Official "Whacker" or "Screwed Up Install" Thread

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:duh: This kid gets the DARWIN Whacker Award hands down & a E for effort !! :lol:

Picture this 15 yr old guy riding to the station for a call........ :dielaugh:

I have to say, I kept a straight face until he said that it did the job at 2am when drunk people were out riding bikes. If these are 4 yrs old I hate to see him now if he is still on the FD.

Edit: Just watched the last video. Love the siren speakers ran off of battery's. Also love the part about most intelligent ppl would, and do, get out of the way. I wanna see what kind of people live there. With those speakers he probably only makes enough noise to scare the local squirrel population.
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video 1...

ummm yeah. how do you drive with your hand behind the grille

video 2...

its your moms pov, you sound  6 and wearing pajamas...

bonus:  7 starts tk 700 dashlight throwback.

classic.. "let me call my friends on the cb 4 times and not give enough time to answer"

video 3....

whiplash video fail...

another cb fail

his "response vid" seems staged....

lady with a head injury 3 doors down from my grandma
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Video 1

Were the lights even on?

Video 2

I don't know what to say lol

Video 3

Them dual dashlights are so bright I can barely see the 15 feet back in broad daylight. Wtf people lol
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I have to say, I kept a straight face until he said that it did the job at 2am when drunk people were out riding bikes. If these are 4 yrs old I hate to see him now if he is still on the FD.

Edit: Just watched the last video. Love the siren speakers ran off of battery's. Also love the part about most intelligent ppl would, and do, get out of the way. I wanna see what kind of people live there. With those speakers he probably only makes enough noise to scare the local squirrel population.

Can you imagine walking around and hearing that behind you? You turn around to find a bicycle with lights and a siren riding by! Ha ha!!
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i think that buick or a former version fo it was on ham sexy... also using HAM equipment for its unintended use fail...

and the red cross volunteer...

"I am a volunteer with American Red Cross Disaster Services and use it to get past fire/disaster blockades. I also Use it for volunteer parking and traffic at local Rose High School football games." (and to pick up juvy chicks)

how do you use red lights to get past a tree blocking the roadway?
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Saw this rig last weekend at a festival. No lighting to the rear, other than the minibars in front of each other on the roof. I don't know what that stack of stuff that looks like at least one other lightbar on the passenger seat is. :eek:


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Damn!  The Martians have landed.....all that green!   I like the radio stuff, but enough is enough.   Even I would go crazy trying to keep up with all that: 10-4??? :lol:
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Red Cross does not authorize volunteers EV status on POV's. Nor am I aware of any state that allows Red Cross voulenters POV EV lights. Some states do allow for EV status on marked organization owned blood service vehicles.
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I agree with you on that totally. When I was active in Lubbock, the Red Cross had an emergency response van that was Code-3 equipped, but it was mostly for disaster use.  They took it out to some of the high school games where they worked first-aid just for looks.  One of their high-ranking members who is now deceased had an old Dodge Power Wagon carryall that he kept a cot in the back and all sorts of other gear; but he used a demountable beacon and had a bracket on the bumper for his big siren, but he had it rigged for portability, too.  Not your typical whacker, for sure.

I'm not sure how active they are anymore,  but for many years the San Angelo Emergency Corps allowed its members blue lights: but most of those were portable lights and/or grille lights, but I'm not aware of any that were allowed sirens.
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saw this linked off another vid in response section.....

illegal ham radio as public safety usage.

non weather proof dashlight on pushbumper.

multi use of STL and other cheapo ebay lights...

can you even see the rear interior lights through the headach rack?

does the tailgate have to be down to see arrowstick?
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video 1...

too many fails too list.


" I have all my grounds switched right here"

lady gaga impersonation on non existent PA function on CB whose mic cable is long gone. (prob due to bad install)


um yea.... "they look sexy together"

