Official "Whacker" or "Screwed Up Install" Thread

was on my daily courier route and spotted this on I 24


i wonder if the cowl was added after the lightbar?
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I don't know who did this build, but they didn't even ATTEMPT to find real Force 4 XL lightbars. The word "travesty" doesn't even come close....
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I love how they couldn't get off their asses to find XL's but they took the time to slap Code 3 labels on the weird knockoffs. That also say Federal Signal. What even.
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There's your power max siren....

Ugh it's a battery charger genious...
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I saw this gem in downtown buffalo friday....
I mean...IDK even where to start...

There was an Escape behind me, at the same light, with an Identical bar, but it appeared to be properly installed....LOL
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I'm not sure if this guy has been posted before but this guy would fall into the category of EDP here. We don't really have them in NYC so I don't know how they normally are but these guys seem pretty whackerish

recording yourself doing a funeral escort, and then posting it to youtube is pretty whackerish in itself...
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If that made you cringe then this will probably make you cringe even more. This is his car, They can only run amber white to the front. Probably confuses people to see crown vics with amber/white coming at them running a siren.
His car before this was red and white lights to the front and rear and had a laptop and camera system, so it looked like and was setup like a police car. The procession video he get out of his car at 11:30 and he is wearing police style uniform and police belt. Don't know why a funeral escort would need all the equipment. I understand he does security too, but to me seems like he's acting like a wanna be cop and is walking the line of an impersonator. I don't really see the need for 3 escorts either, just asking for an accident especially the way they're driving.
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and jeooowg you can jeoooowg the lights
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Yeah.... that escort security dude would get pulled over for sure down here.. he would get pulled over so many times a day that he would probably remove the equipment just to avoid the stops on a daily basis.
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Something about leapfrogging a funeral procession on a 2-lane road... with a siren... makes me cringe. I couldn't watch that whole video.

Very Cringe-worthy! I've seen other funeral escort videos before. Very crazy stuff that would never happen in Michigan. Lights, sirens, leapfrog, running through lights and cutting off oncoming cars. Potentially causing more accidents rather than preventing them.

Here it is a slow and deliberate procession, with purple light, white or amber supplemental to that. The funeral homes do much of their own procession, unless expecting heavy traffic or going on highways, they ask for a police escort at that time.
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Our department back in its old administration aka "old boss that lost election" would do 2 or 3 funerals A DAY! our entire shift would be used up on funeral escorts lights and sirens leap froging and such. We have a new boss now and he does not like them much so we do them maybe once a week maybe twice a week. So independent off duty officers have created companies and they outfit CVPIs with lights and sirens and they do escorts now. It takes the work load off me so im ok with it and they are licensed Texas Peace Officers not wanna be top flight security like that dude.
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adding to the above, this is the same guy -

Check out my comment at the bottom. I'm trying to give him some humble pie as well as just some good advice. Watch that video closely...he nearly gets creamed by a car coming from the left and his driving is just sketchy..
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adding to the above, this is the same guy -

Check out my comment at the bottom. I'm trying to give him some humble pie as well as just some good advice. Watch that video closely...he nearly gets creamed by a car coming from the left and his driving is just sketchy..
Hmmm. It says 2 quotes but none are showing for me on youtube. Beyond that, the only gear the guy is wearing is his yellow hat. smh
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"You're what gives volunteer firemen a bad rap...just in this video, even though it's sped up, you nearly get t-boned by a car because I can only assume you darted out in front of them. You must think that since you have some Ebay special lights on your car that these other drivers can see you. Guess what...they CAN'T!! Those ebay lights are junk and ya they look ok at night, during the bright sun they can't be seen. No siren either? You're just asking for trouble driving the way it appears you're driving. What's up with no gear either? I watched 2 of your videos now. One MVC you walk up to with just a traffic vest on and this one you walk up with your hard hat on lol. What a joke. Stop posting videos if you're going to keep doing what you're doing that way at least they won't have video evidence against you in court.".

That was my comment to him.
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The neck beard says he's not interior qualified, and in my dept he definitely wouldn't get take-home gear.
I like how he has to make sure he has his radio shoulder mic on in the videos. Gotta make himself look even more official than he actually is. Probably a radio shack special he found, probably isn't even an actual FD issued radio haha
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"palm-face" SMH Flywheels - Tried & True....Let us sing our song for you....LETS ROLL!
Why!? Why would you leap-frog at all!? Just have an escort and call it good. No sense at all! Then uber-volunteer...Really! Obviously not EVOC trained! :eek:
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I dont think I've ever seen anyone do that much passing in the right lane...I've pulled guys Blue Light Card(NY thing) for 1 passing violation...and this guy is bragging about it on YouTube...if you're doing to break the law, dont record it, AND share it with the world...

and them Ebay lights show up great in a garage....but thats about it...
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Yeah No kidding = passing on right. I was waiting for the debris to fly from getting plowed. Sadly I had already read the other posts and knew he didn't get smoked but DAMN did I cringe. Like to know where that kid is...
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I think the guy just deleted all comments in that video. I went there and it's all tumbleweeds and barren desert. Can't handle experienced people giving you $#%T on your atrocious lack of care in driving? Too friggin' bad. What a tool.....
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I know a lot of people like that kid..... I just found one on youtube guy does not know I was a Former Lieutenant at his fire department... and im A COP.
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adding to the above, this is the same guy -

Looks like somebody wanted to hide evidence of dangerous response driving from the FD's chief, I see. Too late. I'm sure somebody's ripped it from Youtube and is just biding their time now....
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On that replica ecto1 - are those two streethawk lenses screwed together?

No. It's POS China knock off bars that the lazy-asses went with instead of giving a $#%T and actually finding the real deals.
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Taking "lit up like a Christmas tree" to the next level
I am gong Hatzola with this one.
New York plates, D-pilar lights, spoiler lights, light stick on the rear roof, tailgate lights, wheel well lights, running board lights, and that's only what the one pic shows.
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you guys gonna love this one .
friend of mine saw this at the yard today

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