Official "Whacker" or "Screwed Up Install" Thread

CrownVic97 said:
Oh man, this poor Plymouth's been raped by someone very stupid....

Makes me want to put it out of its misery:( :mad: .

............. :eek: :hopeless: :sadcry: :suicide: .........
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Saw this the other day at work... glad they didn't go with the acronym. I didn't get a pic of the WalMart throw light on the roof or 3 radios stacked on the dash.

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"Hey Jim Bob, thars a storm a brewin. Ya better take a SHIT out thar an interpcept some hail!"

How do you intercept hail anyways?!
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Bigassfireman said:
"Hey Jim Bob, thars a storm a brewin. Ya better take a SHIT out thar an interpcept some hail!"
How do you intercept hail anyways?!

A giant, upside down, metal umbrella! It catches the hail for you, so you can analyze it later!
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RL1 said:
Saw this the other day at work... glad they didn't go with the acronym. I didn't get a pic of the WalMart throw light on the roof or 3 radios stacked on the dash.

Well, atleast they only have one light... That we can see.
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RL1 said:
Saw this the other day at work... glad they didn't go with the acronym. I didn't get a pic of the WalMart throw light on the roof or 3 radios stacked on the dash.

That poor poor Avalanche... :sadcry:
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FedSigFan said:
Cab clearance lights must have been on sale...

From the looks of the bumper, he should have put the clearance lights there and not on the roof. LOL
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Dang gas prices get everyone....even the ice cream guy with his highlighter...


Lincon TC from LA with handicap plates and those Ford 3 brake light style lights on the deck..


hombre mounting style

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RL1 said:
The town car also looks to have some LP lights.

It did and a tbl sticker. I couldn't get infront of it.
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K9Vic said:
Thin Blue Line

It means law enforcement officer and should only be used by a real Peace Officer on their POV, not a poser.

OK, I'm officially a moron - I knew that, and have a dog paw TBL sticker on my cruiser. Thanks.
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Two idiots in a Ford GT trying to outrun a Deputy at 100+MPH. Notice a ValentineOne detector and two mini-phantoms. Also illegaly using a 2M Kenwood Radio,

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kd0giz said:
Two idiots in a Ford GT trying to outrun a Deputy at 100+MPH. Notice a ValentineOne detector and two mini-phantoms. Also illegaly using a 2M Kenwood Radio,

Like the old saying goes, "You can outrun a patrol car, but you can't beat a Motorola."

Hopefully those dinks got some jail time with all that high-speed dodging in-and-out of traffic they were doing. Lucky they didn't video themselves crashing into anyone at those speeds, or else all that footage would have been used as evidence in their convictions... :hopeless:
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The last thing I want to do is try and get pulled over. The first one is more real, or less scripted, but the guy was making more daring driving moves than the other 2 guys were in the second vid. I do wish there was more of vid 1.
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The last thing I want to do is try and get pulled over. The first one is more real, or less scripted, but the guy was making more daring driving moves than the other 2 guys were in the second vid. I do wish there was more of vid 1.

I cant find it but I do know they got caught after calling in a chopper.
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Wow I cant believe those troopers were so nice to them, especially after he blew past the one pulled over. I hope I never encounter these idiots on my road!
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Wow those guys got lucky!! Troopers are notorious for throwing the book at people that drive like that. I'm guessing they somehow caught those 2 on good days.

and i'm surprised by the uniform the one NJ Trooper is wearing, I only see ones wearing that in special units, never actually on the highways doing patrol. (the one with nylon gear and outer vest)
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kd0giz said:
I cant find it but I do know they got caught after calling in a chopper.

Besure to post it if you do. Thats hilarious that they called in a chopper to catch them too. HAHA.
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Now Ryan, Don't cry!! ;)

I seen this light a couple months back on an old city truck. I tried to get it but a city worker with a "fix it" company had already claimed it. At that time it was in original condition. It is a Twinsonic 12X.. or was.... They gutted the rotors and motor... They installed 2 Peterson Mfg. Walmart special dash lights. They have cut the arch part of the domes off and left the base to hold the rotors and magnets. They installed 2 amber bulbs in place...

[Broken External Image]: Uploads/0414111103b.jpg[Broken External Image]: Uploads/0414111103a.jpg[Broken External Image]: Uploads/0414111103c.jpg[Broken External Image]: Uploads/0414111106a.jpg

[Broken External Image]: Uploads/0414111105a.jpg[Broken External Image]: Uploads/0414111110a.jpg
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I think Ryan is going to dispatch a TwinSonic rescue team to Illinois immediately and put his lightbar surgery team on stand-by awaiting its arrival....
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