foxtrot5 said:Oh shut up, we all know you're not really sorry!
Yes, you're right... lol
foxtrot5 said:Oh shut up, we all know you're not really sorry!
jcpse said:Looks good bro! Looking forward to seeing it when the rest of the equipment makes its appearance! how do you like the M1225? I just picked one up for one of the private EMS services I work for's ambulance for hospital patches (was a standby service, now doing transports)
TritonBoulder47 said:I've had my M1225 for about 7+ years now... And I have absolutely NO complaints...
Mr911 said:Very cool...keep me in mind if ya ever want to sell that mini...
Storm4200 said:front bumper replacement!!!
acala91 said:Holy grill lights batman!
TritonBoulder47 said:If they made a bumper for the Cladded Av, I would... lol
Marc M said:Iron Bull makes them. Little pricey though.
Marc M said:Iron Bull makes them. Little pricey though.
strobecrazy said:I think Frontier-Gear makes them also.
acala91 said:Would that happen to be a Feniex Titan mounted under the lightbar? :undecided:
acala91 said:That's awesome! Very clever spot to mount it.
TritonBoulder47 said:Hell yeah it is!!! I have it wired up into the bar and to the Take-Downs... I made a custom harness in the beginning stages of this Liberty build because I planned on having 3 SXTDLED Take-Downs... Well that plan fell through and I only got the 1 set... When the flash, the flash against each other... Its ridiculous... lol
Storm4200 said:the SXTDs flash against the titan?
sounds crazy, lets see it!!TritonBoulder47 said:Yes... The 2 channels of the TD harness I split into 3 channels... the SXTDLEDs are on one channel, and the Titan is on the other...
Storm4200 said:Wow!!i would probably never use that white flashing. You'd never see any blue.
acala91 said:^Agreed. It is a cool setup but honestly I think you have achieved 'too bright' status. I would just use the Titan for illumination purposes and flash the SXTDLEDs in a wigwag pattern.
Storm4200 said:I agree with ^^