Official "Whacker" or "Screwed Up Install" Thread

Im not even sure what we are looking at....

It may be for the best that I couldn't get a higher detailed picture to spare us the horror.

It appeared to have been a single bar at one point, but something landed on top, crushing it in two places and horribly disfiguring it.
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idk, seems legit..... (whatever it is)
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It's a bad photsjop job that's what it is
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I am guessing the bar is more for visibility than for warning while on a public way. Appears to be a flightline maintenance vehicle for a military aviation facility.

That makes sense, it showed up on DOD Surplus this morning. There were about 8 others as well but this is the only one with an Aerodynic on it. There is some really interesting stuff that turns up on Surplus from time to time.
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really crappy quality, but just want to point out the mini bar and the dash light are amber, but their seems to be in the back window what appears to be red and blue lights... o_O seems sketchy
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Looks white and red but vid is so crappy... prob in tx
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Clean install but way too many lights. Said in the comments it's pov vehicle for a deputy, the Feniex equipment was over $8k, and is running a 200Watt and 100Watt Storm Pro Siren.
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the rear looks like a casino...

sides wouldn be bad if they were slower patterns..

and are there three hideaways in the fog lights?
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Clean install but way too many lights. Said in the comments it's pov vehicle for a deputy, the Feniex equipment was over $8k, and is running a 200Watt and 100Watt Storm Pro Siren.

Watch this video, but in another browser tab, play this:
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Didn't see this before,
here's another video of f****** idiots..

Many years ago we caught some guy doing the same stunt, didn't end well for him. And when I say we caught, I mean everyone at the cruise spot surrounded his car and held him until the police arrived, very quickly I might add. The police weren't exactly gentle, forced entry into the car, "assisted" him into the back of the cage truck, cage truck did a U turn over traffic island etc.
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The mark of perfection: lights mounted on a 45° angle.
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twisters spin 360 degrees so occasionally youll hit it.
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I can think of more than a few whackers, but the best cases that I know are both completely imbalanced, but in different ways. I'll refer to them as Whacker One and Whacker Two. I'll post about each in separate posts.

Whacker One is a guy with a case of stupid like I've never seen w/ major cockiness and a bad attitude. I grew up in the same neighbourhood as him. I’ll never forget how he’d march up and down the street banging pots and pans, shouting gibberish and so forth. Did this all hours of the day too. Nowadays, he’s just a total jackass. PM me if you want some hilarious stories about this guy’s “expertise” on everything backfiring horribly.

His vehicle is a Ram 2500 Cummings Turbo Diesel with the following:


-6 dual colour (blue/blue, amber/white) LED flashers on the grille
-4 dual colour (b/a) LED flashers on the tailgate (used to be 2)
-2 dual colour LED flashers above the rear window
-2 dual colour LED flashers on both sides of the rear window
-6 single colour LED flashers on the bumper (alternate a/w)
-2 8-LED work lights on the bumper
-2 dual colour LED flashers b/w each door (1 on the right, 1 on the left)
-5 amber LED clearance lights that double as amber/white flashers.
-Red/White striped “danger” tape on the bumper
-8 light LED Traffic Advisor behind the rear window
-Amber/White HAWs in headlights
-Amber/White HAWs in fog lamps
-Amber/White cannons in brake lights and work lights
-Blue/Amber LED Dash Mount (not sure what make/model; it's a bigger one) (Now removed)
-1 dual colour LED flasher in place of Cummings Diesel logos on each side (Now Removed)
-Blue/Amber Arjent on the roof (Now Removed)
-2 SA315s
-SoundOff nERGY 400

He owns a landscaping “business” consisting of him and a buddy. They cut a few lawns here and there and used to plow snow from a few driveways. He also hauls a 30 foot enclosed trailer that’s mostly empty nowadays. Used to be full of all sorts of ridiculous equipment that got repo'ed.

