Councilman wants EMS to run through gunfire

surf_kat said:
Is this aimed at me?

No. He's got a hard-on for me about this, as I posted that I dealt with a moderator issue from LBN when I was at work and now seems to think I do nothing but sit on my ass in front of the computer at work. Like I'm the only person in the world that has done personal stuff on company time. :roll: He feels the need to throw it out there when he's losing an argument, kindof like the name calling, which he did for quite a while, but hasn't. However, he's the only one making issue of it, someone in computer land who doesnt' even know me. Surprisingly :eek: , it hasn't ever been brought up by supervisors. I wonder if that's because it's not happening, hmmmm? :? That is, except in "stendecalopolis."

I think it might be too, holding a grudge, as he was banned from LBN for a pissing match he got in with me once. Apparently, you're fine until you start with the personal threats. :roll:

As to the weather statement, I mentioned in another post that our chief tells us to stay at the station unless responding to a CFS during blizzards, due to safety, visibility, and possibility of damage to vehicles, or getting them stuck. He weilds that sabre around too, like he's some sort of internet warrior. :roll:

Oh, and to say it best. :roll:

Stendec said:
Does anyone really, seriously think that personal attacks on me by anonymous typists on the internet are really going to have any sort of impact? Why waste the effort even pecking them out?
surf_kat said:
I was disappointed with the various news articles posted. Few met the criteria of 'waiting for police to secure the scene'. There were several ambushes, at least one that was attributed to an ex-husband, etc.

Here is one that fits the criteria and infact the paramedic went into a hostile environment to aid the police officers who were shot. In return, he is shot and becomes the most critical of all three. ... =1&id=1632

Is this aimed at me? Here's my office:

By no means - while me may disagree on this point, you will NEVER hear me disparage the work done by you guys in the hinterlands. But we both know that they are plenty of cops and agencies that have pretty low standards, and a lot of cops who spend more effort trying to find excuses for failure than ways to win.
Okay, I know I am very late to this party, but I need help understanding this concept.

Let’s suppose a paramedic enters an unsecured building with an active shooter. After entering the building, the paramedic observes a bleeding patient on the floor. While the paramedic kneels down to assist the bleeding patient, the active shooter comes around the corner, and shoots the paramedic. Now, instead of one bleeding patient, you have two.

How is the first bleeding patient going to receive any help from the paramedic now that the paramedic has become a second bleeding patient? What’s next? Another paramedic enters the unsecured building, and becomes a third bleeding patient?

What have you really accomplished by failing to stage to allow law enforcement to secure the building first? Now instead of being concerned with just one bleeding patient, and one shooter, you have multiple bleeding patients who still must wait for law enforcement to neutralize the threat before those bleeding patients can be treated. :|
Pursuit said:
Okay, I know I am very late to this party, but I need help understanding this concept.

Let’s suppose a paramedic enters an unsecured building with an active shooter. After entering the building, the paramedic observes a bleeding patient on the floor. While the paramedic kneels down to assist the bleeding patient, the active shooter comes around the corner, and shoots the paramedic. Now, instead of one bleeding patient, you have two.

How is the first bleeding patient going to receive any help from the paramedic now that the paramedic has become a second bleeding patient? What’s next? Another paramedic enters the unsecured building, and becomes a third bleeding patient?

What have you really accomplished by failing to stage to allow law enforcement to secure the building first? Now instead of being concerned with just one bleeding patient, and one shooter, you have multiple bleeding patients who still must wait for law enforcement to neutralize the threat before those bleeding patients can be treated. :|


However, we're not only/really talking active shooter. That's a case where staging is now trained to NOT happen (mainly in the case of LEO). It's moreso directed at a domestic, or fight, where there are possibly/confirmed injured, but LEO is not yet on scene, so the scene is not fully secure/safe.

While this doesn't exactly apply here, I think it does too in a way. As written on Note #2. :| You'd think a 'training officer' would know all these by heart and not disregard them. :?

