Official "Whacker" or "Screwed Up Install" Thread

AerodyMANIAC said:
Some race cars semi flat black their hoods from the70s to keep to sun glare from bouncing off the hoods and blinding you when you drive...they woudlnt paint the trunk, it would be pointless.

ACTUALLY i just noticed a black rubber or something on the trunk?

I know hoods were painted to keep glare down, I'm sure most people on ELB know that too... But I'm saying LE vehicles are never painted in a flat color, always gloss.
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please tell me this guy is NOT dumb enough to have an ILLEGAL 11m amp in his vehicle and him having a ham licensce. . .

(ohh and have video proof of him owning it)
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wanna be proffesional video with a "do not duplicate" warning.

free advertising for Tom at AWL? priceless

so tell us tom how much of a discount do we get for using his refferal? :suicide:
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Jarred J. said:
wanna be proffesional video with a "do not duplicate" warning.

free advertising for Tom at AWL? priceless

so tell us tom how much of a discount do we get for using his refferal? :suicide:

Oh mann :-x

This was before I even started AWL. And he did not get any kind of discount Jarred lol
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So myself and Boulder are going to the PA Fire Expo down in Harrisburg friday. I wonder what "interesting" rides we will find in the parking lot LOL

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triton911bj said:
So myself and Boulder are going to the PA Fire Expo down in Harrisburg friday. I wonder what "interesting" rides we will find in the parking lot LOL


I beleive I will be bringing my video camera aswell... lol
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Of corsica that is loaded with knock off lights...
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Well it had a real SlimMiser on the dash, and a mini phantom on the third brake light... But the bar is KO TOMAR, then you have all those awesome china lights on the rear deck... lol
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Not a bad set-up in my opinion, and don't mind the knock off lightbar. The car really needs a wash though, big time!!
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So, me and my buddy are in the parking lot, trying to determine which place we are going to grab lunch, and there sat this beauty. Didn't get the BEST picture, but I did get one!

It is an 80's Chrysler Fifth Avenue. According to the white decal on the white door ( :duh: ), its an escort vehicle. Also note the POW/MIA above the "escort" sign. Up top, we see a nice old lightbar with HUGE cast aluminum mounting feet, and: (2) small speakers (the kind that come with the animal sounds/siren from Wal mart) (2) short can type strobes, (2) amber/red lollipops, and in the center, an amber rotating beacon. The shiny chrome thing in the windshield on the A pillar is a fire extinguisher (odd place for a highly reflective piece of equipment). There was also various flashlights, radios, controller, etc, and The obvious antenna on the trunk. Also, a decorative license plate blocking most of the airflow to the radiator...

Not a HUGE whacker, but, wouldn't a cheap dual rotator lightbar suffice? Or, the two strobes? Either way, I thought it was neat

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I think you forgot to mention the rust and the mud flaps. Yep, pretty sure I see mudflaps front and rear. That's... uhhhh... :crazy:
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I'll rate this a solid 7/10.

You would have gotten a 10/10 if you got a picture of the driver and video of him driving the beast.
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CPDG23 said:
I'll rate this a solid 7/10.

You would have gotten a 10/10 if you got a picture of the driver and video of him driving the beast.

If I knew where he was I would have stayed longer. It was there when we got there (no other escort vehicles) and there when we left 1.5 hours later....
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I freaking LOVE the little speakers!!
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7d9_z28 said:
So, me and my buddy are in the parking lot, trying to determine which place we are going to grab lunch, and there sat this beauty. Didn't get the BEST picture, but I did get one!

It is an 80's Chrysler Fifth Avenue. According to the white decal on the white door ( :duh: ), its an escort vehicle. Also note the POW/MIA above the "escort" sign. Up top, we see a nice old lightbar with HUGE cast aluminum mounting feet, and: (2) small speakers (the kind that come with the animal sounds/siren from Wal mart) (2) short can type strobes, (2) amber/red lollipops, and in the center, an amber rotating beacon. The shiny chrome thing in the windshield on the A pillar is a fire extinguisher (odd place for a highly reflective piece of equipment). There was also various flashlights, radios, controller, etc, and The obvious antenna on the trunk. Also, a decorative license plate blocking most of the airflow to the radiator...

