Official "Whacker" or "Screwed Up Install" Thread

That crown vic is bad, here's his other video:

I have to admit, I like the flash pattern for his grille lights. What controller is he using?
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This is our neighboring Depts. equipment/rescue truck. It was a donated truck. They took off the air conditioning unit and put the siren speaker up there. Since it did not have a lightbar, they put on 2 Whelen DX minis. They also attached an SVP minibar on the rear roof. The box flashers work intermitently.

2 mag. mounts with wire ran behind the cab. Not positive where the red wire with the speaker is going.

[Broken External Image]: Uploads/0305111129c.jpg

[Broken External Image]: Uploads/0305111128a.jpg

[Broken External Image]: Uploads/0305111129a.jpg

These photos are taken sideways (turn ya head left).. This is in the area between the cab and the box.. Notice the wire nuts..

[Broken External Image]: Uploads/0305111129d.jpg

[Broken External Image]: Uploads/0305111129e.jpg
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Station 3 said:
Thanks for explaining that to me down here we dont have HAM people i think im one of the only light wackers around in the area i only know of like 3 other people that are freaks like me lol.

Actually, a search of the ARRL database shows 35 people in your area with Amateur Radio Licenses.
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hawkspringsfire said:
What do Control Officers do?

DUH!!! They CONTROL!!!! (Sorry, that was just too easy a shot to pass up. LOL)
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they control their pontrol.

and that non whacktastic vic has way too many white lights.

the "grill lights" is a D8
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Im guessing they are Rent A Cops since i dont know of any agency here in Texas that CONTROL PATROL ?
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Y'all got problems controlling the pioneers down in Texas? Never heard of a Texas Pioneer Control before.

Also, is the Dodge truck with the red and blue beacons a vollie firefighter or what? Since he has red, he must be an authorized emergency vehicle, according to Texas law. Plus, what is up with him displaying two different license plates to the rear? One is on the bumper and one is at the lower right corner of the headache rack next to the rear window.
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The pioneer security cars are all kinds of illegal with the blue lights, but leo's ignore that in dfw and obviously Houston. Companies that go out of their way to disguise the fact that they are security are the ones I laugh at.
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I freaking love the numbers on the roofs of their cars... because you never know when an air unit is going to need to identify one and request an assist!!! ROFLMAO!!!!
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Company Details


License Number: B14626

Company Code: B


Guard Company

Courier Company
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Jesus! It's wanna be central in Houston. Keep them down there please.
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The flip flop "covert" lettering is PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!
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Lt. Dino said:
I'll give this kid credit... I could watch this all day. As I watch, I catch myself saying, "did he really... is he gonna... did he just... there's no way he would..." and then he does it! You gotta love his sincerity and dedication to his project.

Might as well add in his 3rd wiring job, but on his fog lights. Still, not a fuse in sight.

Atlest he got the measure twice drill once right.
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Three letters... W T F?????
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Thank god i do not live in the Houston area it would be very hard to keep my gun in its holster if i saw those things you see over there........
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I think I threw up in my mouth a little bit....
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Is this car just for fun? I cant tell. :) :)
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Rofocowboy84 said:
Did you really have to "quote" all of the pictures?! Now it's taking my already slow computer and internet connection 2x as long to load....

Fixed it.
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