Official "Whacker" or "Screwed Up Install" Thread

Yes. Come on an take a ride. And by the way, let's use your vehicle that night and you decide.
Biggest problem is working enforcement in these zones. People do not realize it is a real Police car and don't move over or slow down, like its just another freeway guard. Crying wolf, you might say.
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Saw this clown on I-96 westbound yesterday.


The guy had "To Serve and Protect" on the doors where you'd expect a security company name.

Despite this dystopian promise from Big Brother and the fact Mr. Wannabe was going at least 85, I didn't see him on the side of the road later on waiting for his just due karma.

I too am having a hard time seeing the issue with this car, the lack of a company name on the car would lead me to think its his pov and he can used the car for mulitple companies.  The car overall dosent look bad, and hes not wannabeing in the photo... I would have placed the SECURITY ENFORCEMENT & added SERVICES in place of protect and serve (this phrase on the sides makes it whacker worthy) I remember back in the day, having to drive a company dodge shadow security car w/mini bar with nothing inside so just a yellow dome and how embarrassed i felt with BEDWAY badges on the sides... To the point I would rather

drive my pov..  So this car looks well done and may deter criminal intent at a job site.  my 2 cents... ;)

 We have local funeral homes here that rake in like 5-10k a body and since I work for the Constables office for some reason the funeral home people think that constable stands for "funeral escort police" because they call us like almost daily with like 3 funeral escorts... What these people do is they steal from the living by telling them hey we are going to charge you a extra $250-300 for a funeral escort and get the constables to do it and the funeral service pockets the cash. When in reality our constables office does not even charge for the service its free! Well we cought on to this and completely stopped doing escorts for these pieces of SH#T Now they actually have to pay an actual certified security guard escort company that has permits to run lights and sirens to do the escorts and they cant pocket the cash now. That's just to show you how these greedy funeral people take advantage of the grieving familys.
This is the same thing here, Our dept is looking into stopping escourts as its a free service... But the funeral homes charge EXTRA for it and the dept doesnt see a dime... the cities if they still offer the service, charge a fee to do so..  Sadly the funeral homes take advantage of all those in mourning, this is why cremation and ash spreading is taking off... lol 

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If someone could just picture this in their head because I didn't get a chance to take a picture.

Early 2000's subaru wagon with multiple antennas and a 48" amber edge BUNGIE CORDED to the factory roof rack... dear lord.
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Seriously, it still had the feet on it. They just hung off both sides and had two of the black bungies. One on each rail just looped through the rail and around the bar then hooked back to itself. That guy needs to win genius of the year award or something.
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Sorry, we ran out of zip ties.
That reminds me of a couple of ambulances I saw in Lubbock when I was a kid back in the early '60s. Both were from predominantly black funeral homes.  One was a '59 Pontiac wagon ambulance.  It had a single red Jr. Beacon on top held to the roof by two bungee cords.  Remember, those old-style magnets did not hold well, nor did they lst long. The car also had a pair of Unity deck lights cowl-mounted with the old-style plastic red lenses attached that were held on by large springs. There were two sirens on the car: a 77G doubletone siren and a Federal 28: both behind the grille.  I would become acquainted with the now-late owner and discover that he loved to run twin sirens on his ambulances.  His last ambulance, a 1970 lowtop Chevy Suburban was equipped a Federal VisiBar with twin red beacons, two blue Dietz lollipops and the old 77G siren from the old Pontiac mounted in the center of the bar plus the 28 mounted under the hood.  By 1972 he was out of the ambulance business and the ambulance was sold to the Lions Club in Lovington, NM, and eventually sold or given to the Lovington Fire Dept.

The other ambulance belonged to the gentleman's competitor. It was a '59 Ford wagon.  It, too, had a Junior Beacon roof-mounted and held in place with bungee cords. And it had  a single red Fireball light mounted over the tailgate, and there was a pair of single-faced red lights on the bumper.  The siren, a Federal WG, was mounted under the hood.

Our REACT team had just gotten our first ambulance, a '60 Chevy wagon about the time the '70 Suburban mentioned above went up for sale.  We had wanted to deal with the older gentleman for the Suburban but he wouldn't budge from the $2500 he wanted for the truck, and as I noted, it went to Lovington instead.
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uhhmmm yea..

This is my siren, im not placing it into my truck due to legal reasons....

