Official "Whacker" or "Screwed Up Install" Thread

Wiskey Tango Foxtrot???????? :weird: :weird: :dielaugh: :dielaugh: :duh: :duh: :bonk: :bonk:
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rwo978 said:
Wiskey Tango Foxtrot???????? :weird: :weird: :dielaugh: :dielaugh: :duh: :duh: :bonk: :bonk:

Foxtrot Alpha Mike!!!
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bravo oscar hotel india charlie alpha
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i dunno positive i dunno wire size i dunno nuting

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ladders on a mvc or car fire scene does look and sound strange. Except when you see that they're using the ladder to block off 3 lanes at once to give a nice safe zone for the crew. But then... you realize that you have a $750,000 barricade. :D

After a FF/EMT was killed on a MVC scene nearby 2 years ago (moron drove right through the scene, hit an ambulance and police car before hitting the EMT), the local departments started sending an extra piece just to use for blocking the scene. One company ordered a 100' ladder truck with hydraulic gear on it for MVC use. Strange hearing "Ladder 12 responding" to an MVC right after the ambulance. (Now they just run the new rescue-engines they hadn't received yet.)
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Its SOP for Dallas FD to send a truck on all highway calls to act as blockers. Its pretty impresseive to see one of the tillers with the cab in the center lane and the end swing to the right to block the other 2 lanes.
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i keep seeing this vehicle around town...

looks harmless at first.


closer look reveals ACUS with MP patches,


but wait, 3 antennas!!!


RED firebeam for MPs?


And a closer look at what the antennas are hooked to.

Theres a bearcat 560, (which was on with no one in vehicle) and a cb, and another radio i couldnt get a good look at. also a pa300


now here's what makes it wacktastic.

No base with Mps near me.

mps dont have pov with lights/ sirens

no VFD or any other FD type marking to see the need for red lights, VFDS here cant run lights or sirens anyways.

MULTIPLE vanity licesnce plates in the windows in the back of suv. there was a large "K9" plate a MP plate, a national guard plate and thin blue line plate.

Also there was a class "A" iniform that didnt looke "official" like the ones i wore, there was an ID on it and the dummy has his social security facing outwards where everybody can see it. :hahano:
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Jarred J. said:
MULTIPLE vanity licesnce plates in the windows in the back of suv. there was a large "K9" plate a MP plate, a national guard plate and thin blue line plate.

Also there was a class "A" iniform that didnt looke "official" like the ones i wore, there was an ID on it and the dummy has his social security facing outwards where everybody can see it. :hahano:

In my line of work that's called indicators! In my experience the more "support" tags and stickers, the more you're trying to hide something or look like you "fit in." I'm not saying that everyone I stop with stuff like this is doing something wrong, but you'd be surprised how many times I've seen a military uniform hanging in the back and get handed a military ID that's been expired for 2 years.
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Jarred J. said:
i dunno positive i dunno wire size i dunno nuting

ugh i hate ghetto stereo installs more than whacker installs. i have a few thing to teach this idiot about car audio. running the 12volt lights in that box off of converted ac current. :bonk:
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Blade Runner said:
I; well, no, damn.... I'm almost speechless.... Just look at the link, but make sure you're sitting down, not eating, drinking, etc.....

TEXas pIoneer control OFfIcers Photos | Myspace

Oh my. that is crazy. I mean, its no traffic stop on a lone female in the dark, but that is pretty F'ing bad!
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HILO said:
Oh my. that is crazy. I mean, its no traffic stop on a lone female in the dark, but that is pretty F'ing bad!

So what do they do? Is it a security thing or roadside assistance, constables? I can't tell what they "do"
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notice how they are ALL hispanic... trying to look gangsta...

it almost looks like they all drive their own cars with decals and lights.

but the uniforms, and lights are all VERY VERY close to HPD
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cory y said:
notice how they are ALL hispanic... trying to look gangsta...

it almost looks like they all drive their own cars with decals and lights.

but the uniforms, and lights are all VERY VERY close to HPD

Their newest cars are HCSO lookalikes... I haven't had a chance to get pics of 'em yet, but when I do, rest assured, they'll be
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This is by buddies car. No surprise the county's shop boys threw this thing together.

Main power kill switch. Which runs the unprotected under the frame to under the hood right to the battery. At first I thought this was a ok idea. Until I saw the bottom and realized this was acting as one of the bolts holding the seat in place.....yeah real smooth.



Then the fact that the arrowstick is pointed up (Hard to tell from pics) so that is you're further back than 10-20 yards you can hardly tell it's on.



And of course the overall sloppy wiring job. I guess I've seen worse.

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