10 fatal errors that have killed experienced officers

Submitted by:

PoliceOne Staff

You may have seen this before in one form or another, but we believe it’s important to reiterate these critical, life-saving points.

1. Lack of focus. If you fail to keep your mind on the job while on patrol or you carry your “home” problems into the field with you, you will start to make errors. That can cost you of fellow officers their lives.

2. Tombstone courage. No one doubts that you’re a cop. But in any situation where time allows, WAIT for backup. There are few instances where you should try to make a dangerous apprehension alone and unaided.

3. Lack of sleep. To do your job you’ve got to be alert. Being asleep on the job is not only against regulations, but it puts yourself, the community and fellow officers at risk. Get the sleep you need.

4. Taking a bad position. Never let anyone you’re questioning or about to stop get in a better position than you and your vehicle. There is no such thing as a routine call or stop.

5. Missing or ignoring danger signs. As a police officer, you will get to recognize “danger signs” — things that tweak your “cop sense” like strange movements, hinky cars, warnings that should alert you to the fact that you should watch your step and approach with caution.

6. Failure to watch the hands. Is a suspect reaching for a weapon or getting ready to strike you? Watch the hands...they’re where attacks stem from.

7. Relaxing too soon. Constant false alarms can cause you to let your guard down. Don’t. It could be deadly.

8. Improper or no cuffing. Once you’ve made an arrest, cuff your prisoner properly. Be sure the hands that can kill you are safely cuffed.

9. No search or poor search. Your failure to properly and thoroughly search a suspect is a tremendous failure to meet your sworn responsibility to keep your community and fellow officers safe. Take the time to search...and search WELL.

10. Dirty of inoperative weapon. Is your weapon clean? Is it functioning properly? How about your ammo? When’s the last time you qualified? Can you stop an aggressor’s action and defend yourself and others?

Stendec said:
...a lot of cops who spend more effort trying to find excuses for failure than ways to win.

And the biggest failure of all that you can't make excuses for is dying stupidly.
Guy, the Ten Deadly Errors have been around a lot longer than the internet, and note that they are just that, errors.

Actually READ #2: "When time allows." That means when somebody's life depends on you and it's time to go in, you go in. It doesn't say that there are NO situations you don't take on by yourself.

Here's another nugget for you, from the original Calibre Press' Street Survival program: SOS-NBA.

As a training officer, I think maybe you are better off hanging in the station as much as possible. You'll be "safe," and out of the way. Just don't forget that roughly %25 of cops killed are murdered in their stations, so glance up off the computer every once in awhile.

As you are the requester of citations for information, please tell me where it says that 25% of cops die in the station. If this is true, how many of these were due to violence?
charlie82 said:

As you are the requester of citations for information, please tell me where it says that 25% of cops die in the station. If this is true, how many of these were due to violence?

Go to:

Then click on Reports & Publications, which will take you to:

Go to the bottom of the page, where it has the "On Statistics" section.

Click on the third link down:

Everything you want to know about how cops get killed each year is there. Knock yourself out. Look in each years' report for tables like "circumstances" and "location". Get a calculator, and crunch the numbers yourself. Read the narrative on each killing.
cory y said:
Public safety is all about RISK MITIGATION. (Or however you spell it). it is an inheriantly dangerous career, no matter what particular field you choose.

The goals of law enforcement is this, and in this order and no other order.




Goals of Fire protection is



Goals of EMS


The order cannot change.

Also notice that protect life is always job one.

And the order of protecting life is:


2 YOUR PARTNER. (Be it a fellow officer, emt, or ff)


A dead cop, ff, or emt can't help somebody else

You forgot one...

RoboCop's Objectives....

1. Serve the public trust

2. Protect the Innocent

3. Uphold the Law

4. Any attempt to arrest a senior officer of OCP reults in shutdown

Stendec said:
Good for him - it's time somebody stated the obvious. Life comes with risk, sometimes you've got to cowboy up and do the right thing, and if that isn't for you, find something more suitable for an occupation, like appliance sales. And it isn't an EMT thing: cops, firefighters, Coast Guard, AF PJs, high angle rescue types, should have known when they signed up that there isn't any guarantee that you won't get hurt or killed. It comes with the territory, and if someone doesn't like the territory, they need to move.

