Official "Whacker" or "Screwed Up Install" Thread

Sure has a lot of useless stuff for looks and uhhhh street thunder...

WOW! This guy calls himself a Volunteer Firefighter? I love that he needs a lint roller, hair brush and taser for any "medical" needs. Also the outdated ERG book is great. Does his business cards say "Volunteer Firefighter" and "Clown" for children's birthday parties?

OMG, he wired up his "top of the line Amazon" lights and ran the wires on top of the carpet.......
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WOW! This guy calls himself a Volunteer Firefighter? I love that he needs a lint roller, hair brush and taser for any "medical" needs. Also the outdated ERG book is great. Does his business cards say "Volunteer Firefighter" and "Clown" for children's birthday parties?

OMG, he wired up his "top of the line Amazon" lights and ran the wires on top of the carpet.......
Newest erg comes out later this year but there's apps for that..I have a 16 as well.but have the wiser app
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Reminds me a little of this guy, just maybe not to this extreme...

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Even more whacker upgrades... Love the blocked out off road bar, and half installed console

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WOW!!!!!! How sloppy can he get?

He bolted his speaker to his A/C condenser. I guess he doesn't need A/C because that's going to wear a hole in the condenser and all of the freon is going to go bye-bye. Not to mention that all of his lights are barely attached and hanging by a thread.

Nice wiring job. It won't take much before it shorts and catches fire. Blue wire loom so you can see it through the grille and it's ran over the radiator.

Why does he have the Signal Master activated when he doesn't have a Signal Master or ArrowStick on his truck?
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female security officer on a FB page im on.. cab lights...





"got a truck bull bar, mustang spoiler, jeep wheels, and f250/350 cab lights"
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The young jedi is learning...

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The young jedi is learning...

Indeed, that is a lot better but he has a llooooonnnngggggg way to go. He needs some friends like us to teach him the right way to install and purchase quality equipment. I think we all could show him how to make his truck stand out and sound good safely.
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I uggghhhhhh hmmm

Oh My GOD! I went to high school with this clownshoe. He has NEVER been a firefighter and his "Security" was driving around a farm where we as teens use to have bone fires by a lake. If I'm not mistaken he got cited for trespassing and driving around the property with his lights on years after high school and the owner of the farm said he never contracted security.
You should totally check out his other videos cos they get even worse
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I'll just put this here...

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More money than sense...

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Alpha 1 you're needed now...

And on scene..

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I guess he didn't want to use the mini bar cause it would set off the petrol cans...

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Pull over zombies!!!

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Well ok I guess sunday us battery charging day...

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These "Zombie" vehicles just look like a good way for them to get busted for illegal use of emergency equipment. How many have busted through a red light trying to be something they are not?
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I uggghhhhhh hmmm

Multiple "reasons" for lights? ✔
K9 stickers? ✔
Starting own security company? ✔
Thin blue line sticker? ✔
GhettoFabolous mounting to factory console? ✔
Using a law enforcement type vehicle? ❌

But still, 4 out of 5 I think is good enough to earn the whacker title.
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Looks like zombie response is on the way to being the new REACT, except even more useless. (If that were even possible)
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Hmm haven't done a search for that group in awhile.. project for the day...
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Oh man we've found our way into the zombie response vehicle area now... but ya know..... i cant be all that mad about that mini cooper.
The mini Cooper actually don't look all that bad lol

Ok out of my own curiosity as im not sure what a Wacker or what makes someone a Wacker or what are the things that make a Wacker sorry if I seem like a noobe or a moron lol just trying to understand lol
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The mini Cooper actually don't look all that bad lol

Ok out of my own curiosity as im not sure what a Wacker or what makes someone a Wacker or what are the things that make a Wacker sorry if I seem like a noobe or a moron lol just trying to understand lol
In general someone who has more lights than the firetruck, someone who's light setup costs more then the car it's on, or esp someone who has no need for lights but will find the loophole in the law that allows them to have them. For me this also goes into the people who buy used cvpis and NGPIs and deck em out in lights just too look like a cop
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Ahh ok I got ya :) understandable too therss many out there who buy lights just to have them others who go extreme overkill and other people who buy law enforcement vehicles that are made to look like a cop (here in canada we had a whacker that went to the extreme to make clone of an RCMP ford taurus rite to a tee and went on a shooting rampage) so ya whackers especially cop look alikes really strike a nerve with me
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In general someone who has more lights than the firetruck, someone who's light setup costs more then the car it's on, or esp someone who has no need for lights but will find the loophole in the law that allows them to have them. For me this also goes into the people who buy used cvpis and NGPIs and deck em out in lights just too look like a cop
See also: Jeremy DeWitte.
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Oh he's about to be. Gonna get 70 years with Bubba and Drainpipe.
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Must have found out you put it here to get made fun of.
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