Official "Whacker" or "Screwed Up Install" Thread

I wonder what color lights the CERT guy rolls with? No pun intended for the handicap sticker...
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RL11, Green and Amber if memory serves correctly. Also I believe this is the same guy that decked out is old bicycle with LED's as well.
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TritonBoulder47 said:
Just looking at the exterior, can you imagine what the wiring looks like...? lol

I'd rather not. :bonk:
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This video shows how video can make any lights look good. In a video, these lights look as bright as Whelen / Federal Signal products... in real life... not so much. That's why you can't judge lights by videos.
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WARNING!! These knock off lights are extremely blinding to the human eye! watch at your own risk

And this guy from NY says that because he has "technical training" and 02 in his car, he is allowed to have red/blue lights.
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I prefer that demo car to some of the wackered out CVPI's I've seen that look just a little too much like an undercover duty car -- but it's fine, because it's a demo car!
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IshyFlynn said:
I prefer that demo car to some of the wackered out CVPI's I've seen that look just a little too much like an undercover duty car -- but it's fine, because it's a demo car!

Do you remember The Green Phantom? LOL
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oh yes.... so either this guy is gayer than sin or he is one severely messed up in the head on drugs whacker
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Crayola private security
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I know security companies hate to use the word "security" but the owner of this company went a little bit overboard.

Company name: Houston Harris Division Patrol

Also the only security contractor I've seen that allows its officers to wear cowboy hats.

Conclusion: out of what seems to be a countless number of security companies in Houston, these guys get my vote for most whacktastic.

Houston Harris Division Patrol
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Fury said:
I know security companies hate to use the word "security" but the owner of this company went a little bit overboard.

Company name: Houston Harris Division Patrol

Also the only security contractor I've seen that allows its officers to wear cowboy hats.

Conclusion: out of what seems to be a countless number of security companies in Houston, these guys get my vote for most whacktastic.

Houston Harris Division Patrol

I beg to disagree..

Their uniforms do look like cops', and they wear sidearms, but then again it's Texas.

I like their approach on private security, ie rather than provide arms and legs (brain an option) to customers going for the lowest buck possible, target hi-value customers with a real concern for security and willing to pay over the minimum for guards trained over the minimum. That's a very smart approach to me, and they project an image that try to reflect that they are "above the security masses".

Not bad...

Although we don't know what they drive, or do we ?
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TheGatekeeper said:
I beg to disagree..
Their uniforms do look like cops', and they wear sidearms, but then again it's Texas.

I like their approach on private security, ie rather than provide arms and legs (brain an option) to customers going for the lowest buck possible, target hi-value customers with a real concern for security and willing to pay over the minimum for guards trained over the minimum. That's a very smart approach to me, and they project an image that try to reflect that they are "above the security masses".

Not bad...

Although we don't know what they drive, or do we ?

I saw one of their vehicles doing security work inside a gated area. Couldn't drive up and take a picture. At first I was like "What the hell is that?" It had huge lettering on the side saying Houston and Harris, then small lettering saying Division Patrol. The graphics were set up to be intentionally misleading, and the decals were common law enforcement colors for this area. Cowboy hats in Texas are worn by DPS, and some, but very few Sheriff's Departments as an optional part of the uniform. These guys just look silly, basically trying too hard.
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chuck_raduenz said:
so now i have to defend my self on this one as well.

not perm mounted to car. was a demo of colors when i sold them.... it was also on personal propertry.......

Is that car still for sale?

It looks totally rad!!!
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no pic as i was driving and so was it and it was dark.

saw a toyota matrix witha star prizm bar with weird markings on it, guy inside was in a greyish uniform..

got closer...

it was securitas.
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Usually the "Big Players" such as Securitas or G4S tend to look the part, driving low-cost 4-cylinder go-carts, as they do in Europe (although sometimes... check below...)

It's the small outfits I noticed, which tend to look like police, driving dark CVPIs and wearing police-like uniforms.

Maybe we should create a thread "Private Security Vehicles" ? ;)


Securitas Passat.jpg
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That VW Passat is not an unusual vehicle for Securitas in more rural areas and "Skyddsvakt" is a legit part of Securitas´operation in Sweden. They are specially trained security-officers that perform protective services (with limited police-authority) on certain facilities/installations, including many government facilities/installations. This car is probably used at a large installation, and would probably not be allowed to use the lights outside of the assigned patrolarea. I may be wrong, but this was the case last time I heard about the system in Sweden.

I´m more surprized to see a Loomis vehicle (they primaraly do cash-transports in my part of Europe) with "POLICE"-markings! Hey Gatekeeper; can you read the lettering on the backdoor in the original image? Seems to explain the "police"-markings....
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Yeah I know...

For everybody, LOOMIS is the cash in transit division of Securitas in Europe.

It looks like a joint venture between the local constabulary and Loomis. Rather than use police patrol units to follow or protect certain sensitive cash transfers, the UK cops just wentinto a angeement with a private security outfit. Quite unprecedented.

Then again, Lincolnshire just "outsourced" a full police station to G4S, including criminal file management!! All civilian personnel have been "TUPEied" to G4S !
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That 300 is a great security guard car. No way to mistake it for a LE car.
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Mrlunchbox said:
Craptastic! Wayyyyy too many lights. Makes a legit vehicle look like a fool!

It would be a nice demo...
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