*UPDATE 6-8-14 Completely Stripped* B&B Lighting Solutions - 2003 Chevy Avalanche

Looks good bro! Looking forward to seeing it when the rest of the equipment makes its appearance! how do you like the M1225? I just picked one up for one of the private EMS services I work for's ambulance for hospital patches (was a standby service, now doing transports)
jcpse said:
Looks good bro! Looking forward to seeing it when the rest of the equipment makes its appearance! how do you like the M1225? I just picked one up for one of the private EMS services I work for's ambulance for hospital patches (was a standby service, now doing transports)

I've had my M1225 for about 7+ years now... And I have absolutely NO complaints...
TritonBoulder47 said:
I've had my M1225 for about 7+ years now... And I have absolutely NO complaints...

I've had one since 2007 and it is a great radio. I've never had any problems with mine.

Well, I officially started my re-organization today... Currently the truck is completely gutted... It only has my M1225 mobile, and a Single Talon above the RVM... I'm in the process of making a custom power board where all my devices will be fed from.

Today I got my grill lights mounted where I want them... I have 2 Whelen 700 Series Linear LED heads and 2 Whelen 600 Linear LED heads.


Rest of the Build:

- I have a pair of Whelen LIN4s that will be mounted as front intersection warning

- Whelen MirrorBeams with 500 Series LIN6s

- Custom built (by me) Full-Size Whelen Liberty ( http://elightbars.org/forums/f13/lets-see-pictures-custom-lights-lightbars-7646/index17.html#post387212 )

- Custom Built (by me) CON-3 T/A ( http://elightbars.org/forums/f13/lets-see-pictures-custom-lights-lightbars-7646/index13.html#post278875 ) But I changed the ends to Blue TIR-6s

- 2 Blue SNM E3s and 2 Amber SNM E3s in the rear (between my tailgate and bumper)

- 2 Blue SNM E3s for rear intersection type warning

- Custom power board

It's gonna be a slow process, but hopefully I'll be done in a month or 2... lol
wow thats A LOT of grill light! :eek:

i think it may be time for a full sized push bumper as opposed to just the bull bar.

BTW, I love the Liberty! it looks great! i also really like the CON3 T/A. Great Job. cant wait to see the truck 'finished'. (Finished: yeah right)

The lights in my truck have changed so much over the years (and theyre about to change again..), i wanna rip every single wire out, and re-wire the entire setup from scratch. I think i want to wire everything to Code4 distribution block, quick disconnects for each lighthead, room for expansion, etc.

would be nice if i had the time to do that
The Bull-Bar might be getting taken off since its so rusty inder the paint... And its only 3 years old... lol
front bumper replacement!!!
Storm4200 said:
front bumper replacement!!!

If they made a bumper for the Cladded Av, I would... lol

acala91 said:
Holy grill lights batman!

Very... I thought about putting them all behind the grill like I have the 700s originally, but I said Eff It... Go big or go home... lol
Marc M said:
Iron Bull makes them. Little pricey though.

strobecrazy said:
I think Frontier-Gear makes them also.

Technically, both companies make the bumpers for the WBH (Without Body Hardware) Avalanche... Although I have seen the Iron Bull ones used on Cladded Avs... BUt it looks "bad" to me having that gap between the bumper end and fender...
Got a little more done on the truck today in the small amount of spare time I had... I got the lightbar mounted and the cables run into the truck and to the center console... It's not wired, but its on the truck now so I won't be tempted to modify it anymore... lol


Would that happen to be a Feniex Titan mounted under the lightbar? :undecided:
acala91 said:
Would that happen to be a Feniex Titan mounted under the lightbar? :undecided:

acala91 said:
That's awesome! Very clever spot to mount it.

Hell yeah it is!!! I have it wired up into the bar and to the Take-Downs... I made a custom harness in the beginning stages of this Liberty build because I planned on having 3 SXTDLED Take-Downs... Well that plan fell through and I only got the 1 set... When the flash, the flash against each other... Its ridiculous... lol
TritonBoulder47 said:
Hell yeah it is!!! I have it wired up into the bar and to the Take-Downs... I made a custom harness in the beginning stages of this Liberty build because I planned on having 3 SXTDLED Take-Downs... Well that plan fell through and I only got the 1 set... When the flash, the flash against each other... Its ridiculous... lol

the SXTDs flash against the titan?
Storm4200 said:
the SXTDs flash against the titan?

Yes... The 2 channels of the TD harness I split into 3 channels... the SXTDLEDs are on one channel, and the Titan is on the other...
TritonBoulder47 said:
Yes... The 2 channels of the TD harness I split into 3 channels... the SXTDLEDs are on one channel, and the Titan is on the other...
sounds crazy, lets see it!!
he has video... not sure why he is waiting to post it. I've seen it.

the SXTDLED look dim compared to the titan lol

to have them flashing against each other is retarded bright
I wouldn't even classify that as stupid or retarded bright... it's ignorantly bright. Because its ignorant to have more illumination than the sun.
Wow!!i would probably never use that white flashing. You'd never see any blue.
^Agreed. It is a cool setup but honestly I think you have achieved 'too bright' status. I would just use the Titan for illumination purposes and flash the SXTDLEDs in a wigwag pattern.
Storm4200 said:
Wow!!i would probably never use that white flashing. You'd never see any blue.

Agreed... lol

acala91 said:
^Agreed. It is a cool setup but honestly I think you have achieved 'too bright' status. I would just use the Titan for illumination purposes and flash the SXTDLEDs in a wigwag pattern.

Storm4200 said:
I agree with ^^

I can't use flashing white while responding anyway... I wanted the Titan tied into the TD cause I wanted to use them all at the same time. The flashing aspect is really just a "sh*ts & giggles" kinda thing...
OK, finally found my good camera and took some new vids of my LiberTitan (as it has been dubbed by Alec, 7d9_z28)

These were all taken at around 0700 in the morning it direct rising sunlight (Sun is rising behind me filming)

Just Take-Downs:

:drooling: :drooling: :drooling: :drooling: :drooling: :drooling:
I did some "vantage point" type videos of the TDs on my Custom LiberTitan... I only used my TD for illumination in these videos...

Evening Video, taken at about 830 in the evening after the sun was mostly set...


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