Carlos SpicyWeiner's STILL Never-Ending Comment Contest

Id kill for one of those Mars arrow bars
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as ive gotten a half hour sleep since 1700 yesterday; i can tell you this: when you are used to wearing boots, and you insist upon engaging in manual labor barefoot, ie putting a bench down, and you drop it, full force, on your foot; it hurts


works gunna freakin blow tomorrow
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That's not cool...... Sorry to hear your misfortune

Would love to displaythat directional dual aurora.... Least there's still beauty's revealing themselves.... I would buy me an old car to rock parades...
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as ive gotten a half hour sleep since 1700 yesterday; i can tell you this: when you are used to wearing boots, and you insist upon engaging in manual labor barefoot, ie putting a bench down, and you drop it, full force, on your foot; it hurts


works gunna freakin blow tomorrow
If it makes you feel any better, when Monday the 3rd rolls around, that will be my third day off in about 6 weeks.... The other two being the 8th and 9th.  

Thank goodness at the end of next month I move to the "rover" shift .... 2 weeks of days and 2 weeks of nights... that will put me back on the normal 2/2/3/3 rotation. .... a VERY welcome break.
so 2 times in the past week my kia has just sat in my driveway  turning the starter and never starting..... I had this problem 2 years ago and it was ECM... how the hell does a car keep blowing computers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have to work third shift at the new job Monday. since I figured the ECM on the car was tanking I ordered a headlight switch for my f 150 because every other year it blows headlight switches due to a factory defect that's known on them....(but FORD wont fix them) but it wont be here till Wednesday. Since the ECM crapped out last night, I went to a junkyard to get a headlight switch to act until my new one gets here (hope it works) so I got my GF playing chauffer for me today. when I get off work I have to try and get the switch on the truck replaced and see if tis going to work cause im working 2nd shift tomorrow and cant drive at night with no head/parking/ or dashlights....

ohh and  surprise I had to take the new weedeater apart to fix the pull string recoil mechanism.... Ive used it a few times since I got it but I went to weed eat yesterday and I pulled the string and it didn't go back in.... WTF
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I'm here too....... that's it....... here........ nothing more............ At least I'll be going home an hour before Tony though  :D  ...... Unless my day goes like last night's shift .......
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So nobody knows where to get new suction cups for dash light brackets? I was hoping to find some place that sold a bag of 10-20 of them but no luck so far.  :mellow:
woman's doo dads crafts stores, or places like micheals should have them.

got the switch from the junkyard installed on the truck and everything works... the harness is melted where it should be.... :crazy:   ill upload a pic later. new switch and "plunger" will be here tomorrow. shoulda got a harness as well but didn't feel like cutting and splicing  9 oem wires.

went to start the car up last night and it ran for 25 seconds before it sounded like a "hit and miss"  tractor. then died.  so that confirms my ECM theory.
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So nobody knows where to get new suction cups for dash light brackets? I was hoping to find some place that sold a bag of 10-20 of them but no luck so far.  :mellow:
One eBay listing says genuine Whelen style for $4.95 for 3, plus $2.25 shipping. Too high for me.

Try Steve (emtanderson51) here (on vacation 'til Aug 2) or Holly or Sarah at P1 in Michigan.

Note: Don't mess with Holly. She is AKA: "SMACK MORRIS" of the D-FUNK ALLSTARS Detroit Derby Girls roller derby team

I don't know that these will work, but the price is right:
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"woman's doo dads crafts stores," - sexist bigot, eh?

I guess that is to differentiate them from a "man's doo dads store" AKA: Harbor Freight, Northern Tool, etc that would only have "manly" suction cups (8" and larger)? 
"woman's doo dads crafts stores," - sexist bigot, eh?

I guess that is to differentiate them from a "man's doo dads store" AKA: Harbor Freight, Northern Tool, etc that would only have "manly" suction cups (8" and larger)? 
D sized cups?
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I am watching Women's Crossfit Games Event 13, while waiting for the NHRA drag racing to begin.

I think these ladies have no problem shopping for manly tools at Harbor Freight and Northern Tool.
Saying you're watching women's crossfit is useless without pics.
Back to the grind, checking in for 8...

Had an OUTSTANDING weekend...    

Friday:  Did and install on BJs new truck.  Closed on my house.  And had a hot date (got home around 0730 lol)...  

Saturday:  Relaxed (slept) most of the day, washed the Durango, and had another date...  lol

Sunday (Today):  Had family supper at my uncles new project place.  An old 1 room school house out in the middle of the state game lands...  Food cooked on an open fire pit, good times with family...  
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Morning to all!! What an awesome weekend!  Hot air balloon festival on Friday night with fireworks, Saturday was a family shindig, and yesterday I SAT AROUND AND PLAIED CALL OF DUTY AND DRANK BEER. AWESOMEEEEEE
Saying you're watching women's crossfit is useless without pics.
Saying you're watching women's crossfit is useless without pics.
You asked - I provide

Photo deleted. I decided it was not suitable for all age viewing. You will just have to use your imagination as to what was once posted here.
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Have I won three new units of the discontinued Typhoon speakers yet? I don't need the bumper sticker, just the speakers.
I have a better chance at winning the Powerball or Megamillion, Dave. I know there are no speakers to be won, but its fun to keep bringing them up (secretly hoping Feniex finds an unsold stash of Typhoons in a back corner of the warehouse). 

That said, I have found this thread to be an adequate supplement to not having anyone in chat during the daytime. It offers a recluse (me) some contact with the outside world.

PS: I still don't need/want the bumper sticker, just the speakers
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Guess who has today and tomorrow off?? THIS GUY!!!!!!!  :fangirl: :dance: :razz: :woot:
I have a better chance at winning the Powerball or Megamillion, Dave. I know there are no speakers to be won, but its fun to keep bringing them up (secretly hoping Feniex finds an unsold stash of Typhoons in a back corner of the warehouse).

That said, I have found this thread to be an adequate supplement to not having anyone in chat during the daytime. It offers a recluse (me) some contact with the outside world.

PS: I still don't need/want the bumper sticker, just the speakers
oh trust me, i know. why do you think im on here so much :haha:
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