Official "Whacker" or "Screwed Up Install" Thread

strobecrazy said:
EDIT:Not a vid but found pictures.

Hey, Strobecrazy. I too located their "website".

Cool Thin Blue Line patch there, Chief Jay.


Oh, also, when he's "off-duty":


For anyone else that wants to check their "website" out, click HERE. Be sure to check out the photos section!

:duh: :duh: :duh: :haha: :haha: :haha: :hahano:
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Darn, they got "REACT" patrol cars !! Olé !

On the second to last picture, PO and Reactor...

It seems the PD uses bunking with REACTors as a disciplinary tool... Very smart ! :)
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GreenZone09 said:
Hey, Strobecrazy. I too located their "website".

Cool Thin Blue Line patch there, Chief Jay.


Oh, also, when he's "off-duty":


For anyone else that wants to check their "website" out, click HERE. Be sure to check out the photos section!

:duh: :duh: :duh: :haha: :haha: :haha: :hahano:

I'm guessing his bedroom is in the basement... of his mother's house. :dielaugh: :dielaugh: :dielaugh:
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hey, all things considered, it's a healthier past time than playing being the Joker and opening up in a crowded cinema, or building your little dirty bomb in your basement in the name of whatever fucker you worship.

Now of course to get chicks in that outfit... quite a challenge;.. :)
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TheGatekeeper said:
Now of course to get decent looking and sane chicks in that outfit... quite a challenge;.. :)

Fixed it for you
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strobecrazy said:
:haha: Apparently you have never been to Dragon*Con or any SciFi Convention, D*C is know for the three "F's" Food,Fun & F@!*ing.

No way !!!


It's being said of any freaking convention, whether dentists, butchers or computer geeks !! There might be chicks, but no pit girl-type in my opinion !!!

But as you are right that I never attended such a scifi conv, I might stand corrected on this one... ;)
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strobecrazy said:
I've seen that car in a video somewhere, If I recall he uses green lights for some reason. I'll have to track it down tonight.

EDIT:Not a vid but found pictures.



Ok, well that is definitely the same car. My picture is from the Walmart in Shelby which is the county seat of Cleveland County NC. Based on where the car was parked in the lot I'd say our fearless REACT Commander works at Walmart when he's not saving the world one radio wave at a time.

I will at least say that I don't think any LE agencies in Cleveland County run impalas. If they do they don't run many of them.
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CrownVic97 said:
Skip to 10:00 in the video. Saw this whacker on a local cable channel recently as I was channel surfing one morning. Black and white CVPI with push bumper, HLF, HAWS, and an amber Whelen Guardian minibar on the roof. For what group it's for, I don't really know, but I believe the HLF and HAWS are illegal in ND if it isn't a Class A emergency vehicle.

I don't know what it is, but that amber Whelen Guardian minibar is really ugly in this application. It's not so much the bar -- it's that it really doesn't belong on a car like this... They need a LED mini bar!
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Citizen85 said:
Ok, well that is definitely the same car. My picture is from the Walmart in Shelby which is the county seat of Cleveland County NC. Based on where the car was parked in the lot I'd say our fearless REACT Commander works at Walmart when he's not saving the world one radio wave at a time.

I will at least say that I don't think any LE agencies in Cleveland County run impalas. If they do they don't run many of them.

Oh dear God......Shelby's only about 15 minutes from my house, which means this genius is in my area. Wonderful.
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GreenZone09 said:
Hey, Strobecrazy. I too located their "website".

Cool Thin Blue Line patch there, Chief Jay.


Oh, also, when he's "off-duty":


For anyone else that wants to check their "website" out, click HERE. Be sure to check out the photos section!

:duh: :duh: :duh: :haha: :haha: :haha: :hahano:
Do NOT go to the website if you are incontinent, drinking while in front of your computer screen/keyboard, or experiencing severe'll be sorry!
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AggiePhil said:
Absolutely ghastly. What the hell is a REACT team anyway??

That's what I thought. I've never heard of it. I guess it's some sort of volunteer organization that's around at least a couple states. It goes up the chain to some actual organization but if I were in the higher-ups there I would yank this posting for the whackerishness of it all (is that a new word? whackerishness?). Anyway, as the following quote says, don't go there if you're any sort of grammar nazi because just about every other word is misspelled on there.

TheLightFromMars said:
Do NOT go to the website if you are incontinent, drinking while in front of your computer screen/keyboard, or experiencing severe'll be sorry!

Cleveland County REACT Website said:
Who We Are

We Are Cleveland County REACT Shelby, NC We Are All Volunteers No Pay We Help In Times of EMERGENCYS We Monitor Emergency CB Channel-9 and So People Can Call For HELP and We Use Ham Radio and Go Out and HELP The Cleveland County Sheriffs Dept and The City of Shelby Police Dept With Treffic Control and We Are There Eyes To Report Stuff To The County or City. We All Are SKYWARN Storm Spotters and do Nets on Ham Radio in Times of Bad Weather and Report Bad Weather To The Nat. Weather Service to Get Wornings Out To The People Faster and We Patrol After A Storm Looking For Down Trees and Power Lines and Flood Roads and We Block Them Off. All Members Love Watt They Do in REACT. We Dont Get Any Grants or Funds We Pay For All of Are Raidos and Lights And Gas Out of Are Own Pocket To HELP The People of Cleveland County North Carolina.