The public pays us to lay it on the line for them. It isn't heroics, or stupidity, it's our job.

How many EMTs are killed by gunmen at the scene of a crime every year? How many are killed in traffic accidents going to or coming from a call?

Statement retracted. I don't feel like fighting today.
Stendec said:
Go to:

Then click on Reports & Publications, which will take you to:

Go to the bottom of the page, where it has the "On Statistics" section.

Click on the third link down:

Just crunched numbers for 2006-2008. Not even close to 25% of officers were feloniously killed in the station. Unless I didnt see the data (show me the EXACT data). Seems pretty dumb to provide sources that dont back you up.

Everything you want to know about how cops get killed each year is there. Knock yourself out. Look in each years' report for tables like "circumstances" and "location". Get a calculator, and crunch the numbers yourself. Read the narrative on each killing.
Stendec said:
Go to:

Then click on Reports & Publications, which will take you to:

Go to the bottom of the page, where it has the "On Statistics" section.

Click on the third link down:

Everything you want to know about how cops get killed each year is there. Knock yourself out. Look in each years' report for tables like "circumstances" and "location". Get a calculator, and crunch the numbers yourself. Read the narrative on each killing.

Explain to me exactly where you see this, because I found this little gem

It says from 98 to 07 there were 549 officers killed, now looking through the only subject I see that even remotely could fit with being "at the station" is the 16 that were killed "Handling, transporting, or custody of prisoner" so I would guess it is possible that one was killed in the jail while maintaining custody of the prisoner.

Now I know your slow so Im going to spell it out for you the 16 (which is an over exageration as it specifically states transporting, aka not in the station) divided by the total of 549 does not remotely equal 25 percent. It actually equals roughly 3 percent and since you will probably argue because I rounded in your favor its actually 2.91438. . .

It comes down to the fact that your arrogant, and probably will end up being one of these statistics after some stupid move when you walked into a bullet just like deer jump in front of a car. I dont wish that on you or anyone but from what I read on here your life is full of fail.
What's your goal? To prove that you are right? Or is it to find something, anything, to prove I'm wrong about something, even if it isn't even remotely related to the topic? It isn't really the original issue at all, is it, you just want me to be wrong about something, cause that'll make it easier for you to rationalize your position.

Here, I know you're slow, but read these. I did your work for you, which apparently is the goal all along. They are actually relevant:

Violence against emergency medical services personnel.

Grange JT, Corbett SW.

Prehosp Emerg Care. 2002 Apr-Jun;6(2):186-90.

Exposure of prehospital care providers to violence.

Corbett SW, Grange JT, Thomas TL.

Prehosp Emerg Care. 1998 Apr-Jun;2(2):127-31.

Exposure of prehospital providers to violence and abuse.

Pozzi C.

J Emerg Nurs. 1998 Aug;24(4):320-3.

Violent patients and the prehospital provider.

Tintinalli JE, McCoy M.

Ann Emerg Med. 1993 Aug;22(8):1276-9. Erratum in: Ann Emerg Med 1993 Oct;22(10):1635.

Relationship of restraint use, patient injury, and assaults on EMS personnel.

Cheney PR, Gossett L, Fullerton-Gleason L, Weiss SJ, Ernst AA, Sklar D.

Prehosp Emerg Care. 2006 Apr-Jun;10(2):207-12.

There's 5 studies I found, and it isn't even my field. No one has contended that EMS workers don't face hazards. The contention is that facing hazards is part of the job, and if you can't handle the risk, find something a little calmer, like sculpting shrubbery, to do. I don't know how much simpler i can state it: if your main concern is saving your own ass, and you don't have the balls, or female equivalent of the balls, to go into harm's way to do your duty, quit. Now. You'll feel better, and someone with the spine to actually gut up and do the right thing can go in your place.