"yup its a blue dome"

it was my grandma's

i may or may not place this siren in my truck because... SQUIRREL

this guy can be a whacker in europe too
I honestly just don't understand. Do people honestly want to just be a fireman, EMT, policeman etc THAT bad?? I've been a career fireman for almost 5 years (I know, I'm still a rookie) but the only identifier I have on my POV is just one small IAFF sticker on the back window. Other than that, until my truck is lit up, no one knows I'm a fireman. I don't need the glorification or the "look at me" factor. However, I have a sick truck, so I like when people stare at it simply because it's awesome!! lol
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he seems to have a fetish with his spotlight and when he said

"ill use the holes to my advantage"

on his "pa speaker" I bout fell outa my chair

"this car was a state trooper"

takedowns in the trunk, microphone charger?

"actually" count....  11
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Yeah I whole heartedly told him to stay out of any first responder role. "I'll hopefully be going through the Academy soon"... Yeah driving through the Academys parking lot to play cop because no way he's getting accepted lol
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Finally brought the cable for my old ass phone that will allow me transfer pics from the phones memory without having to send the pics as email  messages...

I'll add them over the next few days but i'll start out with this gem... i dont think this is a valid TN car tag...

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don't remember if added this one.. this was taken a few months after the first time I talked about this car..


look familiar?

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these next 3 were at a "HAM tailgate" i went to in East TN a few years ago.

because golf carts need red clear and amber lightbars?


Black crown vic with black antennas, amber whelen mini bar...


This one should be on HAMSEXY...



Needs a few more radios, and a siren for AMBER?

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 i saved the best for last...

as some folks know the states fire and code enforcement academy is located outside of my town a few miles... the guys get bored late at night and they come to our walmart, which is good for me cause i get to see all kinds of legitimate and questionable POV setups...

this one really took the cake. it is legitimate but the application needs work...


there is a "rumor" that all VFD and RS have to have their unit numbers on their POV's.  So this guy is both (and a poor autobody technician)


Does it mean he needs 11 antennas? i dont know...


loving the "rear lightbar" and i guess he is in EMS as well


No EV setup is complete without a CB. i also noticed his radio is on our countys fire freq, but this guy is NOT  on our squad...


front dashlight


Now apparently this guys headlight adjustments are archaic and of the stone age...


So i'll keep my eyes peeled for the next amazing vehicles to add to this thread.  i got a kid that works at our other plant that uses a STL deck light to block a county road so his dad can wrangle cows been trying to get a pic of...
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 i saved the best for last...

as some folks know the states fire and code enforcement academy is located outside of my town a few miles... the guys get bored late at night and they come to our walmart, which is good for me cause i get to see all kinds of legitimate and questionable POV setups...

this one really took the cake. it is legitimate but the application needs work...


there is a "rumor" that all VFD and RS have to have their unit numbers on their POV's.  So this guy is both (and a poor autobody technician)


Does it mean he needs 11 antennas? i dont know...


loving the "rear lightbar" and i guess he is in EMS as well


No EV setup is complete without a CB. i also noticed his radio is on our countys fire freq, but this guy is NOT  on our squad...


front dashlight


Now apparently this guys headlight adjustments are archaic and of the stone age...


So i'll keep my eyes peeled for the next amazing vehicles to add to this thread.  i got a kid that works at our other plant that uses a STL deck light to block a county road so his dad can wrangle cows been trying to get a pic of...
All those antennas give an all new meaning to the word, "porcupine".  I thought I was bad back in the day when I had twin 102"whip antennas on my '63 Valiant.  I was active in REACT then and I was also news director for a small radio station here.  To that end I had red lights on the rear deck and ambers behind the grille.  News vehicles were allowed to use either blue or ambers lights at the time; but you have no idea how many times my amber grille lights were mistaken for red, which got me stopped more than once.  The car was clearly marked with "KABH NEWS" in big red letters on the rear windshield.   Maybe pulling me over was their big excitement for the day.

