Official "Whacker" or "Screwed Up Install" Thread

J-Rock1944 said:
Hey it's got Whelen gutter mounts, as for what the actual bar is... I'm at a loss. That thing is ugly as SIN, regardless of manufacturer! :rolleyes:

It almost looks like it was assembled from a kit.
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SomeBloke said:
I know what it is.

Expensive flashing paperweight.
You see, the phrase expensive is relative. To most people, a Vision SLR is expensive, to others it's not. In this case, compared to a jar with a candle in it, this bar is expensive.

It probably cost less then a 6 pack of what ever cheap and nasty beer is local there.
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Without being properly anchored down, there's a good chance those Whelen brackets will flex enough to let the bar take off like a paraglider at highway speeds.

What utter fail.... wow.
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I'll be honest- if I saw that truck flying down the road with that Bar flailing in the wind, I'd have to pull over from laughing. ( And yes, I know that does present a safety issue. :p )
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I have to admit, I think 'Country Boy Swag' is (to me, at least) worse than 'Git-R-Done'. I wish we had pics of the complete truck... something tells me there are most likely some chrome naked lady mudflaps on it. :woot: :woot: :crackup: :crackup:
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and probably a set of those truck nutz... :hopeless:
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That old car also reminds me of what I saw one time out in West Odessa. It was a beat-up old blue '58 Oldsmobile with a nice-looking Sireno Condor bar on the roof! Go Figure!
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GPC said:
I think if you look hard it is actually a pyramid of dash lights.

No, its only two lights. They're cheap Chinese lights.. The top and bottom flash together, and then the middle flashes. There are some people around me that have them, and that's the only flash pattern it has.
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firefighter7017 said:
No, its only two lights. They're cheap Chinese lights.. The top and bottom flash together, and then the middle flashes. There are some people around me that have them, and that's the only flash pattern it has.

You can find them for $10.00 on ebay.
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Without being properly anchored down, there's a good chance those Whelen brackets will flex enough to let the bar take off like a paraglider at highway speeds.

What utter fail.... wow.

That reminds me of Federal's original magnetic Jr. Beacon Ray. They had the old-style magnets that just didn't hold. But to insure that the light wouldn't fly off the vehicle, it had a tab on the front of the light that would slip over a #10 sheet metal screw to anchor the light. Didn't work! Ellis Funeral Home here had a Junior on their 1958 Chrysler wagon ambulance. It had a B&M siren on the rt. fender. Even with that "anchor" in place, that light flew off more than once when they were on ambulance runs, and one time it had to be sent back to Federal for repairs. The Chrysler was replaced in1960 by a 1961 Chevy Apache Panel Truck, putting their '59 Ford into backup position. The 17 beacon from the Ford went on the panel, and the junior off the Chrysler went on the Ford wagon. But this time they bolted the light to the roof of the Ford and never lost it again. Downside....the Ford was replaced by a '63 Chevy wagon, which would be their last backup ambulance. They tried to keep the junior on by using suction cups, since the old magnets had long since worn out. That didn't work, either, and it went flying....this time retiring the light. They ran that Chevy wagon solely with red sealed beam in the highbeam slots....and NO siren! But they were out of the ambulance business by 1964 anyway.
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tsquale said:
Since we don't have a "fail" section...this works. :thumbsup:

I thought this WAS our "fail" section.

Also, new disclaimer necessary on all warning equipment: "Warning, this product is ineffective at gaining right-of-way from inanimate objects."
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tsquale said:
Since we don't have a "fail" section...this works. :thumbsup:

Ironically, decent flash patterns, good sync and no split fail...
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RES347CUE said:
Now that I'm feeling a little less seasick from that camera work...

The lights are bolted into place but powered off of terminals that plug into a multiple cigarette lighter extension cord that's wired to spare batteries in the back seat? What the hell? :bonk: :duh: :sadcry:
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So I had a local plow company to myself and ask for updates in lights. They previously did all the work in shop. The lights where decently installed, but then I came across their strobe set up.....



