Official "Whacker" or "Screwed Up Install" Thread

mpd 818 said:
this one has to be in the top 3 of wtf installs i have ever seen. This truck came in the other day to get a siren installed on it. The kid is a vollie ff who has done most of his own light work to his truck. The wiring is horrendous, and then i noticed what was on the front push bumper.

oh. My. God.....
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hawkspringsfire said:
I found this on the bay today. Notice the sticker on the
Ford : Crown Victoria | eBay

Holy crap! Did a photography student take those pictures or what? Take a picture of the left side of the car and move on. Almost looks like crime scene photos.
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MPD 818 said:
Let me start this post by saying, I have seen a lot of screwed up shit in my years of doing install work. Some of it I could look at and think "It looks like ass but there was some effort put into it". Other installs I have looked at and thought "WTF!?!"

This one has to be in the top 3 of WTF installs I have ever seen. This truck came in the other day to get a siren installed on it. The kid is a vollie FF who has done most of his own light work to his truck. The wiring is horrendous, and then I noticed what was on the front push bumper.

Notice anything unusual about the push bumper?

View attachment 15320

Lets take a closer look.

View attachment 15321

My first thought was "No way not possible". But yes, there are 3 AC powered Disco/DJ Strobes velroed to the push bumper.

View attachment 15322

The heat vents for them are clearly visible (well maybe not in these pictures but they are there) exposed to the elements.

I then started wondering how they were hooked up and found this behind the front factory bumper.

View attachment 15323

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And inside the cab I found

View attachment 15325

Of course the truck owner had already installed the siren speaker for us, via white cable ties.

View attachment 15326

And he had hooked up his own variety of electronics

View attachment 15327

I pretty much told the kid his truck was going to catch fire and that he needed to take that crap off.

I'm just sitting here thinking how hilarious it would be if that caught fire on scene. Can you imagine having to be the one to call that in?

Not sure if it would ever be on scene, just hypothetically...
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"Houston BBQ Dpt"!!! LOL

"PITMAKER INTERCEPTOR" :D :dielaugh: :dielaugh: :dielaugh: :dielaugh: :dielaugh: :dielaugh: :bonk:
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Bigredinstalls said:
"Houston BBQ Dpt"!!! LOL
"PITMAKER INTERCEPTOR" :D :dielaugh: :dielaugh: :dielaugh: :dielaugh: :dielaugh: :dielaugh: :bonk:

I am on the fence on this one. I like it, it's original. BTW PitMaker is a company that make BBQ trailers and other stuff to do with meat cooking. The company name and the theme of that trailer is just a chance happening.

But one question remains. Would trailers be considered impersonating if used on public roads with that R/B bar on it? What do the laws say about R/B lights on trailers especially a grill on wheels? Seriously guys. I am stumped on this one. :undecided:
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FGS said:
I am on the fence on this one. I like it, it's original. BTW PitMaker is a company that make BBQ trailers and other stuff to do with meat cooking. The company name and the theme of that trailer is just a chance happening.

But one question remains. Would trailers be considered impersonating if used on public roads with that R/B bar on it? What do the laws say about R/B lights on trailers especially a grill on wheels? Seriously guys. I am stumped on this one. :undecided:

Hole new meaning to "I smell bacon"?
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mother of all whackers!!!!!!!!!

This is Harvey, my 1999 GMC C3500 diesel utility truck and mobile ham shack. Harvey is my personal vehicle and "daily driver", and I cover all of the costs, including equipment, fuel, insurance, etc. out of my own funds. He was purchased in 2007 on eBay, after he'd been retired from duty with the city of West Palm Beach, Florida as a regular utility truck. I was still working in the construction industry at the time, and he proved to be an excellent work truck. When I retired a year later, after an injury, I became a SKYWARN spotter and got into amateur radio. From the start of that I knew Harvey would make an excellent "mobile ham shack", and when I joined the county emcomm team Harvey quickly proved himself to be a valuable asset to the team.

Oh, and in case you're wondering, Harvey is named after the title character in an old Jimmy Stewart movie. The character, "Harvey", was a large, hard drinking pooka, appearing as a white rabbit that only Jimmy could see. Since I'm part Irish, and the truck does get quite "thirsty" (about 12mpg), is big and white, and the rabbits on our property seem to like lounging in the shade underneath him, the name Harvey seemed appropriate.

Harvey (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Harvey is an official Stafford County Volunteer EmComm Team Response Vehicle (under the supervision of the Stafford County Fire & Rescue Department), and is equipped with multiple antennas for everything from 80m to 70cm, hard points and feed throughs for mast mounted antennas, dual batteries, high output alternator, 1.5kw (3kw surge) DC/AC inverter, full DOT warning lights, 220 watt halogen front spotlights, 18 watt LED rear flood lights, an FT-757GXII an IC-706MKIIG, FTM-350AR, various FRS & GMRS radios, CB radio, trunking scanner, and a very good alarm system. Inside the rear box is both white and red LED lighting, an operators position with antenna feeds, 12v DC and 120v AC power, racks for the various extra antennas I carry, white boards for jotting operational info, storage for equipment and supplies, including two portable 10'x10' canopies, two 6' folding tables, folding chairs, several step and extension ladders in sizes up to 21 feet, 48' of fiberglass mast and a tripod mount, coax storage, 400' of guy rope and enough tools and test equipment to do field repairs and fabrication. There's even an 8' folding hammock and bedding for quick naps in the field, a 30 cup coffee maker, a two week supply of MRE rations and a small 12v fridge. Rigs normally used in the rear section include a Kenwood TS-940 SAT, Yaesu FT-2900, Yaesu FT-757GXII, Yaesu FT-8500 (dedicated as a cross band repeater) and a Motorola XTS-2500i digital HT. Equipment for digital modes also includes a 17" Gateway laptop and a RigBlaster Pro installation. Antennas normally carried include vertical antennas for 80 through 70cm, wire antennas for 160m through 10m, and log periodics for both 2m and 70cm. Planned future improvements include a bank of AGM batteries, a full shore power connection and distribution system, on-board 3kw generator, a second 250 amp alternator, and roof mounted solar panels and charging system.