I remember when he was driving through my current neighbourhood to plow a driveway. Every light was on. My neighbour, who’s retired LE, saw the truck and said: “I was in LE for 35 years and never once saw an emergency vehicle with that many lights.” I filled him in on the guy’s back-story. “Makes sense” he replied. Whacker One tried to go and plow his old neighbourhood’s streets and then got dinged by the OPP. I also heard that he got dinged again after driving down a main street lit up. After that, his truck lost the Arjent, and a few other lights but gained the dash mount and the "danger" tape.
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We've got to have a video!

I think that I'll be able to float that or at least some photos. He's really not the sharpest knife in the drawer and given his huge ego, he'd likely be more than happy to light his truck up. Problem is, he and I really don't get along for several well-justified reasons. For example, I got called into the hospital b/c they needed another crisis worker and couldn't get my car out b/c his trailer was blocking my driveway. I had a few choice words with him. I can try and get him to light it up to make "amends". I'll say something like I've always been interested by his truck's lighting, which is true ;) . I think I have some pictures somewhere of it in one of its older incarnations. He adds and removes lights here and there. I think it depends on if he gets dinged by the OPP or not, TBH. The TA and the dash mount are the newest additions as of a few months ago and the Arjent's been gone since the late winter of 2014, IIRC. The 'danger' tape is new as of this past winter. He ought to be around early next week, so I'll try then. I've been wanting to get video of his Whacker Mobile for ages.

He's truly a one-of-a-kind individual, but not in a good way. I have ton of funny stories about him. One of my favourites was when we had major flooding in this area in 2016. His aunt frantically called him saying that her yard was flooding. His advice: "Turn off the sump pump because it'll just pump water into your house." She shut the sump off, only to see the water in her yard empty rapidly...into her basement.

Oh and JazzDad, are you a fan of Grant Green, Wayne Shorter, Herbie Hancock or Dexter Gordon? Or Fred Wesley or Maceo Parker, by chance?
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I wanted to bring up Whacker Two. Whacker Two is one creepy dude and a complete lunatic. I had the misfortune of crossing paths with him at the behest of a lawyer friend of mine. She wanted me to help him with his bogus Ontario Human Rights Tribunal case against the local university. His case was a personal vendetta against faculty and he was punted from the university for a bloody good reason too. He didn't even end up showing up for any of the hearings either. I think that she wanted to get him off of her rear. He's been blackballed by most of the lawyers here, also for good reason. Lawyers not wanting money speaks for itself. I have a few choice stories about him too.

After an extraordinarily creepy meeting at his house, I tried to leave as quickly as I could. I wanted my SHO's wheels to be spinning as fast as possible and to put its twin turbos to good use. He tells me to wait b/c he wants me to see his vehicle. The vehicle had a weird look about it. Fits its owner perfectly. It was an older-model Ford Explorer with the following:

-2 Mirror LED flashers (amber)
-1 8 light TA w/ red end flashers on a bizarre roof rack mount
-Amber hideaways in each headlight
-2 amber LED flashers next to the front license plate
-2 amber LED flashers next to the rear license plate
-4 amber/white dual colour LED grille flashers
-4 amber/white dual colour LED flashers on the rear hatch
-2 amber LED dash mounts (two different makes/models; one was mounted in front of the rear-view mirror, the other was much larger and lower mounted)
-2 two amber/white light head LED lights behind the rear window (upper mount)
-2 100w siren speakers (visible behind the grille, too)
-Whelen 295SL100 or 295SL101 may have been an 295SLSA1 (not sure which one as I only got a quick glance at it)
-Switch panel for the lighting, including the dash mounts
-TA controller

I tell him him that it's not legal to have a siren on a civilian vehicle. He replies: "It's fine if you don't use the same tones that they use here." I roll my eyes and try to high-tail it to my car. No doubt he self-installed the siren, and by the look of its mount, the TA. He hops in his Lunatic Wagon and lights it up. He really pissed off some contractors doing some work in the process of doing so. He puts his daughter in the vehicle (yes, he has a child...) and pulls out, lights flashing. Of course he had a back-up alarm too. As he drives by me, he slows down, blasts the air horn tone a couple of times, mumbles something over the PA and quickly turns a Hi-Low on and off before driving away. I got the hell out of there as fast as I could and never looked back. I think that if I got pulled over, I'd just need to mention his name to the constable and I'd be let off on compassionate grounds.

