Official "Whacker" or "Screwed Up Install" Thread

10+ years as an LEO. Training and experience tells me that guy is lying thru his teeth. :thumbsup: :rolleyes: :hahano:
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Well that is a nice looking car. Why leave the warning equipment and ADD stuff if its just "transportation". On a side note that would make a sweet POV setup!!!!
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Tlauden said:
Well that is a nice looking car. Why leave the warning equipment and ADD stuff if its just "transportation". On a side note that would make a sweet POV setup!!!!

Like the handcuffs hanging from the rearview mirror.
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Tlauden said:
Well that is a nice looking car. Why leave the warning equipment and ADD stuff if its just "transportation". On a side note that would make a sweet POV setup!!!!

Leave the warning equipment, I think not. Per the owner he bought it from Chicago Motors and I have never seen any of their cars listed with equipment still in it. The first spy cam picture does not show any of the equipment and the spotlight is chrome.

So he added everything you see in the interview inside and outside of the car. That dash camera is really old compared to what is out now and there is a small dash cam next to it that one gets on eBay for like $50 bucks. Adding all the antennas and cheap LED lights to make it look like a cop car. I am surprised he did not take off the hub caps, but maybe he is not smart enough to know they are hub caps.
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Alright, I was assuming the place he bought it from was a dealer for used service vehicles. I didn't even bother looking them up.

In that case why the hell do u add this kind of equipment if your not going to (legally) have a use for it.... Too much money maybe??
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strobecrazy said:
Don't know if this has been already posted,

just a typical elightbars meet and greet
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Holy crap, china Ebay light special. Look at all the switches!!! This guy actually responds with them too. :duh: Why would anyone think its safe to respond with that s**t!? :Banghead:

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Holy crap, china Ebay light special. Look at all the switches!!! This guy actually responds with them too. :duh: Why would anyone think its safe to respond with that s**t!? :Banghead:


First of all, he uses a fish eye lens to shoot a crappy video of his crappy equipment. How do people drive around with 50 switches and wires all over the place?
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Irsh42 said:
At first, I couldn't see his grill lights... Then he put his hand behind them, but I still couldn't seem them...

WoW! What a blinktard. Somewhere there is a village missing their idiot and China has all his money.
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Holy crap, china Ebay light special. Look at all the switches!!! This guy actually responds with them too. :duh: Why would anyone think its safe to respond with that s**t!? :Banghead:

The shame of it is if he would a taken all that money he spent on pep boys junk he could of bought a decent used LED bar or brand new mini bar.
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jswwjw said:
Recently seen on public surplus website. Note the "rear deck light". lol

Sadly, not that unusual when cash-strapped small agencies need to make do with what they have. I was always a proponent of rear warning for cruisers, hoping that most people will take extra notice when I was doing a MV stop. At my first agency, a small town with LE-unfriendly residents (and thus a small PD budget), the only rear warning lighting on one cruiser was a slow-flashing halogen dual-headed light on the left rear deck. It was nearly useless in sunlight. The light was a hand-me-down from several cruisers before it.
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If Ii were in charge I would at least buy some Chinese knockoffs. They are better then nothing and pretty cheap, especially those Viper knockoffs I see everywhere.
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lafd55 said:
If Ii were in charge I would at least buy some Chinese knockoffs. They are better then nothing and pretty cheap, especially those Viper knockoffs I see everywhere.

Better than nothing until they fail, fill with water, haze over, are used in direct sun or moonlight, require you to put your hand over them to see if they're on.... And they're cheap until you factor the long term cost of replacing them every 3-4 months.
Upvote 0 said:
Better than nothing until they fail, fill with water, haze over, are used in direct sun or moonlight, require you to put your hand over them to see if they're on.... And they're cheap until you factor the long term cost of replacing them every 3-4 months.
So you are saying nothing is better then something...?
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lafd55 said:
So you are saying nothing is better then something...?

Seeing that you could lose in court because those POS arnt SEA rated... ehh with them, yes nothing is betting them something... this is even more true when you have companies like Feniex that sell well built and high quiality lights that are SEA rated, but wont break the bank.
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Irsh42 said:
Seeing that you could lose in court because those POS arnt SEA rated... ehh with them, yes nothing is betting them something... this is even more true when you have companies like Feniex that sell well built and high quiality lights that are SEA rated, but wont break the bank.

I assume you mean SAE - Society of Automotive Engineers.
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fordtruck661 said:
Not only a wire ......sure looks like a extension cord to me:bonk:

Yeah, but it has three wires in it and an outer protected casing! So he can open and close the door 88 more times before the massive car fire that was started by it not being fused on the battery.
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firefighter31 said:

"And this is the interior LED white light that I bought from AutoZone"... That I will accidently turn on while responding at night, it will blind me, and I will crash..... Just calling it like I see it....
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firefighter31 said:

That actually has some potential if someone would help him with his patterns and some sync. At-least it does look cool though vs some of these other ones where the install is just plain retarded and you wonder why anyone would think that is a good idea.
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hooknose56 said:
Personally, I have never seen or heard of the "Whelen linear slim-miser"
I was thinking the same thing.

And what is that in the grill? They look like those China modules they use in the Wolo LED bars...IT SUPER BRITE (at night, with no moon, or any other light visible for miles) :hopeless:
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