Official "Whacker" or "Screwed Up Install" Thread

nerdly_dood said:
Just using so many lights that he needs creative places to put them doesn't necessarily mean he's a whacker. Cool flash pattern in the taillight hideaways, though.

The things I see wrong with his install are that he used too many lights, and also you cant have red and blue in NJ for fire/ems. Not that people will care, but the hlf is also illegal. Oh, and youre only supposed to have two or three sets of lights, you can have a few more, but that is really pushing it. He did a good job installing everything though, looks pretty good, mabye he uses it for demo also. I like the pattern for the taillights too. Also wondering where his front license plate is...
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dustymedic said:
Is that a trailer light in the side window?
^^ I agree


I'm no expert, but the lights in the side window don't look like Whelen 4 inch PAR 36 LED lights... they look like PAR 36 from NOVA (,com_virtuemart/Itemid,32/page,shop.product_details/flypage,nova_flypage/product_id,27/category_id,8/manufacturer_id,0/ ) and the LED's mounted on either side of the rear license plate look like Sho-Me Micro Lites.
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theroofable said:
The things I see wrong with his install are that he used too many lights, and also you cant have red and blue in NJ for fire/ems. Not that people will care, but the hlf is also illegal. Oh, and youre only supposed to have two or three sets of lights, you can have a few more, but that is really pushing it. He did a good job installing everything though, looks pretty good, mabye he uses it for demo also. I like the pattern for the taillights too. Also wondering where his front license plate is...

The lights aren't justified by the need for them... Especially the ones in the rear wheel wells - although creative - completely unnecessary.

I gave him a thumbs up because he used all Whelen products and I didn't see a mess of wires or switches placed in a user-unfriendly manner all over the cab like some people on YouTube have.
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theroofable said:
The things I see wrong with his install are that he used too many lights, and also you cant have red and blue in NJ for fire/ems. Not that people will care, but the hlf is also illegal. Oh, and youre only supposed to have two or three sets of lights, you can have a few more, but that is really pushing it. He did a good job installing everything though, looks pretty good, mabye he uses it for demo also. I like the pattern for the taillights too. Also wondering where his front license plate is...

He did have a Thin Blue Line in the rear drivers side bumper so i wonder if he is a cop either way it was OVERKILL very nice but OVERKILL would be a good demo car though. Very interesting that he mounted those lights in the wheel wells
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I don't see any light IN the wheel wells of that truck... I see the marker lights that are ON the dually fenders, but they are stock from the factory...
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My friend's car is the best.

He has a trailblazer with 4 HAW in the front, 4 HAW in the back, 6 sets of 3 Chinese 3-led things (4 blue/2 white), a slimmiser, a visor light, and 2 Chinese LED sticks in the back window.

He asked me to help him redo his switches. His brother did the installation.....

The front HAWs are installed into semi-round holes, and the tubes fall out all the time. He only used black wire, which was a complete birds nest. The power supply for the front strobes is under the hood sitting on the intake. Did you catch that? It's SITTING on the intake - i.e. not screwed down. One of the outlets blew (maybe because it's under the hood? Hmmm?) so he had cut the connector off the strobe wire and spliced two of them together.

I installed the rear HAW power supply in the rear cargo area into one of those little compartments on the side - it's 60 watts, and as far as I know he hasn't had any heat issues. I also used a 1" bit to the hole was actually round this time and siliconed around each tube so he wouldn't get water (his response was "Why? I don't care") He also criticized me for holding the shop vac up to each hole I had drilled and after getting the excess material off the holes, shaking the housing to get all of the shavings out. He made another "Why are you doing that?" comment about that.
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TritonBoulder47 said:
I don't see any light IN the wheel wells of that truck... I see the marker lights that are ON the dually fenders, but they are stock from the factory...

I believe he was referencing the Chevy in bfd740's post, not the "roadside assistance" Ford.
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I just read this entire thread just for laughs. It was awesome! I just had to laugh at half of the videos that are now marked as "private" on youtube.

I think I can trump most of these. Check out this:

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911psl said:
I just read this entire thread just for laughs. It was awesome! I just had to laugh at half of the videos that are now marked as "private" on youtube.

I think I can trump most of these. Check out this:

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Priceless... LOL :haha: :dielaugh: :bonk:
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So, while I was pulling into the gas station to fuel up, I see this.......


Dude comes out of the store after I get to my pump, and I notice he's staring me down pretty hard. I get out and start said fueling process, and I notice that he's heading my way. Come to find out, he's a "security guard", and wants a lightbar like mine on his Corolla. I tell him where I got mine, and he went away. Here's dude, in the white shirt.....

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ISU_Cyclone said:
Blade Runner:

You should have called the police, gave a plate, and possibly followed. Thats gotta be illegal no matter where you are!

I would have just chewed him out and confiscated the light!
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That "security guard" and his dash light really makes me angry! How dare he have blue on the drivers side, and red on the passenger side. :p

I am just teasing. However, this guy does concern me a bit. Private property patrol, or not he clearly has no legitimate reason to drive around town with red, and blue lights installed on his dash. What happens if he gets behind a person who drives too slow, or gets into a traffic jam, or rolls up to an accident? Is he going to fire up his red, and blue lights to take advantage of the situation? Or worse, if he drives through a bad part of town, and people start shooting at him thinking he is the real police?

