Official "Whacker" or "Screwed Up Install" Thread

Can't believe I forgot to post this here... Saw this at work about a week ago. the three head china lights are basically scattered about, if you can't tell by the 3 in the rear window with no particular arrangement (the front is no better) and that voltex-ish stick appeared to not be attached in any way at all...

No signs, no stickers... Was a radio on the dash, looked like an export cb but was probably straight up HAM.

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This MAY actually be legit, but it doesn't make it any less ridiculous:

i think it looks good, apt placement, not over the top. gotta be honest, failin to see the issue here

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its a "civilians" car.... driven by... This guy....


according to his bio, he is not in LE anymore....

He has wires running allover the place on his "console"....

he's driving a non LE vehicle with "LE" looking hub caps.

he has blue lights all over it and a spotlight

the back deck to me looked like it had 2 blue oscilazers, a halogen arrowstick, and 3 single strobelights of some type, which are blocking a good 3/4 of the back window...

PLUS he has a fullsize lightbar on top of all the lighting.

screams whacker to me.
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Is frekin cruella deville driving that car looking for the 101 Dalmatians?? Holy shi!
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Some of those late model buicks can be decent.. But those lights look sub 90s :p barely even visible. His video says its a police car in duty or something along those lines.

Didn't even know those road details were actual things people did. Not to offend anyone who does it on here, seems boring if I'm honest
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who needs a mechanic?

this was at the local wally world last night

I wonder if he used glue or chewing gum?
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Some of those late model buicks can be decent.. But those lights look sub 90s :p barely even visible. His video says its a police car in duty or something along those lines.

Didn't even know those road details were actual things people did. Not to offend anyone who does it on here, seems boring if I'm honest
Didn't know we had someone from Alpine on here. Welcome aboard.
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I work for a company that does traffic control/ work zone road details on my days off. I make $34/hr working with local road crews and utility companies. It is boring as all hell, but the money is good. 
Sounds like my kind of job, sign me up
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I work for a company that does traffic control/ work zone road details on my days off. I make $34/hr working with local road crews and utility companies. It is boring as all hell, but the money is good. 
Sounds like my kind of job, sign me up

Me too...  lol
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Yup I do those alot in my POV I did one recently at $75 an hour and did a 12 hour shift. I just had to guard some Italian power generators being escorted by some army trucks at a top speed of 20 mph lol
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file this under "screwed up" dont know if its been posted before...

hope the FCC doesnt know he's using a non typed certified HAM radio for public safety...

plus mostly STL,

interior light, outside...

arrow probably couldnt be seen without tailgate open...

those switches... all of them... crooked
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I hope he knows that dash miser on his grill is not waterproof!

I have had several people who buy lights off me install stuff like talons and Slimlighter in the grill like that too.......then they get butt hurt and blame me for selling crap after it burns out after the rain hits it..... idiots
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file this under "screwed up" dont know if its been posted before...

hope the FCC doesnt know he's using a non typed certified HAM radio for public safety...

plus mostly STL,

interior light, outside...

arrow probably couldnt be seen without tailgate open...

those switches... all of them... crooked
I would suspect that any public safety frequency, would be locked out on that Icom radio.

Such is the case with my Yaesu 2 meter mobile, I can receive public safety frequencies, but TX is locked out, it came from the factory set up this way.

Now something like a Woxun mobile radio, or my Baofeng handheld, which are imports, TX on those are not locked on public safety frequencies, and could get someone in trouble.

That being said, that is a really crappy setup!
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I don't see anything illegal about using VHF Public Service frequencies on those Baoefeng radios.   They are big sellers to the vollies around here that put them on their VFD channels.  As long as they're still using analog radios and not on P25, etc.
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I would suspect that any public safety frequency, would be locked out on that Icom radio.

Such is the case with my Yaesu 2 meter mobile, I can receive public safety frequencies, but TX is locked out, it came from the factory set up this way.

Now something like a Woxun mobile radio, or my Baofeng handheld, which are imports, TX on those are not locked on public safety frequencies, and could get someone in trouble.

That being said, that is a really crappy setup!

annnd uhhh NO.

I have the exact same radio, it was "modified" to work on PS freqs.. (its just a small solder modification) by its former owner who was a PD officer.

