Official "Whacker" or "Screwed Up Install" Thread

well this just got more interesting.. I see the guy (now know his name is Grover) at our walmart last night

I pulled up to talk to him because he asked me at a red light in the boro were my Gf got her sticker like this at..

she got it at the local ema office. any ways he shows me the rest of lights, and that he got them all f rom china.  I told him how bad those lights are and he said I was the second person to tell him that LOL... (the other was a "professional" install shop)

he has 2 fake tir 4's  in the corners of his windshield, and 2 fake slimmiser in the back window behind 5% tint....  he showed me the "led hideaways" his brother installed which looked like an overgrown 5mm led which were placed in the wrong place and weren't  even hooked up. the 3 mini bars are 1 amber 1 white and another amber. the 2 antennas are "cellular like" cb antennas and has them on a t connector on the back of  his cb the third antenna was for a scanner.  wiring was crammed through the door with the coax and  was all cig plugs...

I showed him my real lights and immediately he was impressed and wanted them because he was tired of his not being bright enough... I asked him what he used them for and got the typical "security, roadside assist" comment. when I asked where he did security since he was now a truck driver......................... its for a haunted house................. once a year!

but he wants to be a VFF as well.
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Holy shit.

This guy learned how to "wire" off a box of ,fruit loops..... He'll never step on any of those wires while driving. Nope.....
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So....what does he do that requires a siren?  Did he say it and I missed it?

Seems like a lot of those guys have "weak fingers" -- ya know what i mean?  Bloated hands with fingers that channel down to a weird point and usually untrimmed nails.  Frequently accompanied by a dead fish handshake.  Freaks me out.
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nobody caught the fact he said "i have it wired to the alternator"?
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got this "winner" friday night... I've seen him around town for months but finally got him some where stationary that wasn't his house 3 blocks from me....

Nissan Altima...

chineese lightbar (never seen it lit)

mag mount cb antenna

fed sig sw300 knockoff on dash with cobra cb.

and double parked...

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Haven't been on here in a while! Saw this in my recommended on YouTube. Good stuff. Not sure if he keeps trying to convince me or himself that all of it is legal. The comments are concerning too 

No, certainly no problem with this at all.  Unless you account for pulling up in this to the gas station that's getting robbed. 
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Saw this on the way home yesterday. Sorry you can't really see the amber Wally-World beacon on the roof just inches back from the windshield or read the yellow and orange "Roadside Assistance" lettering on the rear door. Driver side was lettered, too.
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I watched this guys first episode of having this car, and between this one and the first one, his whacker started showing. He said he doesn't want to look like a cop, yet he installed more police items, and painted it?

My favorite quote: "I like having an RPM gauge, its very interesting".

In my recommended it showed one of this guys subscribes who has this video (spoiler, he spends 30 minutes just driving)
and in the first video he did shows his license plates. The scanner, siren and airhorn as well as a traffic advisor are on it. Good stuff
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My favorite quote: "I like having an RPM gauge, its very interesting".
Seriously? I can't remember the last vehicle I had that didn't have an RPM gauge.

My favorite quote: "No one's trying to look like police" but the car's got the K-9 cage, pushbar, and more antennae on it than the first 3 Sputniks combined.

I became depressed when I saw he's turning the thing into a boombox car. I hope he gets pulled over. A lot.
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I know a kid in my area that goes on ride alongs every single day with the local pd. He is about 19 years old has a custom badge with some Sparta latin mumbo jumbo on it and dresses tactical. He drives a 2005 ford ranger 2 weel drive and has a heavy duty winch on it and a generic 40 inch off road lightbar on the roof. He also has a VOLTEX interior lightbar all white and sho me grill lights and deck lights in white..... I will try to get pictures and video if I can.
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Im not sure if these kids are legit or not but they sure do love them lights on the bicycles lol. Those damn PA300s must be super loud on a bike....
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Ok...... The title alone got my attention but what is the purpose of those cars they look like a joke...
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meeting of the traile rpark whackers?
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Im not sure if these kids are legit or not but they sure do love them lights on the bicycles lol. Those damn PA300s must be super loud on a bike....

"All the medical supplies I could possibly need." "Do you have a spine board?" "No." I didn't see any c-collars, suction, or O2, either.

Good use of space keeping the water bottle on top of the battery, though

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In response to the above monstrosities......

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I swear my town is a whacker magnet....

saw this one behind me today....

its a HHR with a walmart LED blinkie on the top windshield it says "Roadside assistance" it had 4 amber semi marker lights on the bumper tied in to the stock parking lights.....IMG_0020.JPG

Pic through the riverview mirror of car..

he is from MINNESOTA so if your from there look lout lol...

he stayed way back from me for some reason... when we went around the square I tried to get a pic of all the decals and printing on the side windows..

but alas all I got was him as he drove past.

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Here is the most outfitted personal vehicle I've ever seen. More than any official apparatus.

Go through his videos to see whats in the truck besides for lights
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I see a vehicles like that and this song comes to mind:
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Here is the most outfitted personal vehicle I've ever seen. More than any official apparatus.

Go through his videos to see whats in the truck besides for lights
It's too bad he couldn't afford a little bit better camera that could do video we can actually see for the full effect instead of crappy 240p. At least it wasn't vvs.
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