We Monitor

CB 27.065Mhz CB Channel-9 for EMERGENCYS and Weather Reports.

147.045Mhz Tone 127.3 CCARS NA4CC Repeater and NA4CC-R Echolink Link Node 706882

442.000Mhz Tone 114.8 Rutherford County ARES+SKYWARN The AI4M Repeater

145.270Mhz Tone 91.5 Back Up Repeater for Rutherford County ARES+SKYWARN The WA4KNI Repeater






Again, visit the website for more fun: Click me!
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"Hey fellers the twister went thataways"

well i was going to post the pic of them in berrets but the pic is to big and in a bmp format so this wont be as funny....

In 2005, a cracked out communications unit was sent to away by an Amateur radio club court for a crime they were sureto commit. These men promptly escaped from sanity to the North Carolina underground. Today, still wanted by their phsychologists, they survive as whackers of mis-fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire... The REACT Team.
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myprixxx said:
Jesus who taught them to spell. I guess I get no say in it though, so they are "hear" to stay

From their "official" website: "REACT IS HEAR TO HELP IN TIMES OF EMERGENCYS"

Its not the worst mistake but for some reason its my favorite. I think they should decal it onto the cars!

Here is what gets me about this.

First, is that I work in local government in Cleveland County and I can tell you that these guys enjoy absolutely no official capacity here at least not with my agency. I have seen my agency's emergency contact list and there is no column that says if you need geriatrics to direct traffic call REACT Chief Jay at ***-****.

Second, and I don't mean to step on any toes; its not that hard to get onto a volunteer FD or Rescue Squad around here. It takes a lot of dedication for sure but for the most part you can join one unless you have some serious deficiency. A lot of departments around here would be glad to have more members but I think the reality is these REACT people don't actually have the dedication to commit to something real like that. They'd rather just buff calls and pretend to be official.

Third, they just have to cloak themselves in LE garb. Why not just get a nice polo with the REACT patch on the chest? If they acted like what they are: radio hobbyist and storm spotters, I would be okay with it but this idea that they are responding to traffic wrecks and downed trees to block traffic is crazy. Also check out the pictures of Chief Jay walking around the Shelby's National Night Out in full dress uniform. :hopeless:
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IshyFlynn said:
I don't know what it is, but that amber Whelen Guardian minibar is really ugly in this application. It's not so much the bar -- it's that it really doesn't belong on a car like this... They need a LED mini bar!

Probably the only time in my life when I will get to use this phrase, so here it goes: He is really riding the ass of the pea pod, carrot and banana.
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Found this at work the other day. It appears to be a fire police capt. or lt. a few towns over. Thankfully, off the top of my head, I can't think of any local PDs who use Impala's with push bars. I've been waiting ages to spot one of these.





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Nooooo ! :crackup:

Imagine the flashback !!!There must be as much light output inside the car than outside !!! :)

That is until it catches fire of course !!!

Fire Lou huh... Talk about leading by example !!
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Amanda said:
Found this at work the other day. It appears to be a fire police capt. or lt. a few towns over. Thankfully, off the top of my head, I can't think of any local PDs who use Impala's with push bars. I've been waiting ages to spot one of these.






Nice... never seen anyone actually modify a CVPI pushbumper and make it "work" on an impala
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Must be a pretty safe area...around most parts of the world, someone would smash the window just to have a badge to flash. Back in my parking enforcement days, I politely gave a cop hell for leaving his badge in the window of his vehicle so I wouldn't tag him. There were a couple people hanging around the vehicle when I showed up...the officer showed up a couple minutes later. Be tough to explain to the boss why you need a replacement badge.
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Seems kind of dumb to leave a badge of any kind out in the open. The badge is often the hardest thing to fake when you want to play pretend cop or pretend inspector. Not uncommon around these parts to hear of criminals knocking on doors claiming to be building inspectors, their goal is to get inside and steal whatever they can pocket or distract the tenant while an accomplice loots the place. They flash a badge and no one seems to really look at it, they just cooperate because the crook showed them an official badge.
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You sure it's a CV guard/wrap? Looks like Impala specific to me. I have seen them before on other Impalas too.
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guess the only difference between impala and cvpi is the modified bracket going under the headlight assembly then. That is identical to the one on my cvpi
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Respondcode3 said:
That is an Impala push bumper with the sides. Honestly that install is better than 90% of all the ones in this thread.

My thoughts exactly. turn those TIRs 90 degrees and it would look good enough to be in the Fire Section. Now the vest and badge is definitely whacktastic though, lol.
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Amanda said:
Found this at work the other day. It appears to be a fire police capt. or lt. a few towns over. Thankfully, off the top of my head, I can't think of any local PDs who use Impala's with push bars. I've been waiting ages to spot one of these.






Found it.

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looks like a trumk lip mount, mounted to the cowl.
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