so, the rescue squad I'm on is the county's "Emergency Tree Pruning Service/Roadway Removal" when the highway dept is not working, they will come out during major storms or if the tree is too big for us to handle like we need a backhoe or something.
early this morning around 1:25 a deputy is doing his night community checks and I here him say. "388 can you get the rescue squad to come out and take care of a tree in the roadway at "mt Lebanon rd" its too big for me to push out of the way and I have nothing to cut it up with.
I ask the GF if she wants to tag along and she says.. "I'm staying here to watch my show (
Law and order SVU) plus i aint a part of that group."
So i wait a few mins to see if the Squad's LT is up since he's usually the one that goes this early in the morn.
i get on the radio and holler for 808. he says meet him at the building. i live 2 blocks from the building. i get there before he does. we discuss our plan of attack and both realize we have never heard of this mysterious road the deputy spoke of. I get on radio... 845 comm center can you verify trees location and possible cross street. (aka county road)
"deputy advises mt Lebanon road closer to the warner's bridge end."
845 10 - 4
i look up the road on gps it doesn't exist
i told the Lt screw it we'll play it by ear and ill run ahead of yall until we find it.
10 miles later we find a road named MT PLEASANT
i get on the radio advise..
845 we are 97 at mt pleasant CHURCH rd with the tree.
i say tree lightly. its about 4 inches in diameter, with many "branches" coming out of the top... it was about a foot in the road and looked like it had already been ran over a few times.... we cut the MASSIVE tree up into 3 pieces and kicked it out of the road, swept off the debris and checked 10-8 enroute to building...
drive time to tree 20 mins
actual work, 3 minutes
15 minute return time via highway that the tree was actually closer to.
volunteering for your community....... "priceless"
got back to squad building got back on radio,
845 comm center
"go ahead sir"
845, all 800 units 10-7
"thank you"
cant wait for storm season to get here!