Harvey was also the First Place winner in the Truck Category at the Second Annual Virginia Ham Radio Cruise-In, held April 30, 2011. Other awards include a second place finish in the Mobile Multiple Operator catagory for the 2011 Virginia QSO Party and an official Certificate of Appreciation from the Governor of West Virginia for "participation in community disaster preparedness training and volunteer service"

Harvey and I have worked as the NCS for several public service events, including the Colonial Beach (Virginia) Triathelon, The Dahlgren Railroad Heritage Trail 50km Race, The DRHT Half Marathon, the Fredericksburg Heritage Festival 10 Mile Race, and the Capital Ale House 10 Mile Run, just to name a few. Most recently we also provided communications at two different Red Cross shelters (one in Stafford county, the other in King George county after the Stafford shelter secured operations) during Hurricane Irene.

Harvey and I will also be attending the EmComm East conference being held September 25th, 2011 in Rochester, NY (hope to see you there!)

Ok at first look the lights look red but with amber up top.......

then there's this.....


I see 4 crappy strobes on each corner. a minibar on top (which probably drowns out the strobes) and a all light hawk.

plus 4 spot lights. If this is used for "EMCOMM" and has approval by his area (which is new york apparently) Why isnt this red? oh yeah and this is his DAILY DRIVER (see in description above) This should be on ham sexy
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that's solid gold there. Oversized, top heavy trucks always make good storm spotter vehicles. And it's his daily driver, so he parks in the lot at Walmart with all that equipment in there? There's shopping centers around here that I try to avoid parking my car if my walkie & turn out gear bag in the car....
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I like the antenna mounted on the roof of the cab, just in front of the 'hawk...I wonder what the radiation pattern of the antenna is like with the utility body less than 2' from it??? Also, I've been a ham since 1984, and I've never heard of a ham radio cruise is that? Is it a contest to see who has the most antennas on their vehicle? This guy missed the boat with this truck...he should have purchases a used FD heavy rescue truck - that would have looked even more ridiculous (if that's possible).
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Why hasn't this guy gotten caught yet? Seriously, he has a RADAR SYSTEM in the car... Screams impersonator more than whacker to me. Another nice CV turned into some clown car again... :hopeless:
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Is it just me or is he getting flashback off of the deck lights too?
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Ipuvaepe said:
Is it just me or is he getting flashback off of the deck lights too?

I didnt notice. I was too busy wondering how your supposed to drive this thing at night when you cant see out the windows in daylight.
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I think that's actually pretty good looking for a wacker. lol. (ducks) :D I did actually like the video editing in the beginning, pretty slick. I'd like to do something like that for my fire department.
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He's got green lights and radar because he's part of the Al Gore Eco-Patrol. If you drive too fast, you're wasting gas & polluting the planet...... ;)
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PI sticker on black-check'

5 antennas on the black, one missing whip, one able to reach Mars-check

Bonus points for Duramax stickers on the side, but doesn't sound or look like diesel powered!!!1

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I took the liberty of clarifying what this truck is really used for. You guys should not be so critical! Why do I get the feeling that the truck was also about to pull into the Bob Evans for a buffet dinner of some kind?

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MPD 818 said:
I took the liberty of clarifying what this truck is really used for. You guys should not be so critical! Why do I get the feeling that the truck was also about to pull into the Bob Evans for a buffet dinner of some kind?
View attachment 16133

Not Bob Evans, even better! He turned left and went about a mile up the road to Waffle House!!!
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SireLite said:
Was just sent this by some guy in china. Look at the power cable running down the front window on this police car. :lol:

I'll have to look to see where it was, but I've seen an actual police department in Virginia run there cables from the Liberty down the driver's side windshield of the crown vics. Whatever gets the job done I
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Quentin said:
don't know if this has been post yet but here y'all go

How is that a whacker?

Not like there is a huge lightbar in the front and rear and tons of deck lights all over the place, simple and seems to get the job done well.
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Saw this in the Menards parking lot a few days ago. I have no idea what the shell is for the lightbar, but it looked like a real lightbar probably existed in there at one point, now it's just the frame/domes/center filled with teardrop rotators. It had some 120v bundled wire powering it that was screwed to the body of the cab. The mount on each corner was 2 metal 'L' brackets screwed together on the long part. Then the bottom L was screwed into the top of the cab, and the top L was screwed into the bottom of the lightbar.

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So I was sitting in the mall parking lot eating two McDoubles, when I see amber going across my visor. So I think "Mall cops?". I look up, and there is a red half ton going by with a single amber beacon. He pulls past the parking lot, around past the AMC. A minute later, he still hasn't come out, and there are only two ways in/out and they intersect each other. I finish the burger, drive around, and he's in the handicap spot out front of the Friendlies with the beacon on. Legitimate use? Probably not, delaware plate in a PA mall. Never know though...

Ironically just before this, I was having a conversation with my passenger about how they were going out of business.

EDIT: _85128, not sure of the first one. Could be an F or a commercial plate, but leaning towards commercial plate.
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WOW, that's sexy!!
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