"fire fighter tag" aka thin red line

this goes with your 2nd vid

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I'm not sure what you mean about "illegal usage" of a ham radio for pubic service.  I've seen a number of leos who are also hams who have ham frequencies in their public service radios and vice-versa.  Apparently no sort of violation there.
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I'm not sure what you mean about "illegal usage" of a ham radio for pubic service.  I've seen a number of leos who are also hams who have ham frequencies in their public service radios and vice-versa.  Apparently no sort of violation there.
Receiving is not an issue, but transmitting equipment has to be FCC certified for use on public safety bands. Most amateur equipment doesn't meet this requirement.
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Receiving is not an issue, but transmitting equipment has to be FCC certified for use on public safety bands. Most amateur equipment doesn't meet this requirement.
I wouldn't argue the point with you, since you're a technician.  But I've seen a lot of those inexpensive imported Ham radios that can be programmed to the public service channels used by L.E., etc., in their povs.
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That's because a lot of SAR groups are not really legit.....
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I'm not sure what you mean about "illegal usage" of a ham radio for pubic service.  I've seen a number of leos who are also hams who have ham frequencies in their public service radios and vice-versa.  Apparently no sort of violation there.
the violation is there. the enforcement not so much. its like running 250 watts on a cb. its illegal, just not really enforced unless turned in. 

public safety radios are considered to be "type 90" accepted radios

amateur radio are type 97.

baofengs and wouxuns are type accepted for both. the guy in the video has an icom 207h. it is not type 90 accepted. i own 2 of them.

i also own a wouxun handheld. it is type accepted for both and have all the county agencies in my county in it. 

hopefully when i go to huntsville hamfest next month i can find a cheap anytone or wouxun mobile which is type accepted for both.

If the FCC investigated that this guy is a ham and is using the rig illegally its a big fine and loss of license... if the fd is KNOWLINGLY allowing its members to use ham equipment as public safety equipment then they can kiss their licensce goodby with an extremely hefty fine.

also although baofengs and wouxuns can do GMRS/FRS freqs they are illegal to operate on those freqs due to type 95 certifications. (wattage amounts, removable antennas)

so hope that helps explain it.
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A lot of the cheap ones like the baofeng radios are FCC compliant. I've seen a few in my area. Very popular with sar groups
Now that's one of the brands I was trying to remember.  I've seen them at the Hamfest here quite often.  The ones I've seen are setup as Ham radios but easily programmed with the VHF public safety frequenices.  They also have a dual-band model, too, but around here no one is using UHF for public service channels.

the violation is there. the enforcement not so much. its like running 250 watts on a cb. its illegal, just not really enforced unless turned in. 

public safety radios are considered to be "type 90" accepted radios

amateur radio are type 97.

baofengs and wouxuns are type accepted for both. the guy in the video has an icom 207h. it is not type 90 accepted. i own 2 of them.

i also own a wouxun handheld. it is type accepted for both and have all the county agencies in my county in it. 

hopefully when i go to huntsville hamfest next month i can find a cheap anytone or wouxun mobile which is type accepted for both.

If the FCC investigated that this guy is a ham and is using the rig illegally its a big fine and loss of license... if the fd is KNOWLINGLY allowing its members to use ham equipment as public safety equipment then they can kiss their licensce goodby with an extremely hefty fine.

also although baofengs and wouxuns can do GMRS/FRS freqs they are illegal to operate on those freqs due to type 95 certifications. (wattage amounts, removable antennas)

so hope that helps explain it.

Thanks for that, Jarred.  That does explain a good bit.  You brought back some memories: linears on a C.B.   Back in the late '60s and early '70s when I first went to Texas Tech,  I had a Hallicrafters 23-channel C.B.: the only 23 ch. rig they ever marketed, and it was in a nice, small package that worked well in my little Valiant.  The factory mic only modulated about 40% so I added a Turner +2 and that little radio really got out well.  For distance, could do just as well "barefoot" like that as some of the guys  who actually pushed some power; and there were a few guys who accused me of running a linear until they actually saw what I had in my car.  One guy in our REACT club who was a real s**t-head showed up at a meeting one time and told the club that they needed to vote me out because I was running power, and then mentioned that he had already contacted the FCC about it.  I took everyone out to the car and showed them that there was no linear.  The guy got a good chewing from the club president and was "asked" to leave by the rest of the club.   Oh...for the good ol' days!
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Id hate to know that someones life was in danger when that antenna array up top blows a radio

just because it looks pretty doesn't mean its right
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Id hate to know that someones life was in danger when that antenna array up top blows a radio

just because it looks pretty doesn't mean its right
 I just had to chuckle at that,Jarred.   Years ago I had a '63 Valiant that I had equipped with twin 102" whip antennas for my C.B.  The big dual whip were "in" back then.   When I was Texas Tech I lived in an off-campus housing facility that had a big parking garage.  Everytime I'd go thru the garage those whips would drag the low-hanging ceiling.  I was almost afraid that they might cause sparks....but they didn't! :)
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when i was stationed at "the hood" we had a cb club called "club 102"

the whip is still on my f 150
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