Official "Whacker" or "Screwed Up Install" Thread

desert rent-a-cop said:
is this the video you're talking about?

No, there are at least three put up in relation to this company. This was only one of them.

The other two- one has them doing entry on a building at night with the theme from the TV show "COPS" playing. Then the one that was the source of my comment had pics of them running lights and dressed like made the State Tactical video look professional by comparison.

The link to the video I was talking about is
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Respondcode3 said:
I got one better..

I saw a decent amount of bad trigger discipline and it looked like the camera operator got swept at least once, probably more.

Do these guys have any law enforcement powers in TX? Or is it only enforcement on contracted private property?
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foxtrot5 said:
I saw a decent amount of bad trigger discipline and it looked like the camera operator got swept at least once, probably more.

Do these guys have any law enforcement powers in TX? Or is it only enforcement on contracted private property?

They only have the authority of a private citizen no matter if they are on their contracted property or not. We've got a lot of private guard companies down here that want to play cop these days and it's getting worse.
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jatchinson said:
Passed that on the highway outside GR one night, wondered the same thing about it, I would like to know.

Eff.. If it WAS in eastern MI, then GR, that means its headed right towards me! :duh:
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bfd740 said:
Somebody get the guy with the cowboy hat a bigger shirt. Somebody's gonna lose an eye if he bends the wrong way.
...which is why you should always wear your eye pro and not just prop it on top of your head to look cool.
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ast123 said:
10-4. Yea it is the "real" one but round here when I think of metro I think of Savannah.

I know, all the SCMPD guys think that too haha. I grew up an hour south of there then worked in States for a year. Couldn't get away fast enough!
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The constant movement and "spinning" the camera plus the background noises of him handling the camera are making me queezy.
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Mrlunchbox said:
Since when is amber an "emergency" light. LoL

I resent that.

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I think i get it...

this guy thinks he's micheal bay and that his suboptimal prime?

he trasforms it into whacker mode inside so his neighbors wont make fun of him.
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Respondcode3 said:
I got one better..

Holy sh!%, I live in Houston, home of whacktastic Houston Harris Division Patrol, who I see on a daily basis. But these guys from this video is almost unreal. Again another fine example of avoiding the word "security" at all costs, and even stepping it up a notch and avoiding the word "patrol" by putting State Tactical Anti-Crime Unit on their cars. The next Houston security company that pops up here will most likely have 6 words in it's name that sounds something kind of LE related.

All jokes aside, back off!!! I have dibs on the fat chick, and maybe the goofy pasty cowboy type person, for romantic dating possibilities.
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Fury said:
Holy sh!%, I live in Houston, home of whacktastic Houston Harris Division Patrol, who I see on a daily basis. But these guys from this video is almost unreal. Again another fine example of avoiding the word "security" at all costs, and even stepping it up a notch and avoiding the word "patrol" by putting State Tactical Anti-Crime Unit on their cars. The next Houston security company that pops up here will most likely have 6 words in it's name that sounds something kind of LE related.

All jokes aside, back off!!! I have dibs on the fat chick, and maybe the goofy pasty cowboy type person, for romantic dating possibilities.

It never ceases to amaze me. :wow:
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Found this gem at Wal-Mart. Weren't even any wires in the thing, Just bolted to the roof for looks. new 093.jpg
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TheGatekeeper said:
Come on, say it, it's the courtesy car they got you for this week huh ? :crackup:

You Caught me. :ugh: haha. I wonder how much faster it goes with the flames...
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Latest Craigslist gem:

I love how in the end he says"

I kinda got in trouble for pulling my friends over so guess it's time to get rid of it b4 get in more trouble.
:crackup: :dunce:

Heres the original ad:

Have for sale or TRADE prefered a 2000 crown vic cop car with all lights sirens & strobes, PA system ya want it it's there, still has the police chipped 4.6 L and police shift kit in the tranny, will spin tires shifting gears, wouldn't expect it, has a huge trunk I've got a pic of me and 6 of my friends piled up in trunk and still shut the lid , it's definetly a head turner and I drove it to michigan last week for holidays and can do 90mph on highway and people think ur a cop so the just get out of your way made traffic so much easier, I'm open to any trades looking for somethin not ordinary but if value is high enough i'lll consider anything
I'd love to get a diesel truck and if deal is well worth my while

I have a original 75 nova I can throw in the deal

Contact me at (NUMBER), call or text anytime preffer texting

Tags and things interested in, cummins, lifted trucks, muscle car, boosted, mustang, trans am, camaro, vec , diesel, pwerstroke , tahoe, bagged , lead slead, quads, 4x4 , bogger, harley , V8, 5spd, fast cars, hydrolics, jacked up, mud truck, 1st gen, 2nd gen cummins, 12v , 6spd, 4 spd, fire bird, 240sx, motorycle, cash,

If have a vehicle but don't have cash to throw in on trade I can do partial trades with tools,ps3, just anything of value to add to the deal,


Don't be shy, I get bored w? Vehicles and I kinda got in trouble for pulling my friends over so guess it's time to get rid of it b4 get in more trouble.

From: 2000 crown vic police interceptor with all lights and sirens




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I kinda got in trouble for pulling my friends over so guess it's time to get rid of it b4 get in more trouble.

Stupid is as stupid does. - Forrest Gump.
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They call him "The Chaser Police"

Meet Chris Novoy from Oklahoma crown Vic complete with inneredge, radar both front and rear, & a plethora of antennas.

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