I found THIS little gem:

which is apparently the EMS equivalent of the ODMP or LEOMF

Check my math here, but it appears that the percentage of EMS line of duty deaths attributed to violence so far in 2010 is:


And for 2009:

%8.69, which includes one killed by a sniper "upon returning to base.". One was killed at a scene. In numbers, that's 2 out of 23. But 5 died due to CVAs: that's %21.74.

Does that mean you want me to come over and put you through PT 3 times a week? I mean, hell, if you want to be "safe," apparently I have to be your personal bodyguard everywhere you go, including YOUR station, so I guess I won't even have to make a special trip.

And for 2008:


But there are those pesky heart attacks again: %15.15

Maybe we should bump PT up to 4 times a week. You'll be safer, and live longer, and all that good stuff you are so concerned about.

I'll stop after going back 3 years, but why don't you go through those same records, and do the numbers on aircraft crashes and MVAs. Do you want me to come over and drive the ambulance for you, too? Walk in front and wave a red lantern to warn people that you are coming? And none of this even factors in critical variables, like the size of the population of EMS workers, and the number of runs totaled up for the time periods

And explain this to me- what's up with medics croaking from medical conditions at the scene? I mean, you guys work in pairs, don't you, at the least? What's the other one do while the one is gorking out? Drop the patient and attend to the guy having the heart attack? If that's the case, I'm hoping that some actually live through it, cause if every medic who has an on duty heart attack dies, uh, something's not right with that :shock: Either a lot more of your guys and girls could use that 4x/week workout, or if I get chest pains I'm calling FedEx for a home pick-up. Talk about fail......

If it makes you feel better, cops are no different. We have our fair share of fat, unmotivated slobs who can't drive, and some who would turn tail and run at the first sign of danger. But that doesn't make it OK for either profession, and I tell them the same things.
We never said we didnt think that we should PT. I run 4 miles a day and go to the gym 3 days a week. I also attend over 120 con-ed hours a year (thats 15 times more than required). I do maintain my stuff. I probably would go into the scene of violence, if I had proper protection (a weapon of some sort and a vest). I also make sure to wear my brightly colored EMS vest so people know Im not there to get em at a violent scene.

But please, please dont spew some fact and then think I wont check out your sources. That's just dumb.
Dude, this has gotten to the point where if I said the sky was blue, you'd "check my sources" and go "No way, it's azure." You don't care about what is actually correct nearly as much as you care about what you believe is correct. Everybody says that EMTs don't get hurt because they stage, but what's the "source" for that? Where's the empirical research? Or is that just one of those things that "everybody knows." Surely with all that extra training you must have something that compares assault rates against different variables such as police presence, psychotic, violent patients and the like. Do you think a violent psychotic is all of a sudden go tame when the cops show up? If you are afraid of people attacking you, why in the hell would you wear a brightly colored vest that would make you easy to target? Even with arms and armor, cops still get killed at scenes of violent crimes (or are you going to somehow try to show that isn't accurate), but you'll be all better if you had them. But what about that "patient trust" thing? Of course, cops have established rapport, trust and open communications with suicidal people, the mentally ill, hostage takers and barricaded suspects forever, even with guns on. In all that extra training you never got into crisis communications, de-escalation techniques or handling non-compliant patients?

Whatever. It still doesn't address the main issue. Clearly, you are fine with the status quo. Take some of the effort you are using in attacking me and stand in front of a mirror, practice saying "I did not act because I was afraid I might get hurt or killed." That's what it boils down to. If you can look yourself in the face and say that without vomiting in shame, well, good for you, I guess.

This has gone past surreal to tiresome. Take a deep breath, and think for a couple minutes, Come up with something you think is really caustic and witty, and please, by all means, have the last word.
Your 25% statistic was like saying the sky is red. If you look at the article I posted earlier, it shows what you want to know.
Oh My God

"Your 25% statistic was like saying the sky is red."

