Who said fire trucks had to be red?


New Member
May 24, 2010
Toledo, OH
I wanted to start a topic to show off different COLORED fire trucks as there has been a huge debate between peers of mine and many people on here on just what color is "Right."

I, for one, don't really care about the color of the truck, as long as it gets the job done but I love to see the different color schemes and how they mesh with the truck. I am really just interested in what kind of crazy colored one people can find.

This topic was sparked by an article I found online showing off different colors and schemes. I hope you all enjoy and lets just see what kinda weird ones we can pull out in here... From all over the world is fine! :)

http://www.firefighter-emt.com/archives ... be-red.php

So let's see 'em!
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heres a model of one around here :D

Jarred J. said:
heres a model of one around here :D


I really like that TBH... Good lighting package?
My dept has the neon/lime green like the Miami Dade pumper in the picture. It is my favorite color for a fire truck after Black/Red (like it more for the black).
Ours are yellow, which mean's they aren't ripe yet.

I do like the black one above although I imagine that would be a mother to keep clean.
The only red truck my department has is our show piece, "Old Glory" It was out very first brand new truck our department ever bought. All the rest of your truck are green, and our Snorkel is yellow...

Triton Hose Apparatus
All fire trucks are required by law to be red. There are two exceptions:

-airport fire trucks are lime-yellow, because of aviation regulations

-military fire trucks are camo green
RJ* said:
All fire trucks are required by law to be red. There are two exceptions:
-airport fire trucks are lime-yellow, because of aviation regulations

-military fire trucks are camo green

We don't have a crazy laws like that over here... LOL
RJ* said:
All fire trucks are required by law to be red. There are two exceptions:
-airport fire trucks are lime-yellow, because of aviation regulations

-military fire trucks are camo green

We cover an airport but that is not why we have green trucks. Better visibility is why.
I personally love this one from the link I supplied... I think it's quite original.

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The prefect color for fire trucks might as well be anyway seems when the light go on we turn camo.


The color we make our trucks unless they are rebuilds
All of my hometown trucks are like this ai155.photobucket.com_albums_s317_ryanlong1_NewS3.jpg

All the squads look the same, but the engines don't have the orange stripes.

BTW, not the same county as the pic from the Guess the EV game ;)
Garden City Fire Department here in GC, KS uses white Pierce apparatus with a reflective yellow stripe on all of their major apparatus. Two brush trucks/squads (basically Ford F350s with slide-in units in the back) are red with yellow stripes, and the station vehicles are white. Looks pretty good with red lights really.
Scoops.. Thanks for that! I finally found something to keep me entertained for a few hours! That site is just awesome.
Here are a couple from within the mutual aid system I belong to...

Most of the Strafford trucks say "Neighbors Helping Neighbors" on them and the all of the Barnstead trucks have "It's Not Easy Being Green" on them.




I like the idea of different colored trucks.

We run white over red. We talked about when we referbed the tower we talked bout breaking tradition with a solid red truck but that was voted down.

But around here in ct New Haven runs all white with a silver stripe

There's another that's white with a green stripe

There's a town in litchfield county that has a smurf blue engine.

I've seen even a black and orange truck

I was in md recently and seen some. Red white and green trucks

And kentlands white with black and silver
White with a blue stripe I posted pics in the other vehicle section. Under Lexington county sc
I found this one on the site scoops provided and I think I like this the most. I love the cream color.

Fluffy126577 said:
Scoops.. Thanks for that! I finally found something to keep me entertained for a few hours! That site is just awesome.

Your welcome, anytime, lol, theres a lot of apps and stations on that forum kept me going for hours.
still waiting to get the pics up,my old company had all red trucks other than the new rescue pumper that is white with a goldleaf stripe on the sides and front. my current company runs all dark red trucks doylestownfireco.org
New tanker (I'm not entirely certain on the specs, but I believe the new tankers carry 2,000 gallons of water. Not sure on the amt of class A and B foam or the amt of Purple K).

Tanker 13, shown below, will be assigned to Station 13 when it's built (within the next few months), but is currently assigned to the training academy. An identical unit is assigned to Tanker 11, on the county's south side.

More pictures on the site.

[Broken External Image]:[URL]http://howardfire.net/wp-content/gallery/old-howard-county-apparatus/tanker13hcdfrs011210003_0.jpg[/URL]
bobcoop06 said:
Not Harris anymore! Clay District 4 and 5! ;)

Good call! We're used to the yellow, green, and orange trucks around here... I used to be on Baugo. It does seem as though apparatus are becoming more "uniform" in appearance, as they slowly merge into larger departments.

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