Carlos SpicyWeiner's STILL Never-Ending Comment Contest

no.. 8 t3's total in the vehicle for total warning. The forest service doesn't typically do alot of responding and enforcement so their vehicle budget is pretty thin. 
Ah, misunderstood that.  I get the budget thing, install I did for a rural dept in my county had the same issue. Lights needing replaced with something that worked on a 23yo engine.  Single T3 is all they wanted to spend money for. 
just tracked down and tested 15 aeds in 9 buildings....

fun fun.
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Now that was a total dad joke. But funny as hell. 
no, i didnt have to shave my chest hair to test it....

when you take the batteries out and then put them back in, it does a "self check" 
it has a power button, an "i" and the shock button.

the i is for information, it starts spitting out statements when you press that...

as soon as you take the battery out and put it back in it says " if there is an emergency press the power button now" then it goes... "self test in progress" then it says testing about 10 times and then says status is good.
Ah. I see. So I found an old primer colored typhoon. Think it was one of the first I got.
why wouldnt it be...?
Now I don't believe the newB's are reading all the pages prior to postin in this here contest of contests.....
Watched a local fair parade last night. Observations-

1. A fire truck came thru with the front synced perfectly. The back was a nightmare.

2. A hot air balloon company had a basket on display and was demonstrating the firing. Looked impressive but I have no plans to ever fly with the company. The operator had no idea about overhead safety. Keep firing the thing while driving under overhead wires. [emoji85]
SPEAKING of parade.... Anyone here from the NJ/NY/PA area attending the Sussex county NJ fireman's parade Saturday, weather pending?
My Friday today. Spent last night's shift in the backup PSAP....which is below the jail. Back at primary today. Wonder what the new Motorola Centracom consoles will look like.....
Free stuff is good. Fever, get tired of looking at something on the shelf for me! Get it the hell outta that valuable space and stock it with something new!
its friday... for this job...

lowes had a contractors appreciation day and we got free lunch... even though we arent contractors.... 
Free shipping on next order anyone?
winners don't use drugs and druggies never win....
I've been thinking of wiring An L31 perm version with a cig plug. I'd like the cruise to come on when plugged into outlet, then Warn by the switch><

woke up around 8am cause my spider senses started tingling.... sure enough a few seconds later I hear "rescue squad has been notified"

so I threw on some clothes jumped in the car and drove to the hall.

after that I went to one of the stops for the "Jack and Back" ride and hung out there till the checkpoint closed...  now im at work.
just another day in paradise, livin the nightmare
well good morning to all!!!  nice not being sick, little one gave me her virus... grrrr lol

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