Official "Whacker" or "Screwed Up Install" Thread

Um, yeah....facepalm about sums it up. And why does he have one or more gallon anti-freeze bottles in his engine compartment?
casue its a chevy?
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Sad to say but I have a cheap Dollar Store flashlight that the batteries are just about to die that would give off more warning than those lights. Day and night.
That reminds me of my late friend, Ed Hearne, who owned A-1 Ambulance here in Midland for a few years.  When he first started his service he began with a then-new 1965 Plymouth wagon.  He didn't want to put emergency equipment on it, but the city told him he had to.  He mounted a Federal 28 siren under the hood; and until the city caught up with him, his sole red light was a handheld Unity spotlight that dangled from the rearview mirror with a red turn-signal lens taped across the front.  The city wouldn't go for that, of course, so he ended up with a red Jr. beacon and two red Federal lollipops on the roof. Great improvement.  But here's what was funny!  If he took a notion (which was quite often), he would run his emergency calls in two ways: either with lights only and no siren, or siren only with no reds on!   His competition was Thomas Funeral Home, who had remained in the ambulance business.  Midland was divided in half "territory"-wise, with Thomas covering the Eastside and A-1 the West.  One Sunday a bad wreck occurred on I20 on the east side of town. Thomas' ambulance broke down, and their other unit was on another run.  There were multiple injuries, so A-1 was called to send at least two units, and he refused to go, saying that it was in Thomas' territory and they'd just have to do the best they could.   The next day A-1's city permit was yanked.  He moved from here to Sweetwater, but didn't fare much better there.
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I'm going to have to call BS on that one...

There's NO WAY Station 3 fit in that Audi.

I do fit in it and I drive it on my days off.....It does feel like a go cart every rock and pebble you run over you FEEL IT...I am going to add some dash lights to the front and rear for fire response and to piss people off im going all AMAZON cheap brand on a very expensive car LOL
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I do fit in it and I drive it on my days off.....It does feel like a go cart every rock and pebble you run over you FEEL IT...I am going to add some dash lights to the front and rear for fire response and to piss people off im going all AMAZON cheap brand on a very expensive car LOL

I ended up purchasing one of those Amazon lights you mentioned in the other thread...and I'm glad Amazon Prime offers free return shipping.  Had my refund in 2 days.
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Funny thread.  Here's something that I've been seeing on Craigslist all summer.  This is the current link which might be good for a one wants to buy it (???).  It's legal (as it is amber and white according to the 'operator').  Laptop to check Facebook, cage and bars in the back for the ladies you might run into during your travels, radar, dash cam, and more!

And some video...






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Funny thread.  Here's something that I've been seeing on Craigslist all summer.  This is the current link which might be good for a one wants to buy it (???).  It's legal (as it is amber and white according to the 'operator').  Laptop to check Facebook, cage and bars in the back for the ladies you might run into during your travels, radar, dash cam, and more!

And some video...

Great sound track with the video: "...used to be cop until they kicked me off the force..." lol
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the song is talking about the car... right? :crazy:
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Haven't been on here in a while! Saw this in my recommended on YouTube. Good stuff. Not sure if he keeps trying to convince me or himself that all of it is legal. The comments are concerning too 

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I was at one of the local hospitals picking up a discharge when I noticed a competitor 's truck. At first I thought the new truck looked good being dodge with a simple yet effective whelen setup. Until I noticed the grill. I had to get a closer look...

Here is what I saw.


Yes, those are cheap eBay lights.
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That black crown vic....... the 3 head stick is driving me CRAZY OCD with even light heads especially with that pattern!!! OMG
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a gun safe for a dummy gun.... operated by a dummy.
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I was at one of the local hospitals picking up a discharge when I noticed a competitor 's truck. At first I thought the new truck looked good being dodge with a simple yet effective whelen setup. Until I noticed the grill. I had to get a closer look...Here is what I saw.


Yes, those are cheap eBay lights.
It was a private service, right? I noticed that truck at Richland Memorial a couple of weeks ago.
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Saw this one the other day - 5 antennas/mounts, a Liberty bar & LP lights.  Amateur radio plates, so I'm guessing a storm tracker or something....  Didn't get to see the front,so no idea if he had grille lights too.

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whyd you blank out the call sign.. I coulda looked him up and given you an answer lol
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ok you can PM it to me
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Saw this one yesterday when I took my daughter out for lunch. The guy had the beacons duct taped to the roof of his vehicle, and mailbox letters for the missing and exploited children's line.

He saw me snapping a couple pictures, and  came out of the restaurant to ask why I took them, I was honest with him, and told him that I had never had seen someone tape lights to the roof. He pointed out that the tape also was covering rust on the other side of the vehicle.

My three year old daughter thought it was funny someone taped the lights to the roof. Of course, I should expect it. Her brother is almost five and knows what split fail is. I won't be surprised if they join this site in a few years.

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Saw this one yesterday when I took my daughter out for lunch. The guy had the beacons duct taped to the roof of his vehicle, and mailbox letters for the missing and exploited children's line.

He saw me snapping a couple pictures, and  came out of the restaurant to ask why I took them, I was honest with him, and told him that I had never had seen someone tape lights to the roof. He pointed out that the tape also was covering rust on the other side of the vehicle.

Who needs professional upfitters or body shops when duct tape can take care of everything? Never mind the quality of the lights...
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Who needs professional upfitters or body shops when duct tape can take care of everything? Never mind the quality of the lights...

If he's got that kind of rust, he needs the beacons to keep other drivers out of his way in case the whole car falls apart all at once.  All he's gotta do is slam the door hard one time and he'll have the pile of rust and dust that was once his car on the ground.
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ohh man I saw one today ive got to get a pic of.. hopefully the guy lives here in town... I passed the oreilys and saw this "john deere themed" s10 or small older Nissan pickup.... the paint was peeling badly and on top was a mx7000 in what looked like all clear...
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"Now what am I doing?"  (10:11)
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that video has been posted before........

this is original...


3 crappy harbor freight lightbars.... 2 cb antennas. and the front had some crappy LED lights near the bumper...

bad thing is, i know this guy, i saw him in the boro, he's a trucker...
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