Official "Whacker" or "Screwed Up Install" Thread

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I pulled over a mexican dude on the expressway a month ago he had a chevy silverado single cab with a police style pushbumper it had rims on it also had a code 3 vcon siren and hide away strobes in the front and rear of the truck. We pulled him over since we suspected he was carrying dope to the checkpoint. He did not have dope but the dog did alert of dope smell in the engine compartment so we took apart his truck his intake and also other random engine stuff then we did not find anything since he had already delivered the dope so we just left the truck like that on the side of the road taken apart and let him figure it out. We also disabled his siren and strobes and i let the FEDs know everything about him so they can keep a eye on him for possible home invasion suspect since he has a fake police truck.
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ruined a perfectly good siren...

placed speaker under hood FAIL
wires through door frame FAIL

Purple speaker.... FAIL

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First thought before clicking: "Frickin' why?"

Watched video: "Oh, just to be a poser/wannabe. Get some views and that YouTube money. Yeah. Good idea, dingus..."

Can't wait to hear about his dumb@$$ getting picked up by the local LEO.
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WOW one of my local PDs has several units with this horrible install... Vertex LEDS facing straight down on the license plates... like what's the point they already suck as it is head on just imagine facing down

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Is that a 2x4 T in the rear window to mount the lights to? If he gets in a wreck, that'd probably snap his neck when it hits him.

It is a T shaped piece of metal I believe. Still, if it comes off it gonna leave him with some good injuries.

Next time I see him down at city hall, I will double check and confirm what it's made out of.
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I don't know that I'll necessarily classify this little dude as a whacker - but his bike is great lol

he is a kid and either support his local FD or just really into it hes cool
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"I don't use the bike for real life response, its just for a hobby as I said in the vide"

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Here is a friend of mine from my previous department. This was his old car he ran fire calls in. He is just one of those who you shake your head at and walk away. He used to be a member here but isn't any more.

Also a side note: green is only for Command Posts in Ky as far as I know, maybe security. I'm not sure.

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Holy crap! At least in "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", they put in a mouthpiece before they induced seizures...

Yup. Sad thing was he had all these lights and lives on the same street as the fire department and about 4 blocks away from it. Also had nicknamed himself "The Lightman" for the reason he had so many lights and sold Chinese lights and passed them off for name brand products. He outfitted an entire police cruiser with STL and other crappy lights that a dying flashlights were brighter than them.
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So the other night, this "kid" (had to be 18 or 19, possibly early 20's) put a post up in a Emergency Lights on POV page I follow on facebook. It stood out to me simply because it was an unmarked white crown vic, spotlight and he had all white lights in the front and red / amber in the rear. So, I couldn't resist and asked him about it. He first told me he had the lights just for personal use. He later said he does funeral escorts. So, I continued asking. He claims he has no desire to look like nor become any type of LEO. However, I found their facebook page. Hopefully yall can see it. Take a look through some of the pics. You'll see the kid in question in one of the pics standing near the crown vic in some of the pics. For them not wanting to resemble LEOs, they most certainly do. Whackers all day long!
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another vid from rainbow bright kid...

who drives 30 miles to block roads? (out of their response area)
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image.png image.png image.png image.png
My wife actually spotted this "Busy Bee" gem in St. Joseph, MO yesterday (I have no idea how I didn't see it). Yes, the first words out of my mouth were Ramathorn's "Mother of God"! Was parked at Lowes hardware--probably buying some more A/C wire nuts for more light installs. Has a skeleton in the passenger seat (probably electrocuted by said wire nuts & shoddy wiring!).
Enjoy boys & girls, thus this is epicly sad.
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Not ham..... wide load escort
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Load of #$@& escort.
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its got a party tone...

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siren demo or response vids.... seems suspicious.. no lighting...
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siren demo or response vids.... seems suspicious.. no lighting...

No lighting, no cars even reacting, definitely sketch lol.

And holy smokes that other guy above who was talking about the funeral escort kid. It looks like they straight up wear fake state police uniforms to escort funeral processions in their crown vics outfitted with chinese amber/purple/white lights and sirens. I would love to know more about whats going on there
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No lighting, no cars even reacting, definitely sketch lol.

And holy smokes that other guy above who was talking about the funeral escort kid. It looks like they straight up wear fake state police uniforms to escort funeral processions in their crown vics outfitted with chinese amber/purple/white lights and sirens. I would love to know more about whats going on there
I just went back and looked at their facebook page again. They have some new stuff on there! Go take a look! There is a video titled "doing something great" his right leg (left in the video) he has some type of gun on his leg!
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I think a LEO needs to look into their company. Them running around in a look-alike cop uniform is one thing, but they APPEAR to have real weapons on their side or leg holster...what could they possibly need guns for if they're just escorting funeral processions ??
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