Official "Whacker" or "Screwed Up Install" Thread

BigWil said:
Saw this gem the other day:


It appears to have all clear lights on the front lightbar, with a red mini bar on the back. The "AMBULANCE" has been replaced with "BANDULANCE" and they have "Emergency Musical Services" on the side. I snapped this picture with my cell phone, so it's not the best. I'll be keeping an eye on it if it ever turns those lights on in my jurisdiction.

I have seen similar set-ups with contractors, but the lights were usually not even connected. I suspect that this band does have the lights hooked up, but use them at their "venues" as part of the show.
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I saw this little gem going to Logans steak house on fathers day. It appears to have a clear code 3 rotator mini lightbar and the words "RESCUE RANGER" on the sides and back

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Mrlunchbox said:
Holy crap! What the hell did I just watch! My eyes are bleeding from that... did you see the wiring for the LEDs on the mirror?!?!?!?!?! How can anyone call that acceptable? HAHAHA [rolls]

And he talked like it was the best install. I mean he cant turn on the take downs and alleys at the same time "too much draw" LOL:nono:
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Did ya notice how the strobes don't have ANY kind of lense on them...? lol And the wiring is just AWESOME!!! Makes me hungry for some spaghetti... lol
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Best wiring ever. I bow to it. :duh: :suicide: :bonk:
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That's just... wow. I don't know what else to say. :eek:

Ok, I do know what to say. Dude, that's totally craptacular! :crazy:

All that exposed, and under-gauge, wire is going to cause headaches of epic proportion. :weird:

And if you are going to the trouble of building some sort of console to house controllers, radios and such, at least take out the bench seat and install bucket seats. :rolleyes:

I'm not a volunteer fire/ems/leo and I'm not a professional outfitter, but geez! :ugh:
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If he only had a home A/C unit in the back like larry the cable guys truck in Health Inspector. Then it would be complete i mean hell he already has a power converter why not!!!!
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I wonder if his car insurance covers fires caused by acts of shear stupidity?
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I like his CAN DO attitude guy is fricken excited about his awesome install like i am when i see a taco stand.
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hooknose56 said:
At about 2:47, are the structural gloves actually 2 different gloves? Interesting...

I noticed that too!! :duh: Also, I understand having a traffic vest on your bunker coat for....well, TRAFFIC! But I wonder if this guy wears that inside a burning structure?!? I'm no scientist but I'm almost sure those vests are not rated for inside a burning structure and will most likely melt to him...this guy is an over-all winner lol :bonk:
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firefighter221 said:
From the video:
"I've spent less than $1000 on everything here."

... you don't say...

I'm guessing that includes the truck.
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well he is in my state, to bad he isn't local (at least i don't think so, haven't seen that gem in the county) I'd like to slap him silly and fix his wiring, for the simple reason as I don't want to respond to his 10-70 vehicle. The same reason I spent money on one of my (recently kicked off) newbies, I should have taken pictures of the wires running out of the doors, across the fender and closed in the hood. he was so excited to show my his new light set up. I took one look and said that's nice, don't cut those on, the over sized wires feeding those little lights are going to burn something up not to mention there is real good chance you could short out your whole truck, give me a call when you want it done right. later that night after being ridiculed by a couple other guys, he called and begged me to fix it, I did, made sure it was run properly, grounded and used the correct gauge wire. couldn't tell where the wires were look pretty good when I was done, he said man you should do that as a side gig, after that headache NO WAY JOSE don't know how yall do it. I hadn't gone from complete tear down to finished in one sitting before, my pov is normally a piece by piece, trial and error over a given time type install.
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Somewhere he says that he's a volunteer firefighter or that he's going to police academy or something...
General wackyness... I want to know more about this T-I-R series he has in his back window.
You know, I can't understand why volunteer fire, and ems want CVPIs.... I mean, I get that they are good public safety vehicles... but erm, as a POV and to wacker it out like that?
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IshyFlynn said:

If he ever gets caught, running or not, with that in Cali he's gonna have a whole lot of splainin' to do. Whacker... You don't say? Nice find.

PS: He's showing off a siren he has installed on that vehicle in one of the videos.
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GreenZone09 said:
If he ever gets caught, running or not, with that in Cali he's gonna have a whole lot of splainin' to do. Whacker... You don't say? Nice find.

PS: He's showing off a siren he has installed on that vehicle in one of the videos.