I swore I wouldn't go back in, but you've never seen a red sky? You know, as in "Red sky at night, sailors delight, red sky in morning, sailors take warning."
interesting call going on right now which is related to this.

Ambulance toned for OD on prescription meds. patient is passed out and barely breathing.

ambulance calls for PD. advises they will stage roughly a mile from scene.

Comm center asks for ETA of PD. PD says at least 5 mins.

i think in 5 mins youd be dead because the ambulance was following rules?
Jarred J. said:
interesting call going on right now which is related to this.

Ambulance toned for OD on prescription meds. patient is passed out and barely breathing.

ambulance calls for PD. advises they will stage roughly a mile from scene.

Comm center asks for ETA of PD. PD says at least 5 mins.

i think in 5 mins youd be dead because the ambulance was following rules?

I have no idea if he'd be dead or not, but that's it? He's out cold, hardly breathing, and there's no indication of violence? And the cops are supposed to bust ass over there, to do what, exactly? Carry the medic's gear? Suicide may be illegal, so they want we should hook him up and book him, then, they'll treat. Sure, the family may be upset and agitated, I've been on a lot of those, but if the cops are tied up, then what? Can't a second squad go to handle family or assist? When the cops get there, do they flip a coin to decide if they'll do a dynamic approach, or go stealth?

Maybe I need to rethink my own risk assessment matrix. I'm getting older, and with my back and knees, maybe i shouldn't be helping to carry fat gurneys full of lard down multiple flights of stairs, trying to help the medics. That could be unsafe and lead to serious injury or disability, and definitely ruin my physical ability to do LE work, unless i could spend my shift in the station in front of a computer. What good would I be if I had a bunged up back or couldn't climb a fence?

There has to be more, like he's holding a deadman's switch detonator or he's tied to a chair or something.
Mick (firewolf) said:
really? you guys are still feeding the troll on this thing? you're never going to win and he's going to get you killed. Leave him alone and maybe he'll go away ... :roll:

No he won't.... he'll just find another thread. Keep arguing with him here and he'll stay here. :cool:
You shouldn't rag on Charlie82 like that, he's going to blow an o-ring if he can't auger this in any deeper.

You'd think people with PhDs/masters would be smarter than us common folk.
Okay... It's like saying the sky is silver. Point is you knowingly gave us false info and then expected us to believe that just because you gave some website that you were correct, when you weren't even close, and then rag on us for not providing facts.
Haha what was all that BS about ambulance statistics? Trying to keep our attention away from yet another one of you epic fails? Just get used to it, you have an opinion and I respect that, however I dont like you making up statistics and facts in order to insult others and to somehow try and justify your own selfish existence. No one has asked for you to justify simple things, but when you come up with information so blatantly wrong it makes me wonder weather you have that great of need to be right or weather your just plain stupid.
I think it's both Robb.
charlie82 said:
Okay... It's like saying the sky is silver. Point is you knowingly gave us false info and then expected us to believe that just because you gave some website that you were correct, when you weren't even close, and then rag on us for not providing facts.

Bullshit. You did a quick and dirty glance at some stats and now you are going to try to play the victim. Grow balls, if you can't attack the issue, I guess you have to settle for attacking me. I retract the figure until I find the exact cite. It is also mentioned on page 26 of the original Street Survival, and discussed during the seminar.

Point is, you can't make a point, so you go on personal attacks. You can't even make a halfway decent straw man. Now, get back on topic, or go stage yourself.
usdemt said:
Haha what was all that BS about ambulance statistics? Trying to keep our attention away from yet another one of you epic fails? Just get used to it, you have an opinion and I respect that, however I dont like you making up statistics and facts in order to insult others and to somehow try and justify your own selfish existence. No one has asked for you to justify simple things, but when you come up with information so blatantly wrong it makes me wonder weather you have that great of need to be right or weather your just plain stupid.

