Official "Whacker" or "Screwed Up Install" Thread

LED said:

Lightbar install 101: A lightbar goes on the ROOF of a vehicle, not a bed toolbox......FAIL.

[Broken External Image]:[Broken External Image]:
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Houston police used to put full edge bars in the back window of early 90's cameros and caprice slick tops. I wish I had a picture.
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If there are only rear-facing lights then it's not too bad, still a huge waste though.
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Security gaurd goodness parked in a fire lane in Grand Prairie Tx. Blue Vista with 1 amber center rotator, and a red/blue galls deck light left rear window. It also had a V-Con but I did not see a speaker. Cletus the gaurd got pretty upset with me for taking these pictures.

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Security company's "Tactical Response Unit", with an A/W vector and a red aerodynic... *calls PSP*
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HILO said:

Security gaurd goodness parked in a fire lane in Grand Prairie Tx. Blue Vista with 1 amber center rotator, and a red/blue galls deck light left rear window. It also had a V-Con but I did not see a speaker. Cletus the gaurd got pretty upset with me for taking these pictures.

To me that looks like a Plano PD car with a black trunk & hood with that badge logo. I would love to see how long that car would last driving through Plano, Allen, Garland or Richardson. Almost wants to make you call the GPPD to come out and ticket it for illegal parking.

Public place, there is no expectation of privacy. I take pictures of cars all the time in public places.
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Station 3 said:
I think that picture justifies me pulling over every security company i see and me running there criminal background and see if they are wanted for something or to see if super security man has a doobie or some fine white powdery substance on him to pass the time while he patrols his imaginary jurisdiction.

you also might want to make sure they arent illegal immigrants :undecided:
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tom said:
I believe he uses his CV as a demo vehicle for emergency lighting now.

I was going to say, other than the fact that it's pretty whacker-ish, it's not a bad looking install, the colors are just all wrong. lol I wasn't digging the console setup either, particularly the clipboard stand along with the laptop mount. Too redundant.
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I feel bad picking on a brother, but the way i see it i'm just pointing out flaws in his install. I made a list of the big no-no's but i'll leave it to you guys to figure out.

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@4:50 Mark he says: "I use it because my DAMN fire department won't give me a DAMN pager, and I don't care if they see this shit."

Hmmm. I wonder why??!?!??!??! Then later complains again that his fire department doesn't like them to use lights and talks crap about them again. He's a model of a fire fighter if I have ever seen one. :roll:
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theroofable said:
His buddy's setup is better hahah.

"Custom fit "

"Took 8 hours to do it"

"Was really easy to do"

I think I peed my pants.
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nightwolf said:
meant to post this one

ham radio as a dept radio? illegal

cb hooked up to an alternator? retarded.

scanner hooked up to a cb antenna? illogical
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Ugh! Where to start?

I think the switch placement is poor. I know in my SUV that I've struck that part of the dash with my knee on several occasions.

Wire routing across the door jamb? Really? Couldn't find a hole or make a hole in the firewall? That wiring is not likely to last.

Wire nuts? I've used wire nuts before... in my house. That's where you use them as they are not weather proof.

I do like the placement and color arrangement of the LED light heads, otherwise, this is a fail and I'm not an expert.
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vc859 said:
I think the screwed up install is internal to the bar :D

Why, Why would anyone put those upper level flashers in and take out the inboard rotors?

Thats a factory job. Those are sm1s in there. I forget who had one on the board in their collection. IT had upper level flashers and takedowns, lower level flashers and alleys, also had sweeps.
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