Not a HUGE whacker, but, wouldn't a cheap dual rotator lightbar suffice? Or, the two strobes? Either way, I thought it was neat


Around the Port Of Houston, you see A LOT of these vehicles in every kind and description being used as pilot cars. Most are for small, rinky-dink services and companies. The major ones usually use pickups or SUV's. I always thought there were some sort of state or federal law these pilot cars had to abide by, but some of the ones I've seen were WAY worse than the one pictured here.

Picture if you can a beat up Chevrolet Astro Van set up this way with a HUGE HAM radio antenna mounted in the middle of the front bumper and tied down to the roof light bar (again, a huge amber monstrosity way bigger than the vehicle) with two big orange flags on each side and a second HUGE amber light bar mounted on the rear! Seen on the east side of Houston (specifically, the I-10/Channelview area for those familiar) when I used to supervise posts in that area a few years back.
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Saw this gem the other day:


It appears to have all clear lights on the front lightbar, with a red mini bar on the back. The "AMBULANCE" has been replaced with "BANDULANCE" and they have "Emergency Musical Services" on the side. I snapped this picture with my cell phone, so it's not the best. I'll be keeping an eye on it if it ever turns those lights on in my jurisdiction.
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BigWil said:
Saw this gem the other day:


It appears to have all clear lights on the front lightbar, with a red mini bar on the back. The "AMBULANCE" has been replaced with "BANDULANCE" and they have "Emergency Musical Services" on the side. I snapped this picture with my cell phone, so it's not the best. I'll be keeping an eye on it if it ever turns those lights on in my jurisdiction.
I wonder if they're functional though. I know a few PC repair places that do this kind of thing, and just get a hollow shell or have it not wired. One comes to mind that has an Arjent, red domes but amber LEDs.
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BigWil said:
Saw this gem the other day:


It appears to have all clear lights on the front lightbar, with a red mini bar on the back. The "AMBULANCE" has been replaced with "BANDULANCE" and they have "Emergency Musical Services" on the side. I snapped this picture with my cell phone, so it's not the best. I'll be keeping an eye on it if it ever turns those lights on in my jurisdiction.

Off topic, but BigWil I'd like to see your truck lol. Fellow 4th gen ram owner those trucks!! Ok, back on topic :thumbsup:
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killCARB027 said:

I just went through the entire "Whacker or Screwed Up Install" thread and cannot believe how many private security firms there are in TX that use white or black & white police package Crown Vics with full Blue lightbars and even sirens. All 50 states really should make it illegal for private security patrols to use Red or Blue flashing lights on their vehicles and I can't understand why police departments in TX allow private security guards to drive vehicles equipped with Blue lights since it apparently is illegal for non-emergency vehicles (excluding school buses or tow trucks) to use Red or Blue flashing lights of any type according to sect. 547.305 of the TX Transportation Code. I have no problem with TxDOT and other government agencies in Texas using Blue & Amber flashing lights on their highway\roadside maintenance vehicles because they have a legitimate reason to use such lights and are in no way attempting to impersonate a law enforcement officer. However these security clowns from TX Pioneer "Control" (and other security companies) who are driving vehicles with Blue flashing lights, posing for the cameras with long guns or making Youtube videos showing them in swat team like gear complete with masks are doing everything that they can to make members of the general public think they are cops. Why else would you be driving a white or black & white CVPI with a Blue strobe lightbar that says PATROL in huge lettering on the side?

This company's patrol cars are even worse. This company primarily does patrol service for some rather nasty apartment complexes and nightclubs. I wrote about this on another thread. I have a problem with private security "playing police" as it makes the job rougher for eveyone else. Texas used to have a law years ago that stated private security could not resemble the LE agency where they worked. Either that law isn't in effect anymore or has been overturned. As far as all blue lights, I have worked properties that used them. We turned them off when we hit the public street. However, I firmly believe that some of this is politically connected...The Galleria mall security has used blue lights forever and do not bother to turn them off when hitting street in that area.
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