Did you even look at the numbers, or is you math as bad as your spelling? BTW, your spelling sucks. Feel insulted? You should.
I am done arguing with the guy who thinks that made up numbers are real. I looked at your stats, as did someone else. It doesn't come close to 25%. Maybe you dont understand your own logic. You demand we show facts (thats why I didnt lay one out, because I didnt feel like researching), but when your reserahc proves you wrong you try and say we are reading it wrong.
charlie82 said:
You demand we show facts (thats why I didnt lay one out, because I didnt feel like researching),

I showed you the facts concerning 3 years of LODD for EMS personnel. In one search I found 5 articles on empirical research on violence against EMS personnel and gave you the citations. You didn't "lay one out," because you didn't have any. You "didn't feel like researching," but claim to have carefully analyzed two years worth of FBI data that you claim shows I'm wrong, instead of trying to find information to support your position. You belong in politics.

You are a goof. I'm not all all surprised you didn't "feel" like doing any research and would rather cut and run - that's the same attitude that you use to rationalize not assisting a patient - it might be hard, it might get you hurt, so you "stage."

But maybe, just maybe, there ARE fewer homicides against cops in stations than I recall. That should certainly cheer up any cop who spends his tour in the office surfing the web instead of being out on the road. Around here we call dereliction of duty, but it may be safer than actually going out on patrol and doing real police work, like the public expects. Not doing your duty seems to be really popular with a couple of you. Notice how (thankfully) it's just a couple of the same guys.

Happy staging. Practice that mirror thing.
I dont have facts that say that not staging would cause EMS care providers to get hurt, because most do stage, and I would hope that it is the cause of our low rate of violence upon EMS providers. Again, I told you that if you gave me the training and the gear, I'll go into the "danger zone". The stats I would want are buried and probably over 10 years old, making them hard to find. You will also notice that EMS LODD are not as well documented as FF and PD. Also, I didnt feel like finding stats because I have a physical chemistry exam today and a biochemistry exam tomorrow. (yes, I probably shouldnt be on here either but eh, what the hay)
Stendec said:
Did you even look at the numbers, or is you math as bad as your spelling? BTW, your spelling sucks. Feel insulted? You should.

Yes I did in fact look at them and if you look back I even spelled it out for you since you are incapable of doing basic mathematical equations. Thanks for the low blow, I have always been aware that my spelling is by no means great, but if you compare me to a good majority of this board I don't think I do that bad. I guess the fact that you are now resorting to a feeble attempt at personally attacking me just goes to show that you are yet another step lower in refusing to admit your inferiority. You have built yourself up in your mind to be such a know it all, but guess what we all make mistakes even the god you think you are. I was going to make another comment but I will not drop my self to your level.
\ said:
So you know you have a weakness, and instead of trying to correct it, you think your mediocrity should be just accepted, and that it's OK. FUCK you. Fix it. Go to the Dollar Store and buy a dictionary. Call up your county board of education and see if there are remedial programs or tutoring available for adult learners- you are by no means the only person who can't spell or write. And I'm supposed to feel bad for you? Because I proofread and use a dictionary and studied my ass off in school? Blow me. Take responsibility for yourself. If you write like you are a moron, people will think you are a moron, and if you know you write like a moron, and don't care enough to try and improve, you are a moron.

Now THAT's a personal attack. What are you going to do about it? My money is on whine and sulk and feel put-upon. That's the easy way.

Or, you can do the absolute minimum, exert the least effort possible, never take any chances, and remain completely average. Everybody has an easy excuse for not doing something hard. You'll have plenty of company.
Stendec said:
So you know you have a weakness, and instead of trying to correct it, you think your mediocrity should be just accepted, and that it's OK. FUCK you. Fix it. Go to the Dollar Store and buy a dictionary. Call up your county board of education and see if there are remedial programs or tutoring available for adult learners- you are by no means the only person who can't spell or write. And I'm supposed to feel bad for you? Because I proofread and use a dictionary and studied my ass off in school? Blow me. Take responsibility for yourself. If you write like you are a moron, people will think you are a moron, and if you know you write like a moron, and don't care enough to try and improve, you are a moron.

