Whelen HSS2200


May 21, 2010
Bombay, NY
How many output are on this? Also can I have more than one Siren tone? From the pictures I have seen only looks like there is 6 outputs and 1 Tone button. I am thinking of getting one, so let me know. Thanks
you can actually assign EVERY tone to 1 button as a handsfree mode. just keep hitting it (or the HR) and scroll through them all.

or so i have been told
It has 8 or 9 outputs and you can configure them in just about anyway you can dream. I have my lighting configured using the top three large buttons and the bottom 9 buttons are different siren options. You can only run one siren tone at a time.
The progam is the same as the Cencom Gold. Its very easy to do. You can drag the output to any button you want. I made another manual button for the Mech tone.
VolEms said:
The progam is the same as the Cencom Gold. Its very easy to do. You can drag the output to any button you want. I made another manual button for the Mech tone.

Does the mech tone have the wind down? And as posted I'm guessing you can only use on siren tone at a time? as in like you cant get any other tone going while the mech tone is winding down?
They only allow you to choose one T3 tone. You can make sevral T3 buttons but you will still get the same tone. I wanted Wail, Yelp, Pircer and Mech. So I made another Man button and its Mech and yes it does wind down. Its kind of a pain I have to keep pushing the button. You can only have one tone on. I use the Mech and a 1510 Emergency Air horn with comp. I called Whelen they said its the only way to have both tones. I think they should allow you to have Hi Low and Mech not choose one of 3 tones for T3 button. I love my Cencom Gold the other problem is its not a duel siren. I heard a rumor Whelen is coming out with a Cencom Gray that will be duel tone.
I was able to figure out the siren tones. I was able to make the buttons have 4 sirens. It has the Wail, Yelp, Piercer and Mechanical. I think I will replace the Mecanical with the Powercall.
Do you guys think I could have a grover stuttertone with the switch on the remote? I mean instead of installing a new button in the cab I just tap it to one of the outlets on the siren? :? aside from the usual HF tones I'm just after the powercall and mechanical. I was thinkin gof just getting a carson mechanical tone as I think the hhs has the same mech tone as the alpha moo series lol
You should be able to trigger the air horn with the HHS. Just use one of the outlets and program it momentary and you should be all set.

I have the HHS and a remote Unitrol so I can run two tones at the same time. I have the HHS programmed to automatically trigger the output for the Unitrol when I turn on any of the HHS tones. It is really simple to do in the programming. So if you're question is can you put a Carson siren in and control it with the HHS, You should be able to. Depending on the model of Carson.

Falcon9 said:
Do you guys think I could have a grover stuttertone with the switch on the remote? I mean instead of installing a new button in the cab I just tap it to one of the outlets on the siren? :? aside from the usual HF tones I'm just after the powercall and mechanical. I was thinkin gof just getting a carson mechanical tone as I think the hhs has the same mech tone as the alpha moo series lol
ffjwhite said:
I was able to figure out the siren tones. I was able to make the buttons have 4 sirens. It has the Wail, Yelp, Piercer and Mechanical. I think I will replace the Mecanical with the Powercall.
How did you make Piercer and Mech tones. I tried to make 2 T3 buttons one pier and the other mech when I programmed it they were both piercer. I made another man button to mech.
Ok, well this is my first How to Tutorial. Let me know how it is. If you need anything else let me know

Ok, well first to make the 2 T3 Tones, you will need to configure what button you want to have a siren tone. Now if you look at the Red circle


Now what you need is to Drag the Siren Option to the button you want.


Now what you need to do is select the Tones Tab. Now you want to remove the Manual Over ride tone. Now you only need to do this if you dont have a Manual button, like mine. Then what you want to do is add the tone you want. Now you have a big list to choose from so have fun choosing.


And this is what mine looks like as of now. Any other questions feel free to ask. I will also be showing a video of how the unit works sometime today or tomorrow. I will also post a link. I wasnt able to find one on Youtube so I figured I would make one for everyone else to see.

Yea, its shows what the tones are like, but I was more interested in looking to see how the controller works. Thats the version of the video I am going to make. Just gotta try and out do everybody huh? lol
Can you make a horn/siren button like on the cencom. Not a HF, but a HS.. I want to be able to have the air horn when I hit horn ring, when none of the siren tones or lights are active...
Figured it wouldn't be too much longer until someone said that. Sorry about that guys, been busy with work and we just had our annual fathers day BBQ yesterday. Will get to it for sure within the next day or so. Stay tuned.
I looks like the Cencom gold is diffrent. I dont think you can have two T3 tones mech and piercer.
I have the 2100. The tones are very "toy" like. I would love for whelen just to sell the amp as the rest of the components are backwards compatiable. The system is great. I just need to swap out my amplifiers. Anyone know someone that would, plus a nominal$$$$$ fee???
lednut said:
I have the 2100. The tones are very "toy" like. I would love for whelen just to sell the amp as the rest of the components are backwards compatiable. The system is great. I just need to swap out my amplifiers. Anyone know someone that would, plus a nominal$$$$$ fee???

I thought the 2200 had the same tones?? but I'm guessing difference is you can change them to the normal one??
I shouldn't say they are toy sounding. I guess I just notice the difference from the traditional sounds that are commonly found in the 295HFS series sirens. Guess I'm just use to them.
More after the manual tone on the 2100. The one that winds up slowly.

I suppose the only real appeal it has to me is that its different to what everyone has here lol
Just ordered one from HPD84 for a costumer. I hope he'll like it. I just need to make sure I mount it in a way that he doesnt have to hold it in his hand every time he uses the siren .

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