please post pics of custom FF & EMS Licence Plates

Indiana has two different license plates for firefighters. One is for professionals, and the other is for volunteers. There is a special registration process for the volunteer firefighter plates through the Indiana Volunteer Fireman's Association that takes up to 3 months. Many volunteer firefighters opt for the professional firefighters plate because any person off the street can get them with no affiliation and no wait.

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I haven't seen any of these in several years, so I think Indiana ceased offering an EMS license plate. This is what they used to look like.

This is what we have in NC.

This is what is on most department owned police, fire, and EMS units.


This is on most of the NCSHP cars. They have some units that have regular plates as well.


The rest of these are what are on POV's if the person is wanting to pay a bit more for them.




These are the newest design for Ohio called "Beautiful Ohio"

Used on Ambulances


Professional Firefighters


Volunteer Firefighters


Ohio C.O.P.S.






There are so many others but those are just SOME of the plates you can get in Ohio but those are the ones dealing with emergency services.
Ohio needs an EMT plate.

Also, there is nothing beautiful about or new plates. I like my old Red, White & Blue
FireEMSPolice said:
Also, there is nothing beautiful about or new plates. I like my old Red, White & Blue

I couldn't agree more. THESE plates though are not so bad but the passenger ones are nasty looking IMHO.
ISU_Cyclone said:
Dont LEO plates run the risk of having their vehicle keyed/damged/vandalized etc.? There are some not so friendly people out there.

Yeah, we call them "Key Me Tags" around here (Okla). You couldn't pay me to put one of those on my personal car.
Fluffy126577 said:
I couldn't agree more. THESE plates though are not so bad but the passenger ones are nasty looking IMHO.

They look like somebody barfed on a rectangular plate.
In Florida, Law Enforcement along with other certain public servants have the option of having their plate "blocked". Meaning no one can get any info on you when the plate is run. And if the police run your plate only the person's name comes up and the police "should" know you're an LEO or a public servant.
Retired Firefighter


Fallen Firefighter Memorial


Active Firefighter




And the plate that I personally hate,


A firefighter is a firefighter, it doesn't matter if you're a Volunteer or a Paid Firefighter. We all fight the same fire, so why should we have different plates?
Custom made by prisoners at Angola Prison, Angola, LA for our department.

kinnelonfire75 said:
An ingenious idea would be for my state (or any, for that matter) to make a plate for both the firefighters and EMTs. :roll:

Or maybe update the EMT plates to reflect the current standard. Im pretty sure NJ hasn't had EMT-A's in years.
In NY you have to pay for vanity plates that you can get with pretty much whatever you want. What I don't understand is that if you get Vol. FF plates (what I have) you only need to pay the fee once. If you get other plates like EMT (which I also am), you need to pay a fee every time you renew your registration. It doesn't make sense.
VF is a one time fee. The VAS plate is less then the EMT plate but still a yearly fee. I always wondered why VF get a better deal then Volunteer Ambulance Service.
I dig the fire plates but the cop plates make me cringe! Bad officer/family safety move. The chances of bodily injury are probably slim, but if you're in that 1%, it sure would suck.

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