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Strobe Craft said:
So I had a local plow company to myself and ask for updates in lights. They previously did all the work in shop. The lights where decently installed, but then I came across their strobe set up.....
View attachment 68687View attachment 68688View attachment 68689

In my experience, the GR171 is completely potted. While it's not marketed specifically as a waterproof power supply, it probably hasn't given them any problems. All they really need is a handful of Deutsch connectors, or even Weather Pack connectors, and a good place to mount the power supply.
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This is our (now) 7-1, or secondary light rescue. We use it as a fly-car for EMS, as well as towing our boat or atv, and any other odd jobs or details. It's endured 2 harsh chiefs before being converted to a rescue.

Good wiring job???


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strobecrazy said:
Ebay special.

That car SCREAMS out mexican cartel and or imposter cop wannabe... down here a Chrysler 300 with chrome and shiny rims is bad bad news especially since there are narco Corrido songs talking about that car...

To make things worse that car has Texas plates and Red/Blues.... its probably used to comit home invasions and to pull over rival drug dealers and steal drugs...
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Station 3 said:
That car SCREAMS out mexican cartel and or imposter cop wannabe... down here a Chrysler 300 with chrome and shiny rims is bad bad news especially since there are narco Corrido songs talking about that car...

To make things worse that car has Texas plates and Red/Blues.... its probably used to comit home invasions and to pull over rival drug dealers and steal drugs...

Can't be too much of a drug wire rims or wide tires! And it's not a low rider, either! :p
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Skip Goulet said:
Can't be too much of a drug wire rims or wide tires! And it's not a low rider, either! :p

I have never actually seen any cholos or low riders with that discription here in South Texas.... i think thats more of a California thing and or a movie fake thing.
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Station 3 said:
That car SCREAMS out mexican cartel and or imposter cop wannabe... down here a Chrysler 300 with chrome and shiny rims is bad bad news especially since there are narco Corrido songs talking about that car...

To make things worse that car has Texas plates and Red/Blues.... its probably used to comit home invasions and to pull over rival drug dealers and steal drugs...

Love the steelies with center caps on a 300.

In comments he claims he is LEO and uses the car for Highway ODJ's. 26yo, San Antonio address, no criminal history. Holds a non commissioned (un armed) security guard license in Texas active 2012. If he was really a LEO, his security license would be commissioned (armed). Works for Best of Texas Events (security company). Face Book comes back with a TBL picture, and of course likes Super Troopers. If he is a reserve Officer he would not be able to work ODJ's per Texas law.

I'm calling it. Wanna be with a fake cop car.

Anyone in the San Antonio area want to get him?
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I wouldn't pull over if I saw him behind me. I've NEVER seen a 300 Series sedan used as a POV in any shape or form around here. At best, I've seen a Louisville Metro PD Mustang, a handful of KSP Camaro/Challenger/ and a single Mustang unmarked. If it isn't a Jeep, Ford, Chevy, or Dodge, it isn't an EV around here. ( POVs are almost ALWAYS a truck or surplus CVPI.)
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I am starting to see a surplus of old retired new model Tahoes out on the streets driven by thugs... Its scary and I recently saw one today it was white with 24 inch rims and I drove up behind it in my personal truck and I got to see some vertex leds in the tail lamps that were off.. So that's even more scary knowing people are buying these PPVs and for some reason mostly thugs buy them the guy driving it had his windows rolled down blaring his Mexican drug cartel music and leaning back like a cholo in the seat.

here is one example from my local craigslist guy selling a old 2007 Tahoe fully equipped with red blues to any drug dealer with the cash.... thing has ballistic door inserts also...

----------police Tahoe 2007---------------
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Hmmmm, Batteries in back seat. Cab full of hydrogen gas. I don't see what the problem is. Got a light?


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I can't believe some of the things I see in this thread. lol. I bet that isn't cheap to replace two batteries every 6 months or so, depending how often he runs hot. lol
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Station 3 said:
I have never actually seen any cholos or low riders with that discription here in South Texas.... i think thats more of a California thing and or a movie fake thing.

You need to come up here to West Texas or up towards Lubbock. Either way you'll see a lot of the "hopper" lowriders. Every year around Cinqo de Mayo time the West Texas Hispanics have a big Fiesta at the coliseum in Odessa, which includes a big lowrider car show.
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