New Company: Feniex

this must be a phoenix that never makes it out of the fire.
jonny521 said:
For more information,please feel free to e-mail us back with any questions. Unfortunately though, we won't be able to release any detailed information about our products until mid fall.However, we will provide detailed videos of each product on our site after our launch, and we will be showcasing our products at the Firehouse Central in Dallas and at CopsWest in California. Again, thank you, and we look forward to keeping you updated about the release of our cutting-edge products. Have a great day.

I looked them up on the show sites. They are registered at both of them. Is anyone going to either show?
Chasselber1 said:
I was at firehouse expo and did not see or hear anything regarding Feniex warning lights.

FINALLLYY!!!! Somebody who attended the show said something! Im calling Shenanigans on this one.. Seems like a whole buncha Boooolllshit to me! Just come clean and stop wasting everyones time. If it is in fact STL or SLK or POS or whatever the hell you wanna call yourself just man up!

ISU_Cyclone said:
Oh dear, heaven forbid a company has to delay the release of a that never happens :roll:

I dont think its the missed release date of a product that has poeple skepticle, its the fact of the similarities between some not so reputable people.

By the way, why all of a sudden did this get moved to "THE RING"?

Same reason my "Law" thread got moved, people aren't being nice.

I figure if they're putting this much effort into generating hype for their new releases they better have something to show for it.
nerdly_dood said:

I figure if they're putting this much effort into generating hype for their new releases they better have something to show for it.
:idea: What he said!
ya im actually excited to see what they offer, i mean they have some strong company's they have to go against so we will see.
Chasselber1 said:
I was at firehouse expo and did not see or hear anything regarding Feniex warning lights.

Same here. All I was a confused PowerArc rep at the Whelen booth, PowerAc and some questionable-looking LED stuff crammed into a Crown Vic demo car that was there last year. No FedSig, no Code 3...kinda lame from the lighting point of view.
The strike against this company is, in my opinion, credibility. They said they were going to launch on a given date, and failed to do so.
i just emailed them again asking why they have not come out with the product line as promised and on time, why they claimed they were going to be in Baltimore with a booth and did not show, and why they have pushed thier release back with little to no explanation.

it's about integrity. they do not appear to have any.

they could at least have some pictures of thier products on thier site (they must have something floating around). i seriously doubt they will change the look of them that drastically from now till the "real" release.

they also could update the flashy little page they have to reflect their change in the vague release date. the page is very generic and has nothing specific on it.

before we compare them to whelen, code3, fed sig, ect. lets keep in mind they are all ESTABLISHED companies with longstanding reputations. this company has JACK. this is not the way to start out and build a loyal customer base.

i am already NOT IMPRESSED!!
is there anything on this company yet like pics or anything. i went digging and couldnt find nothen just wanted to see if anyone else had any better luck :lol: prob not but hey what the hell right.
strange thing i came across. I went to ram mounts website today to look at a console for a 2004 crown vic (i know, everyone is pushing me to get "havis" :roll: ) and i came across this feniex name again in there face plates section, ... fault.aspx

has anyone seen there products? or does anyone work for havis or ram that can get us some info on this company?
John_Eguar said:
strange thing i came across. I went to ram mounts website today to look at a console for a 2004 crown vic (i know, everyone is pushing me to get "havis" :roll: ) and i came across this feniex name again in there face plates section, ... fault.aspx

has anyone seen there products? or does anyone work for havis or ram that can get us some info on this company?
already been discussed, second page, about the 6th post down.
Yea i saw that post on havis products, but ram-mounts is new. I will call ram to see if they have any photos or information.
probably wont be.......

i just recieved this email today from em. i asked them if they were gonna post anything on there website about there products with images and vid. this is what i got.

Dear Mr. Jon Shuman,

Thank you for your interest in our company. We will be launching our site or our product line later than originally intended; during mid-fall. At that time our site will populated with the majority of our launch products.The reason for such is to guarantee privacy of our product line and to finish all SAE certifications and patents. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. However, we will provide detailed videos of each product on our site after our launch, and we will be showcasing our products at the Firehouse Central Expo in Dallas (September 27) and at CopsWest in California (November 17) . We hope you will find our products to live up to your standards and beyond.

Again, thank you for your inquiry, and we hope you will enjoy our innovative brand with during our release. Have a great day!


