Councilman wants EMS to run through gunfire

In my neck of the woods, medical guys will not, shall not enter an active scene until or unless cleared by LE to do so. As it should be. Once on scene, they will recieve as much protection as I can provide.

It is NEVER an EMT's business to engage a suspect. If there are dead and dying at an active killing scene, then EMS has to wait until the threat is reduced enough for them to operate safely.
Having just read through this entire thread, I feel entitled to comment. I understand Sendec's point of view, and back him up within reason. I have no issues with EMS staging at a safe location, if there is an actual violent crime in progress, but waiting 5 minutes for police to show up for an OD is ridiculious. I have personally responded to back up EMS for a violent psych patient who was a dehydrated, senile 87 year old woman who weighed her age. Two paramedics couldn't handle her?

There is a reasonable expectation of danger in all of the emegency workers' jobs, its just part of reality. There are a few situations where I wouldn't go as a cop, namely a fully engulfed structure fire. If it's not fully engulfed, and I have reason to believe someone is inside, I'll go in. I'll let dispatch know, so they can notify the FD, but I'm going in. Active shooter, I'm going long as I have one other cop with me. The job has risks, and we must do what we can to minimize them, but we can't let potential danger stop us from doing our job.

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