tom said:I know that the options are limited but I feel like they need more lights.
fireman616wfd said:i would hate to be put on "TAXI Duty" lol however I bet they stay busy...
BigWil said:And if the cop is broke, he can always pick up an extra fare or two to help out.
nerdly_dood said::undecided: Sounds like a good idea, but I kinda doubt that, seems like it'd get in the way of doing their cop duties.
50theman said:Why not? Better yet, pickup the person your watching and you can watch them closer. Great UC unit.
50theman said:
CPDG23 said:
lotsofbars said:Very effective method of policing.
pdk9 said:I Disagree with that. Most of the time, the public is confused as to what a taxicab with a dash light is doing behind them, & there's very little lighting on it to be effective for most policing. Personally, I'd rather have unmarked, inconspicuous vehicles without any markings on them for daily policing and traffic stops, and have several taxis on hand just for stings and surveillance where you're unlikely to ever respond code 3 or pull someone over.
lotsofbars said:The officers are often in uniform in the taxis, at least in Manhattan. Also, they have a pretty extensive strobe system in the head, tail and roof sign lights. Those along with a HLF and red grill lights and it's pretty obvious that they're police.
pdk9 said:I've seen them a bunch of times and i know that the officers are in uniform, but:
A) most people don't see an officer in uniform in their RVM when he activates the lights. They just see a taxi with some lights, and they don't know what's going on until they stop and a uniformed LE walks up to their window
B) the "strobe system" is all clear strobes and amber strobes (in the roof turn signals), and most ppl aren't that bright, so I'll bet you that > 2/3 of the ppl pulled over are confused or suspicious when the unit pulls up behind them. Only whackers, LE, and other people that work in Public safety and have heard of the concept will know that a taxi w/ some lights on it is police; it is far from obvious to an avg civilian on the street
Using them for Surveillance, stings (ie using a UC officer as the driver if there has been a string of taxi muggings in a certain area), etc. are feasible uses, but regularly patrolin & enforcing V&T laws is not feasible, nor was it their intended purpose when the concept began