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MX7000Guy said:This is, well; interesting. Who needs rear visibility anyway, right?
[Broken External Image]:http://media.youdrivewhat.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/car1579WV.jpg
EMS10EMT said:
\ said:
- Area Code: 973
- Exchange Code: 227
- Location: Fairfield, NJ
- Original Line Type:* Landline
- Original Provider:* Verizon New Jersey
* Provider & Line Type subject to change due to number portability
\ said:
- No Information Available
\ said:Name: RDA Guard Service
Location: Caldwell, NJ 07006
Number: (973) 227-0144
\ said:The Internet is a wonderful tool.opcorn:
[*]Name: Available (Paid Version Only)
[*]Address: Available (Paid Version Only)
[*]Name: Available (Paid Version Only)
[*]Location: Caldwell, NJ
[*]Type: Landline
[*]Registered: July 6th, 1997 (Sunday)
[*]Carrier: Verizon New Jersey, INC.
whatevah said:
Bigredinstalls said:It's only wrong if i get caught!!!
Also, too bad he doesnt realize that not one part of that story is LEGAL.
Ipuvaepe said:The Internet is a wonderful tool.opcorn:
Rda Guard Service (973) 227-0144 NJ Caldwell 07004
Rda Security (973) 227-0144 NJ Caldwell 07004
SPMRC said:It is:
http://lmgtfy.com/?q=(973)+227-0144" data-cite="\"
- RDA Security in Caldwell - (973) 227-0144
- RDA Security Caldwell NJ (973) 227-0144
- RDA Guard Service in Caldwell, NJ - (973) 227-0144
- Rda Guard Svc Caldwell NJ (973) 227-0144
- Reboli Detective Agency-guard in Caldwell, New Jersey - (973) 227-0144
SPMRC said:Yes driving 60 in a 65 zone is legal.
From there on it becomes illegal.
SPMRC said:Yes driving 60 in a 65 zone is legal.
From there on it becomes illegal.
HILO said:I'm confused. Are you trying to say that driving below 60 mph in a 65 mph zone is illegal in Texas?
SPMRC said:Please show me where I said this.
SPMRC said:Yes driving 60 in a 65 zone is legal.
From there on it becomes illegal.
HILO said:I was very clear in asking what it was you meant as I am confused by what you wrote.
So 60 in a 65 is legal, You are correct, I understand this.
from there on it becomes illegal. this is what I do not understand. What is illegal? Over 65? Less than 60? Dressing a sheep in a pink night gown?
SPMRC said:HILO please stop taking my postings out of context.
Everybody else was able to understand it, so I have to assume that you don't want to understand my postings for unknown reasons.
So why don't you ignore my postings.
HILO said:I was trying not to take your post out of context. that is why I asked. Ho
wever, now I will yousume that you ment less than 60 in a 65 is illegal, and your wrong.
There is usually not a minmum speed limit on a highway, it is simply safe speed in regards to traffic conditions, unless posted. Texas generally posts a 40 mph minimum speed limit, even in a 70.
I couldnt ignore you if I tried. You had me at whaa...sniff whaaaaaa!!!! :razz:
It's only wrong if i get caught!!!
Also, too bad he doesnt realize that not one part of that story is LEGAL.
Fluffy126577 said:There really isn't a "front" or "back" to the Edge bars. You can set them up however you want. It's just where the modules are placed. The lens colors are bass ackwards but that's about it.
MPD 818 said:For those that remember seeing this a few months ago on ebay, its back.
15 1/2" x 10 1/2" Dual Rotating Police Fire Roof Light | eBay
hawkspringsfire said:
hawkspringsfire said:Just found this picture on another forum and thought people would get a kick out of it:
hawkspringsfire said:
philyumpshus said:That's definitely photoshopped. They colored some work lights red and blue, repainted the car black and white, and put a Jetstream on top.
K9Vic said:It is not photo shopped, it is real.
Rod Whitney's Police Motor Car
Skunk train california western - The RadioReference.com Forums
nbkj58 said:The bridge in the background is questionable...
Ben E. said:Maybe he's providing traffic control so nobody drives into it.![]()
tom said:I still can't get over the fact that security companies in Texas get to use blue lights. :weird: Where I'm from, police is blue, fire is red, DOT/construction is amber, and security is amber or green.