If the guy with all those antennas had ever been in Odessa back in the early '60s, he would've given the local cops heart failure.  Odessa had an ordinance on the books which they tried to strictly enforce that forbade private citizens the use of a "police receiver" in a private vehicle.  OPD officers were so paranoid about it that any vehicle spotted with an antenna other than the regular car radio antenna got pulled over and diligently searched to make sure that the driver wasn't listening to police radio traffic.   On one occasion they pulled over a guy who was a licensed Ham operator and had one of the big radios mounted in his car with the big antenna that had the big "tin can" loading coil on the whip.  At the time OPD was still using a statewide low band frequency which the guy's Ham radio was capable of receiving.  When the cops discovered this, he was given the 3rd degree.  When he showed them that he was licensed by the FCC to use the radio, they told him that they (OPD) determined who was licensed or not and quite literally yanked the radio out and smashed it. They also took him into custody for "illegal use of a monitor radio in the City of Odessa".  His attorney had the proverbial "field day" with the city, and the FCC stepped in, fining the city for interfering with the guy's legal right to operate his radio.

But if that wasn't enough, some time after that a guy who was chief communications officer for the City of Levelland, about 120 mi. north of Odessa, had made a trip to Odessa to look for certain radio parts. Not only was this guy a city employee, but he was also a deputy sheriff and communications officer for the county. To this end, he had a two-way radio on the old statewide lowband channel.    On the trip to Odessa,an OPD officer spotted the low band whip and pulled him over and subsequently arrested him because of the low band radio.  His one phone call went to the sheriff in Levelland who told the people in the jail to let the guy go because he worked for him. That did no good, so the sheriff ended up in Odessa himself, going around and about with the obstinate police chief, who let the employee go.  Again, the FCC was contacted and this time the city was fined heavily and warned by the FCC to drop the offending ordinance and to cease enforcing it.  That was in the early 60s and it took until the mid-70s, by which time scanners were abundant and almost as common as CBs. That finally put a stop to that nonsense.
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Want an install on a budget? Use a generic tail light LED replacement for a HAW! A light designed to operate at standard output works WONDERS when in a housing already illuminated by a running light!

Also not sure if it is even Red or White diodes!

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Lol, anyone else notice his POV has only 3 lug nuts holding the passenger rear wheel on?

A lot of good his TSC lights are going to do if his wheel falls off while running ER, lol.

I wish I had found this forum, and this post before I changed employers, so I could post the terrible install on my work van.

Not only was 90% of the equipment over protected, but they had power running through a household breaker panel.

So, they had the cb radio and scanner, not only protected by the factory inline fuse, but also a 20 amp household circuit breaker.

The lights on the van I drove were a single strobe mini bar, halogen "lollipop" lights both controlled by foot switches, a halogen arrow stick, and spring loaded side turn indicators.

There was another version that featured halogen mini bars, and strobe lollipop lights.

Here is one of the old vans, this one is an "upgraded" model, it features led lollipop lights, mini bar, arrow stick, rear led light heads on the doors, and led side turn indicators.

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Want an install on a budget? Use a generic tail light LED replacement for a HAW! A light designed to operate at standard output works WONDERS when in a housing already illuminated by a running light!

Also not sure if it is even Red or White diodes!


Probably brighter than a Vertex anyway why not.
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Hmm... I'm sure I can see a siren position that says 'TOOL' quite clearly... Probably sums up the whacker quite well.

Could pick so many faults with this... title card, the fact the siren is probably not period correct (doesn't sound like a LTS 'Mad Max' siren)... and I can't even see the strobes hidden in the grill.

He's running those lights off a cigarette plug adapter... 54 flash patterns and too many lights in the rear!
That  "tool" function shows up on a number of the foreign-built sirens, and can be anything from a modified yelp to a horn sound.  My STL siren had the "tool" function and it was the phaser sound.
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i saw this "gem" yesterday when i got off work...

the first thing that caught my eye was about 10 additional amber LEDS marker on the front bumper... i never could get in front of it to get a pick of that but he's from this county so maybe ill see it agian...

the next thing that caught my eye was the chineese knock off bar on top... so i got behind him

driver side marker leds are crooked...

2 red led strips marker strips each side of the tailgate... 

a whole bunch of chrome stick on grilles

more led markers underneath factory turn signal

looked liked a retired white guy driving so i shall guess retired OTR  wide load escort driver??? LOL

bonus point whackerism. they are updating the intersection in that pic and there are currently 14 redlights between the poles and wires
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Really? Did they change that, because the "tool" siren tone that is on the website is merely a faster version of the hi-lo.
With STL, since all their stuff is foreign-made, that "tool" can be almost anything.   Abrams has a nice little siren called the "Range" and instead of  tool the panel shows "aux", and it's the faster hi-lo sound.  Also has a decent mechanical tone.  Depending on where you look it sells from $59 on Amazon and $79 on NYPD   You can hear it on YouTube.
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