Now THAT's a personal attack. What are you going to do about it? My money is on whine and sulk and feel put-upon. That's the easy way.

Or, you can do the absolute minimum, exert the least effort possible, never take any chances, and remain completely average. Everybody has an easy excuse for not doing something hard. You'll have plenty of company.

If you're really going to go that direction, would you like me to go back through all of your posts and point out every single mistake you've made? I know of one for sure, and and pretty sure there were more. Are you really that petty? wow, dumb question, sorry, you've already answered that one about a million times ... I can't believe you pulled me back into this but, are you cottonpickin serious!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Mick (firewolf) said:
If you're really going to go that direction, would you like me to go back through all of your posts and point out every single mistake you've made? I know of one for sure, and and pretty sure there were more. Are you really that petty? wow, dumb question, sorry, you've already answered that one about a million times ... I can't believe you pulled me back into this but, are you cottonpickin serious!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Sendec, I am sorry for pushing your buttons, you always say you do not care about what the others here think but you are extremely worked up over nothing and I am enjoying every minute of it. I do not believe my spelling is that horrendous that requires me to take action. Just because I do not feel the need to proofread each and every post that I put on this forum does not mean that I am an idiot. It is more my generation that relies on spell check and computers to keep there grammar intact. I am still in college, have never gotten below a B in an english class and passed spelling and reading above the 80th percentile on my most recent nationwide college testing, I do not believe it is a problem but because my math (your weakness apparently) is above the 95th percentile I have deemed spelling and grammar to be my weakness. I have never once complained or asked someone to feel sorry for me you simply put those words in my mouth. And though I have not proofread this either and I am sure there are many mistakes I still believe that the whole piece can be interpreted and understood because I have used clear english and grammar.
Mick (firewolf) said:
If you're really going to go that direction, would you like me to go back through all of your posts and point out every single mistake you've made? I know of one for sure, and and pretty sure there were more. Are you really that petty? wow, dumb question, sorry, you've already answered that one about a million times ... I can't believe you pulled me back into this but, are you cottonpickin serious!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Cottonpickin (sic) either needs a "g" or an apostrophe at the end.

Of course I've made mistakes, but I do everything I can to fix them, and more importantly don't keep making the same ones over and over. And the ability to communicate clearly and accurately isn't petty, at least not for cops whose careers thrive or die on their reports and ability to testify. I buy red pens by the dozens, and the troops are ever thankful that I now longer review reports, citations or complaints. I didn't care if they had to make dozens of corrections. I was not going to let them, and by association, the agency, and the profession, look incompetent. Maybe the EMS people, when they aren't busy not researching the violence they face, could also not research the rate of medication and treatment errors in the medical field due to sloppy or inaccurate records. They aren't switching to electronic documentation just because it's convenient.

I'm not religious, but I do know that the only perfect person who ever lived died of multiple puncture wounds complicated by shock and exposure. Maybe he should have staged farther away.
Stendec said:
Cottonpickin (sic) either needs a "g" or an apostrophe at the end.

Of course I've made mistakes, but I do everything I can to fix them, and more importantly don't keep making the same ones over and over. And the ability to communicate clearly and accurately isn't petty, at least not for cops whose careers thrive or die on their reports and ability to testify. I buy red pens by the dozens, and the troops are ever thankful that I now longer review reports, citations or complaints. I didn't care if they had to make dozens of corrections. I was not going to let them, and by association, the agency, and the profession, look incompetent. Maybe the EMS people, when they aren't busy not researching the violence they face, could also not research the rate of medication and treatment errors in the medical field due to sloppy or inaccurate records. They aren't switching to electronic documentation just because it's convenient.

I'm not religious, but I do know that the only perfect person who ever lived died of multiple puncture wounds complicated by shock and exposure. Maybe he should have staged farther away.

oops :shock:
mcpd2025 said:
Did you guys know that 73% of statistics are made up on the spot?

i agree with you 45% the other 65% of me says your wrong.

Forum Statistics

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