The Staff at?

Feniex Industries, Inc.
cory y said:
I've gotten my passes for the expo here in dallas. Ill be on the hunt.
yeaaaa boy. our own elightbars spy HEHEHEHEH :lol: get some pics because you know damn well they will have product there. atleast they should anyway
I called havis and ram mounts to ask about feniex products since they list them on there site. Apparently they can not provide any information until feniex "approves" the product release :roll: . I asked them when that is and they said they are not sure but "in the next few weeks" was there best guess.

god damn! i want to know what all the talk is about :geek:

better be worth is, thats all i got to say.
jonny521 said:
i just recieved this email today from em. i asked them if they were gonna post anything on there website about there products with images and vid. this is what i got.
Dear Mr. Jon Shuman,

....The reason for such is to guarantee privacy of our product line and to finish all SAE certifications and patents.

It's so strange, but I can't find ANY patent applications. I see two Marks one for text Feniex and one for drawn Feniex (the same for STL and Speed Tech Lights) but I absolutely see no patents at their UPS store address, the STL address, the "DEYAF" name, STL, Speed Tech Lights, or under Feniex.....

Just remember everyone, this is the company that wasn't so honest:

We are not associated with any other companies in our industry. Not at all with SpeedTech Lights or with SoundOff Signal, which was suggested on another site. Nor with Fenix, who I assume, based on their web site, is a flashlight company.

We are an entirely new company in this market.

Same web host, Same state, Same last name, Same industry, Same website designer/platform... Even the Attn that registered the mark is the same, and he's from FL! LOL!!!
Well i sent them an email regarding their patents and their location they sent me this!

Dear Mr. Charles Simons,

Thank you for contacting us. In response to your questions, the current address provided to the public is our mailing address at a UPS store in downtown Austin. Our physical address will be released later. In regards to your question about our patent applications, we're not sure what search or program you are using to search for those applications. However, we are working to process patents on certain products, and we can not release this information to you until our launch due to legal issues. (If you're wondering what that means, pretty much we have no idea who you are and who you work for.) Our products will be mass manufactured in the U.S., and have been designed by our engineers.

When we launch, we will provide detailed videos of each product on our site after our launch, and we will be showcasing our products at the Firehouse Central in Dallas and at CopsWest in California. Again, thank you, and we look forward to keeping you updated about the release of our cutting-edge products. Have a great day.


The Staff at?

Feniex Industries, Inc.
Wonder why the company has not responded to this thread- they were on the archive board drumming up business..

And for their sake, I hope all this "hype" is worth it... and they have a great line of well built, durable and good warrantied/honoured products. If not, they are going to fail as a company very, very quickly. (with statements like designed/made/built in USA, etc...)

When are these shows they keep referring to in emails?
unlisted said:
When are these shows they keep referring to in emails?

I sent them an email asking them for the dates and specific locations, we shall know in a day or two!
Who really cares where a product was made? If its quality product and it fulfills its designed task, who cares.
anyone hear anything about this company?
Kevin K. said:
While I haven't heard or read anything new about Feniex, I did stumble across this bit of info while collecting part numbers for brackets on the Havis website:

If you'll scroll down, you'll notice that there's two listings for Feniex products: one's for a control head identified as Feniex 7" Digital Touch H-30710; and the other one is a siren described as Feniex Olympian C-200. Unfortunately, clicking on each respective URL does not produce a picture.

I'm definitely curious about them now.

I typically do not quote myself; however, I'll consider this a rare exception. Should you be so inclined to revisit this particular link, you'll now find actual pictures of the two products in question. Surprisingly, neither appears to resemble a STL product in any way, shape or form. The Olympian C-200 at first glance closely resembles a SmartSiren from FedSig, and the Digital Touch H-30710 is actually a touch-screen controller.

Perhaps the revealing of the Feniex line will come to pass after all!
Wait, are you saying someone finally made a touchscreen siren/lighting controller?

If it has multiple outputs and can be customized...... hmmmm

(oh and thanks havis for the images.) :twisted:




I don't know if you can post the images directly here. If you're able to do so, I think you should before Feniex finds out Havis revealed two of their products perhaps prematurely.

Like I said earlier, at first look they do not appear to be total garbage. I had originally given up on Feniex, but now my interest is renewed.

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