I didn't say there was anything "wrong" with it... Just not the direction I'm going... lolWhat's wrong with a throw light???
Ya know when I was a kid, all we had was a throw light.!... And we had to use it even if it's was snowing and ............ Lmao
just messing with ya Tim.!. truck looking bada$$ by the way...I didn't say there was anything "wrong" with it... Just not the direction I'm going... lol
I know... lol Thanks man!!!just messing with ya Tim.!. truck looking bada$$ by the way...
I know I'm usually one for "overkill is underused anymore", but I honestly don't see how its "a little much"...? Interior Bar, 4 grill lights, 2 side lights and a rear light stick...? Thats pretty minimal compaired to my previous vehicle... lolI'm going to be on the "its a little much" and add "but it's not my truck/car, so it doesn't matter"
It needs a bit more to the rear and sides and it will be done (for now)... lolIsn't there plans for cannons in the rear and a few more surface in the rear, the mirrors too?
If that's how it stays that's a solid amount and good setup
My 14hr shifts start up again today 14on 10 off Fri, sat, sungreat another turn around tonight. 5 hours of sleep in between 2 12 hour shifts... :crazy: