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nerdly_dood said:Just using so many lights that he needs creative places to put them doesn't necessarily mean he's a whacker. Cool flash pattern in the taillight hideaways, though.
kd0giz said:Notice the amber/white combo to the rear, HAW's, and a thin blue line license plate for a "roadside assistance truck".
^^ I agreedustymedic said:Is that a trailer light in the side window?
theroofable said:The things I see wrong with his install are that he used too many lights, and also you cant have red and blue in NJ for fire/ems. Not that people will care, but the hlf is also illegal. Oh, and youre only supposed to have two or three sets of lights, you can have a few more, but that is really pushing it. He did a good job installing everything though, looks pretty good, mabye he uses it for demo also. I like the pattern for the taillights too. Also wondering where his front license plate is...
theroofable said:The things I see wrong with his install are that he used too many lights, and also you cant have red and blue in NJ for fire/ems. Not that people will care, but the hlf is also illegal. Oh, and youre only supposed to have two or three sets of lights, you can have a few more, but that is really pushing it. He did a good job installing everything though, looks pretty good, mabye he uses it for demo also. I like the pattern for the taillights too. Also wondering where his front license plate is...
TritonBoulder47 said:I don't see any light IN the wheel wells of that truck... I see the marker lights that are ON the dually fenders, but they are stock from the factory...
ccfd25 said:Found this on craigslist the other day. http://lexington.craigslist.org/cto/2109569570.html
Because of the inteceptor in the engine, it's very fast and people move over all the time haha.
911psl said:I just read this entire thread just for laughs. It was awesome! I just had to laugh at half of the videos that are now marked as "private" on youtube.
I think I can trump most of these. Check out this:
ISU_Cyclone said:Blade Runner:
You should have called the police, gave a plate, and possibly followed. Thats gotta be illegal no matter where you are!
nerdly_dood said:This was just too good to pass up.
Click an image to engrande it.
At a strip mall in Fairfax County, I saw this. Looks okay, right? A rent-a-cop with an AeroStar lightbar.
I was too far away to read the label, but my camera can see better than I can.
Then behind it I see this, and found it somewhat amusing.
And then I go around to the front...
Green lights are legal in Virginia only on emergency command centers.
SlickTop Solutions said:These guys are local to me and are "interesting" in that their parent company's address is Nigeria.
Blade Runner said:So, while I was pulling into the gas station to fuel up, I see this.......
Dude comes out of the store after I get to my pump, and I notice he's staring me down pretty hard. I get out and start said fueling process, and I notice that he's heading my way. Come to find out, he's a "security guard", and wants a lightbar like mine on his Corolla. I tell him where I got mine, and he went away. Here's dude, in the white shirt.....
Patrol 3-8 said:shit...Timken security and emergency services run red white and blue bars...very patriotic but why do they need red and blue? what are they going to do? whack the suspect to submission?
MX7000Guy said:At first I was thinking "That's the WORST setup MX I've ever seen before"
Then you get to see the rest of the car and understand why...
gfpd26 said:Not exactly an emergency light, but this is a newer Malibu. It was at a local grocery store one night. I took the shot as the owner came out and gave me a dirty look, hense the crappy pic. The entire passenger side light assembly is gone... in its place is a Peterson Mfg. tractor trapizoid style light. even has the protective rubber boot around it. He must have it wired up to the correctly, because it came on with the drivers headlight.
Blade Runner said:I recently re-found some pictures that I took specifically to put in this thread...........
Lookn2cuff said:So about 12 or so years ago I bought a JetSonic lightbar off this guy. I really didn't pay much attention to the bar but got it for a hell of a deal ($25). So it sits in storage since I bought it. I orginally bought it because I was going to put strobes in it and make it look more updated for the time, but it sat and gathered dust.
So recently, I decieded that I wanted to go ahead and pull this bar out and get it cleaned up and probably put LED's in it. Thanks go out to Shues for helping out with a wiring harness. You'll understand why with the pictures. I'm not going to put the inserts or the rotators back in and they will be up on one of my threads. This is a wacker job from hell. :duh: Also there was a flasher unit in the back portion of the speaker housing. This really makes me wonder if this was ever used and if so, how the HELL did it not catch fire??? :weird:
emt322636 said:
TritonBoulder47 said:"The wiring leaves something to be desired, but it works..." HAHAHA :duh: :dielaugh: