Who said fire trucks had to be red?

1350 is proof positive that fire trucks are supposed to be red. :D :D

Nice looking trucks. :thumbsup:
stansdds said:
1350 is proof positive that fire trucks are supposed to be red. :D :D

Nice looking trucks. :thumbsup:

Thanks! :thumbsup: I love that truck! We're in the process of trying to fix it up and get a new Q. You can see part of it in the pictures. That thing is all jacked up! Winds up good though.
dmathieu said:
Plate reads 1350. Windshield reads 1351. ?

The original 1350 was another truck, and then we got this back in the 90's and was deemed 1351, and since the original truck was sold, we put this one as 1350 and apparently no one has taken the decals off. :duh: :nono:
stansdds said:
1350 is proof positive that fire trucks are supposed to be red.

It's also proof positive that mechanical sirens belong on old fire engines, not new ones. That Q siren looks right at home on that 1950s era pumper.
Wailer said:
It's also proof positive that mechanical sirens belong on old fire engines, not new ones. That Q siren looks right at home on that 1950s era pumper.

We've gotta get it fixed. The "grille" on it is tore completely off almost and the outside is peeling off. It does'nt look to bad from that angle but if you saw it in real life it looks like crap!
We've got mostly red but we do have some white as well....

Freightliner Tanker


M35A1 Tanker


Chevy Scottsdale 3500

shues said:
I'd love to see more photos of this truck, and learn more details about it. Also, please let me know if it ever comes up for sale.

Truck unfortunatley is already spoken for after replacement. I will be starting a thread on my new Dept as soon as I get more photos.

1982? Chevy Scottsdale 3500 1 ton, 4 speed manual, 4x4, 454ci motor.

It is a Code3 bar, What model I dont remember. It has the 4 sealed beams per side with the inner rotator at 90 degrees. Whelen siren, simple switch box, Harris 800mhz radio, Icom VHF radio, and a 250GPM pump connected to an OLD Wisconsin 2 cylinder gas motor. 200 gallon tank or so.
That's a sweet looking WW II era Ford U.S. Army fire truck. I think the Federal 15E beacon looks out of place on such an old apparatus, but otherwise that is a nice restoration. :thumbsup:
shues said:
That truck is probably older than you think. Those round headlights were only used from 1973 through 1979.

I checked the door sticker. Says 1980.
kd0giz said:
I checked the door sticker. Says 1980.

You're right. I did some more research. I've learned that starting in 1980, rectangular headlights could be had by ordering RPO V22.



In 1981, additional headlight configurations became available, including the four-lamp over/under system as depicted here:


Yours is a very cool truck. Thanks for sharing!
dmathieu said:
That truck is a hell of a lot older than you guys are thinking. I'm guessing late 40s-early 50s?

We were talking about the truck I posted on the last page from NLFD
Just some samples from Chester County, PA.

Westwood Fire Company, Station 44.

Rescue 44


Engine 44-5


Ambulance 44/144


Avondale Fire Company, Station 23

Rescue 23 (before lettering)

[Broken External Image]:http://www.avondalefirecompany.org/AboutUs/Apparatus/Rescue23/files/collage_lb_image_page46_0_1.png

Engine 23-3

[Broken External Image]:http://www.avondalefirecompany.org/AboutUs/Apparatus/Engine233/files/collage_lb_image_page26_1_1.png

Malvern Fire Company, Station 4

Ladder 4

[Broken External Image]:http://malvernfireco.com/Images/Incidents/453/1.JPG

TAC 4 (Engine 4-5 in back)

[Broken External Image]:http://malvernfireco.com/Images/Incidents/454/2.JPG

East Whiteland Volunteer Fire Association, Station 5

Engine 5-2 (Photo not mine)

[Broken External Image]:http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hpho...38928931169_1182641260_31950106_6210475_n.jpg

Engine 5-3 (Photo not mine)

[Broken External Image]:http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hpho...38929251177_1182641260_31950108_6021543_n.jpg

Berwyn Fire Company, Station 2

Tower 2


Engine 2-3 (Photo not mine)

[Broken External Image]:http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hpho...38927851142_1182641260_31950100_7644033_n.jpg

West Grove Fire Company, Stations 12/22/32

Engine 22

[Broken External Image]:http://www.wgfc.org/content/fireapp/Image/ENGINE_22.jpg

Ladder 22

[Broken External Image]:http://www.wgfc.org/content/fireapp/Image/LADDER_22.jpg

Engine 12

[Broken External Image]:http://www.wgfc.org/images/news/395/IMG_2398.JPG

Ambulance 22-2

[Broken External Image]:http://www.wgfc.org/content/emsapp/Image/AMBULANCE 22-2.jpg

Coatesville Fire Department, Stations 41 & 43

Ladder 41 (lettered as Ladder 43, designated as Ladder 41)

[Broken External Image]:http://www.coatesvillefire.org/images/gallery/3/CoatesvilleFDLadder43.jpg

Engine 43-2 (lettered as Engine 41-2, designated as Engine 43-2)

[Broken External Image]:http://www.coatesvillefire.org/images/gallery/3/DSC01327.JPG

Alert Fire Company of Downingtown, Station 45

Station 45 w/ Rescue 45, Tower 45, Engine 45, Squad 45, and Traffic 45


East Brandywine Fire Company, Station 49

Ladder 49

[Broken External Image]:http://www.ebfc49.org/images/gallery/2/fire company 045.jpg

Goodwill Fire Company of West Chester, Station 52

Engine 52-1

[Broken External Image]:http://www.goodwillfireco.org/images/gallery/1/Engine52_1_3.jpg
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