Actually nothing on his vehicle is really illegal, as long as he does not use it on a public roadway. Which technically, by filming this vehicle, he violated the law. But if it was off on public roads, or on while on private roads, he is legal.

There is nothing in the CA Vehicle code covering green, at all, it does not say it, can or can not be used.

Amber can be used by anyone, on a public roadway when an UNUSUAL traffic hazard exists.

RED, steady OR flashing, can also be used by ANYONE, ONLY when an EXTREME traffic hazard exists, or unless it is an emergency vehicle.

Private security vehicles, unless on private property, can have flashing amber, when responding to calls for the immediate preservation of life. Which is an old law and Securitas ans US Security Associated technically violates every day when driving around the Wal-Mart parking lots, as well as pretty much every mall security in California. Most malls have Amber and Green.

Also the private security section, only applies to vehicles OWNED by the company. So if this is his own vehicle, he does not have to be marked. He only has to obey the section about when he can use his lights. Also if he is "in house" security. Where he does not work for a Private Patrol Operator (a security company), but maybe a large company that employs their own security force, the law does not apply to them. Only to PPO Companies. If he worked for a factory, on their property, he can use what ever color he wanted. As it would be a gated property, closed to the public, and CVCs would not be enforced. If he worked for a mall, the laws would apply, as the roads would be open to the public, even if private property, it is not restricted, and CVCs can and will be enforced. Usually these types of properties have signage stating CVCs can be enforced.

Article 7. Flashing And Colored Lights :: Vehicle Code :: 2010 California Code :: California Code :: US Codes and Statutes :: US Law :: Justia

25268. No person shall display a flashing amber warning light on a

vehicle as permitted by this code except when an unusual traffic

hazard exists.

25269. No person shall display a flashing or steady burning red

warning light on a vehicle except as permitted by Section 21055 or

when an extreme hazard exists.

25279. (a) Vehicles owned and operated by private security agencies

and utilized exclusively on privately owned and maintained roads to

which this code is made applicable by local ordinance or resolution

may display flashing amber warning lights to the front, sides, or

rear, while being operated in response to emergency calls for the

immediate preservation of life or property.

( B) (1) Vehicles owned by a private security agency and operated

by personnel who are registered with the Department of Consumer

under Article 3 (commencing with Section 7582) of Chapter

11.5 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code may be

equipped with a flashing amber warning light system while the vehicle

is operated on a highway, if the vehicle is in compliance with

Section 27605 and is distinctively marked with the words "PRIVATE

on the rear and both sides of the

vehicle in a size that is legible from a distance of not less than 50


(2) The flashing amber warning light system authorized under

paragraph (1) shall not be activated while the vehicle is on the

highway, unless otherwise directed by a peace officer, as defined in

Chapter 4.5 (commencing with Section 830) of Title 3 of Part 2 of the

Penal Code.

© A peace officer may order that the flashing amber warning

light system of a vehicle that is found to be in violation of this

section be immediately removed at the place of business of the

vehicle's owner or a garage.

(d) A flashing amber warning light system shall not be installed

on a vehicle that has been found to be in violation of this section,

unless written authorization is obtained from the Commissioner of the

California Highway Patrol.

Extreme and Unusual hazards are not defined, so depending on the situation, a broke down vehicle in the middle of the freeway, maybe extreme hazard and you can get away with red. Where broke down on the side of a empty road, will be unusual, and you would get cited for the red.
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In his defense, he seems to have done this unit up as a demo car as he is a retailer of lights.

Notice it is labeled as a demo car...
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IshyFlynn said:
In his defense, he seems to have done this unit up as a demo car as he is a retailer of lights. Notice it is labeled as a demo car...

It was only switched over to that fairly recently, as far as I can tell. The lights, siren and interior have pretty much been the same all of the rest of the time, as shown in the OP.

Jason, while I recognize the info under the CVC, I assume there would still be issues with it under PC 536(d).
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hooknose56 said:
At about 2:47, are the structural gloves actually 2 different gloves? Interesting...

Did you notice how shiny his helmet is and how clean his gear appears to be? I'm guessing he doesn't need matching gloves because he never really fights fire.
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Bigassfireman said:
Did you notice how shiny his helmet is and how clean his gear appears to be? I'm guessing he doesn't need matching gloves because he never really fights fire.

prolly bc he spends too much time onscene trying to fix his lights that are not flashing due to his amazing install skills....
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