I will give him the benefit of the doubt, and assume that there is an actual legitimate reason behind all of the madness, but I am afraid I will be wrong.
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nerdly_dood said:
This was just too good to pass up.

Click an image to engrande it.

At a strip mall in Fairfax County, I saw this. Looks okay, right? A rent-a-cop with an AeroStar lightbar.


I was too far away to read the label, but my camera can see better than I can.


Then behind it I see this, and found it somewhat amusing.


And then I go around to the front...


Green lights are legal in Virginia only on emergency command centers.

These guys are local to me and are "interesting" in that their parent company's address is Nigeria.
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SlickTop Solutions said:
These guys are local to me and are "interesting" in that their parent company's address is Nigeria.

What the hell are they doing here?! :haha: I'm afraid to visit the website printed on their cars...

EDIT: And the BBB is turning up a "not found" on "Evergreen Protective Services" business lookup, and also a "not found" when I do the URL lookup. Not sure what that means.
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Blade Runner said:
So, while I was pulling into the gas station to fuel up, I see this.......


Dude comes out of the store after I get to my pump, and I notice he's staring me down pretty hard. I get out and start said fueling process, and I notice that he's heading my way. Come to find out, he's a "security guard", and wants a lightbar like mine on his Corolla. I tell him where I got mine, and he went away. Here's dude, in the white shirt.....


Pisses me off when people in this profession do this :nono: :mad:
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FireEMSPolice said:
Pisses me off when people in this profession do this :nono: :mad:

Yeah, backwards-colored dashlights sure are blasphemy! awww.skyscrapercity.com_images_smilies_shake.gifNot to mention the tinted windows, dumb rims and the fact that it's an old cheap Corolla. LOL
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shit...Timken security and emergency services run red white and blue bars...very patriotic but why do they need red and blue? what are they going to do? whack the suspect to submission?
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Battery on Pumper broke case, leaked fluid and overcharge one battery last night. replaced the battery and noticed an odd bulged on battery cable covered with red electrical tape. Removed electrical tape and found this. A hose clamp holding to pieces of 2/0 battery cables together concealed with red electrical tape. guess this is one way of fixing a battery cable. replaced with proper lug and returned truck to service.

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I recently re-found some pictures that I took specifically to put in this thread...........




Okay, not TOO awful shabby, right? It gets better......



Yes, that is a ratchet strap holding that lightbar to the roof of that truck.....LOL
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Not exactly an emergency light, but this is a newer Malibu. It was at a local grocery store one night. I took the shot as the owner came out and gave me a dirty look, hense the crappy pic. The entire passenger side light assembly is gone... in its place is a Peterson Mfg. tractor trapizoid style light. even has the protective rubber boot around it. He must have it wired up to the correctly, because it came on with the drivers headlight.

[Broken External Image]: Uploads/IMG00089-20110119-1810.jpg
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gfpd26 said:
Not exactly an emergency light, but this is a newer Malibu. It was at a local grocery store one night. I took the shot as the owner came out and gave me a dirty look, hense the crappy pic. The entire passenger side light assembly is gone... in its place is a Peterson Mfg. tractor trapizoid style light. even has the protective rubber boot around it. He must have it wired up to the correctly, because it came on with the drivers headlight.

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So about 12 or so years ago I bought a JetSonic lightbar off this guy. I really didn't pay much attention to the bar but got it for a hell of a deal ($25). So it sits in storage since I bought it. I orginally bought it because I was going to put strobes in it and make it look more updated for the time, but it sat and gathered dust.

So recently, I decieded that I wanted to go ahead and pull this bar out and get it cleaned up and probably put LED's in it. Thanks go out to Shues for helping out with a wiring harness. You'll understand why with the pictures. I'm not going to put the inserts or the rotators back in and they will be up on one of my threads. This is a wacker job from hell. :duh: Also there was a flasher unit in the back portion of the speaker housing. This really makes me wonder if this was ever used and if so, how the HELL did it not catch fire??? :weird:




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Lookn2cuff said:
So about 12 or so years ago I bought a JetSonic lightbar off this guy. I really didn't pay much attention to the bar but got it for a hell of a deal ($25). So it sits in storage since I bought it. I orginally bought it because I was going to put strobes in it and make it look more updated for the time, but it sat and gathered dust.
So recently, I decieded that I wanted to go ahead and pull this bar out and get it cleaned up and probably put LED's in it. Thanks go out to Shues for helping out with a wiring harness. You'll understand why with the pictures. I'm not going to put the inserts or the rotators back in and they will be up on one of my threads. This is a wacker job from hell. :duh: Also there was a flasher unit in the back portion of the speaker housing. This really makes me wonder if this was ever used and if so, how the HELL did it not catch fire??? :weird:

Looks like Cut code 3 rotators and old SVP rotators jammed in there
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TritonBoulder47 said:
"The wiring leaves something to be desired, but it works..." HAHAHA :duh: :dielaugh:

LOL I know, I'll be the first to admit I know nothing of professional installation, wiring, or amateur radio, but that looks like a hot mess in that trunk, not to mention the creepy voice and impersonator vehicle. Surprised he doesn't have a STL K Force up there in all amber that he turns on when he's "Mobile".
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