WOUXUNS are type certified for part 90 and 97  both my uv 1d and the "powerwerx" rebranded WOUXON dual band mobile are.

some baofengs(newer uv82) are as well...
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I don't see anything illegal about using VHF Public Service frequencies on those Baoefeng radios.   They are big sellers to the vollies around here that put them on their VFD channels.  As long as they're still using analog radios and not on P25, etc.
also and uhh NO...

as I stated above some Baofengs are type rated for public safety (LMRS)..

The FCC has specific rules for Amateur radio vs LMRS (land mobile radio service) and also CB, FRS/GMRS.

im not going to post the FCC regs here.. that's what google is for.

people use baofengs and wouxuns for GMRS use which is also illegal. (it has a removable antenna and different wattage then allowed for GMRS)

now back to the whackerificisms
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annnd uhhh NO.

I have the exact same radio, it was "modified" to work on PS freqs.. (its just a small solder modification) by its former owner who was a PD officer.

WOUXUNS are type certified for part 90 and 97 both my uv 1d and the "powerwerx" rebranded WOUXON dual band mobile are.

some baofengs(newer uv82) are as well...
"Modified" is the exception, a factory stock Icom should have a TX block on any public safety frequency.

Now that you mention it, I do remember that my Baofeng is part 90 accepted, but it still depends on authorization to TX on public safety.
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if the guy was using this for "rx only" he wouldn't need a mic

antenna on the truck looks like a Larsen dual bander...

scanners are cheaper and don't need "specific" antennas... to rx on...

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green and amber... had some type of "shield" on the side

could be potentially violent.

video has a watermark of "demo video not for broadcast"   how much did they pay for that tornado to show up?
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You know, If I were to give any suggestion to storm chasers who wants warning lights in their car/truck, here it is:

One amber dash light or a pair of grill lights to the front....THAT'S IT. No amber/clear or amber green. Just. Amber.

One amber traffic advisor to the rear. No other flashing lights needed......NO OTHER.

Even just the rear TA would be enough. They are more likely to be hit from the rear than the front since they pull to the side of the road so much, so put more emphasis to warn drivers to that issue. UFO storm chaser vehicles are NOT needed to do the job. The KISS method works the best in most situations.
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You know, If I were to give any suggestion to storm chasers who wants warning lights in their car/truck, here it is:

One amber dash light or a pair of grill lights to the front....THAT'S IT. No amber/clear or amber green. Just. Amber.

One amber traffic advisor to the rear. No other flashing lights needed......NO OTHER.

Even just the rear TA would be enough. They are more likely to be hit from the rear than the front since they pull to the side of the road so much, so put more emphasis to warn drivers to that issue. UFO storm chaser vehicles are NOT needed to do the job. The KISS method works the best in most situations.
Clearly you're not considering what the video would look like if a storm chaser actually got sucked up into the tornado. Then you'd appreciate the UFO effect from that green and amber...
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Couldn't get a good photo, but while installing an interior lightbar yesterday, I removed the A-Pillar plastic to find that whoever installed the remote start system had wrapped the wire going to the antenna around and under the side curtain airbags. :duh:
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I have seen this car driving around but have never been close enough to get a good picture. Yesterday was no different but I had to try. It says MARJO cargo Tank Inspector. The bar on the roof is a knock off rigid bar. his rims look like. Rockstar copy cats. The car is clean looking, not gawdy, but you dont have to wonder long what look they where going for.

**Sidenote. Yesterday I also saw a maxima (nissan, this one late 90's) pulled over in front of a rig on i20.With a green dashlight going. Green is starting to pick up in my area..smh.
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I have seen this car driving around but have never been close enough to get a good picture. Yesterday was no different but I had to try. It says MARJO cargo Tank Inspector. The bar on the roof is a knock off rigid bar. his rims look like. Rockstar copy cats. The car is clean looking, not gawdy, but you dont have to wonder long what look they where going for.

**Sidenote. Yesterday I also saw a maxima (nissan, this one late 90's) pulled over in front of a rig on i20.With a green dashlight going. Green is starting to pick up in my area..smh.

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Well at least it looks good? I can't think of any reason to have a light stick mounted on the roof of a Charger, but what the hell. Atlas it isnt a police charger with ebay blinkies.
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It wouldn't surprise me, honestly. I gotta wonder how they go about inspection. Like, do they just check 'em while parked or can they 'pull over' trucks? 
The lightbar is probably for night inspections, I presume they pull into a lot and turn the light on. If they see the right number of tankers, they make a check mark and leave :D
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