2011 Dodge Durango Citadel ***Updated - 06/5/17 ***

I don't know how the heck that post got in here... when I typed it, it said "fevers never ending contest"   :crazy:
Looks good. Awaiting video impatiently
Thanks T!!!  I'm impatiently waiting to see it lit on my Durango...  lol  I did all the programming off the Durango then tore it down to send the 2 ROC boards to Wilson.  Then I mounted it...  LoL

Looks wicked man :thumbsup:
Thanks bro!

Rettoded, you sir are very correct. This is ALL emtanderson51s fault!
Indeed, but thats not a bad thing...  lol

Valor is looking awesome Triton! Looking forward to seeing the final product!
Thanks man...
I don't think you will have to wait long, and here is why:

Given how often Tim changes his setup, I think it won't be long until he changes to another bar. And he will need cash for another setup, so he might sell the Valor.

See? There is hope!!!

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Although true that I change my set-up fairly frequently...  I HIGHLY doubt I will get rid of this beast anything in the near future...  

This is true, but down here in the south I cant run blue... we run real colors and SIRENS! Lol.
F*ck you...  lol 
Just when you thought boulder had it done he goes and does this, lol! Dude....totally awesome. I've always loved the v bars. Storms Valor had me drooling first time I saw it.

And so you know, whenever someone gives me crap about being a "light nut" I tell them I know a bigger one..... :)
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I got to run a fire call last night...  But since my end ROC Boards are out of the bar, all I had for warning was my 4 grill lights, and the "peak" of the Valor...  LoL  

Just have to remember that at night I have to close my moon roof...  And maybe use "Low Power" after arriving on scene...  lol
oh he's dim alright

oh wait you meant the bar....

For the short time you've had that Dodge....what's the light manufacturer count you've had on there?

Better yet HAVEN'T had on there...I think that list would be shorter, lol !
Well, I've had:

- Whelen (L32, Dual Talon, LED Responder, 500s, ULF-44, UHF-2150A)

- Fed Sig (Solaris heads, Intelli-Flasher, Valor)

- Code 3 (36" MX Frame/Lower Lenses, 2100/2700 Lightbar Tops, Intersection Sweeps)

- Feniex (T-6s, Apollos, Python 100, Fairys, 4200, Custom T-300s, Pegasus)

- 911EP (TD/WL36)

Now that I've listed it all out, I've had a shit tone of equipment in and out of the Durango...  lol

Hopefully gonna be updating it again soon (I'm hoping this weekend/my days off) with some VBERY cool items...   :ph34r:
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This thread is taking a 'Fevers never ending' sort of turn...
I got my new grill lights in the mail on Thursday...  2 brand spankin new Federal Signal 4-Head CN SignalMaster sticks...  Hopefully soon I can get my T-6s in the grill removed and these installed...


I'm playing around with around with the CN stick now at work...  Getting them set-up...  I just need to find a way to sync them together (and possibly with my Valor, Giggity)

These thing are equally as awesome at the Valor!!!  

I can't believe I'm kinda becoming a Fed Sig guy...  lol  I haven't had much Fed Sig stuff since my Mini Vector back when I first stared the FD...  lol

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