part time summer job, to help pay her own way through law school.  

I explained that I had read what you had written. She said she had only put you on hold so that she could find a pen to write down your number so she could call you after she got off work and that maybe you could teach her about weedeaters and such. When she returned to the phone, you were no longer there. 


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strange... i never find girls working at tsc to pay their way through school. now that I think about it.. the only place i know girls work to pay their way through school is hooters or strip clubs.... 
strange... i never find girls working at tsc to pay their way through school. now that I think about it.. the only place i know girls work to pay their way through school is hooters or strip clubs.... 

I guess it has a lot to do with where a person spends their disposable time.
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in for my first of 5 12s for the week. ugh
That's it?? I'm on day 12 (I think) of a 17 day stretch of 12's...... Not going to lie about liking the overtime, but ...... I'm gettin' too old fer dis sh*t.
That's it?? I'm on day 12 (I think) of a 17 day stretch of 12's...... Not going to lie about liking the overtime, but ...... I'm gettin' too old fer dis sh*t.
ive done my share of those

how old are you?
here for 8, and I want to strangle incompetent :-x   lazy ass co-workers already! :poke:

I think you missed out.

When I stopped by TSC today, I asked for Bethany and was introduced to her. She is a VERY attractive young lady. Single and working at TSC, and at another part time summer job, to help pay her own way through law school.  

I explained that I had read what you had written. She said she had only put you on hold so that she could find a pen to write down your number so she could call you after she got off work and that maybe you could teach her about weedeaters and such. When she returned to the phone, you were no longer there. 



plus my GF might get mad.... 

strange... i never find girls working at tsc to pay their way through school. now that I think about it.. the only place i know girls work to pay their way through school is hooters or strip clubs.... 

Murfreesboro is a college town. there is one large college and several other vo tech/ college type schools there.

there only 1 hooters and a localized chain called toots. No strip clubs. (im in the bible belt remember... :) )

so they all work at everywhere else.

Ive got the weedeater, receipt and the goody bag that came with it in my car. im heading to the other store (the one bethany isnt at) when i get off work to swap out or upgrade.  then i have my EMA meeting tongiht
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ive done my share of those

how old are you?
I'm almost 36.... Bartender, Army, oil field, LE, VFD.... it's been a rough 36 years. That and my Dad used to say it all the time and it kind of rubbed off on me. I just like to b*tch a lot.  :haha:
dont get me started on my list of jobs... im still closer to 35 then 36 but only for 3 more months.. then the scale tips the other way...
I have you both beat. I am closer to 72 than 73. I cannot possibly remember all the jobs that I have had - especially the first 35 years. The last 36 would be easier to recall, however my short term and long term memory are not what they used to be. It is hard enough to recall yesterday's activities, let alone further back.

I just added some things to my storefront, but I can't recall right now what they were. I think I will go back to TSC and hit on Bethany. 
Hmm,,,,, The first 35 years plus the last 36 years equal only 71. I am 72. I must have forgotten all about one year somewhere along the line. I wonder what I missed?
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I'm almost 36.... Bartender, Army, oil field, LE, VFD.... it's been a rough 36 years. That and my Dad used to say it all the time and it kind of rubbed off on me. I just like to b*tch a lot. :haha:
to each their own: however in my early days, as a snot nosed newb in the fire service; before the Army, and god knows how many jobs; i made the mistake of making that statement (im getting too old...) around my once, now late, Asst Chief, who at 67 was there rolling 5in with the rest of us. He politely, if ever so forcefully, proceeded to crack me in the back of my head.

Ive sinced dropped the phrase, if only

out of respect for those who have done what we do for double (if not longer) the amount of time and still crack on.

I understand it was a phrase your father used, so in no way am I knocking your statement: just food for thought though :thumbsup:
Some of the stuff I do, I AM too old for .... that's why I have rookies and a car.

And my grandfather was still working in the hay fields at 90.... I come from tough stock.
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going back, my record was 36 days in a row without a day off, I was in nursing school round one Monday-Friday8-3, Monday-Friday afternoon/evenings I taught music lessons, Fridays after teaching along with Saturdays and Sunday nights I worked security and still had my squad duty nights Friday night for an overnight 6 hour shift and Saturdays the same.
My first year as a mechanic in the oil field I worked 364 Days..... had off Christmas. Thankfully I do that no more.
went to the TSC in the boro yesterday to get the new weedeater swapped out for a better one plus a lil extra $$$

then went to monthly HAM meeting at the EMA office.

today i was supposed to ride with the courier to see this colleges other campuses, and to see how they do their job. instead im manning a phone, have i ever mentioned how i dont "deal" with phones... i have a cell phone for texting. not calling.  :D
since 230 this morning, my squad partner also is on fire in town, out of all our districts, his was not called out. He's bummed lol
I found that I most appreciate firefighters long about suppertime. They can cook a mean meal....
Heh. Fire always have SCBA's.... since I usually beat fire to the scene, I go in alone when it's necessary..... but without the protective gear.

And yes, I'm also a FF.

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