He doesn't actually do anything for a living, besides own a couple of slummy student houses, IIRC. Besides that, he's a professional s**t-disturber. Any transgression against him is automatically a human rights violation or brought to the civil courts. He sues people for a living, more or less. To my knowledge, all of the cases get thrown out. No idea how he affords it, even with Community Legal Aid. He gets himself into criminal hot water from time to time. It's never his fault because his "rights were violated" and because of some BS diagnosis by some clinical psychologist. The visit to his place was one of the creepiest and more disturbing experiences of my life. Owing to my profession and to other experiences, I'm not easily rattled at all either. Needless to say, my lawyer friend owes me in perpetuity. I told her the story and she said: "How many cases of Writers' Tears do you want?" No amount of whiskey will erase that experience.
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Here are some pictures of Whacker One from April 2014 that I found. They were from Google Earth. Found them completely unexpectedly, much to my amusement. I’ve made some edits to my original post about him, as I was off with some of the colours/numbers of the LEDs. I also added some lights that I didn’t know that he had. I swore that he had 4 on the tailgate. I spoke with him today for quite a while. He bragged all about the lighting on his truck. I asked him about the tailgate. He says that he didn’t, but he’s a terrible liar and a notorious BSer. I pulled a bit of BS of my own and said that I could see marks from where they were mounted. He got a weird look on his face, paused for a second and said: “I had them on for a bit, but they kept ‘shorting out’.” Then he adds: “I thought that they made me ‘too visible’.” Being “too visible” was a recurring excuse whenever he was called out on BS.

I could only get a video of the TA. He claimed that “a fuse blew under the hood or there was a short”, preventing the other lights from lighting. Only two of the grille-mounted blues worked. He told me that he’s getting it fixed soon and was quite happy that I was so interested in his setup and entertaining his BS. However, I still smelt BS as his control head had a "Blue Only" button. He was more than happy to talk about every light in detail. He had the install done at the same place that upfits and installs for the regional police and EMS services. They do good work and have high-end equipment. He’s replacing all of his dual-colour LED flashers with surface-mounted ones that “don’t stick out as much”. He’s getting a complete overhaul to all of the lighting. He doesn’t want to add more lighting, but I have a feeling that he will. Sadly, the dash mount is gone (for now). He said that he was “already visible enough.” Yet, he seemed very interested in having a front Inner Edge DUO or TRIO installed. He liked the idea that he could switch between colours and have different colour combinations for different uses.

As disappointing as it was to see the dash mount gone, I found a few things that are much better. I noticed two SA315s behind the grille. I asked him about it and he has an Airhorn and PA. He was very eager to show the controller. He said that he first used a rocker switch to control all of the lights “but it didn’t work well”. This is what he uses now:


He said that it set him back “$4000”. More of his “I’m a big-shot” BS. I asked about the siren buttons and he said that the installers “cut the wires for them” and that he could “probably fix it”. I’ll let you guys digest that for a moment. Being the Whelen fanboy that I am, I mentioned Carbide and the WeCan External Amplifier for dual tones, despite the nERGY 400 being capable of dual-tone. He said that he already has two speakers. I explained what I meant by dual tones: “You could have two different-sounding airhorns blast at the same time.” He was apparently unaware of the nERGY having a few airhorn tones. He seemed to be very interested in the WC Amp and in Carbide. I also mentioned Inner Edge RTX WC DUO/TRIO for rear lighting and TA. He seemed very interested in this. Toying with him some more, I told him to ask the installers about setting up Park Kill light patterns when he sees them. I explained what it is and he was over the moon by this. I also mentioned ION DUO/TRIOs. Again, he was very interested in this. After asking him about mirror flashers, he says: “I wanted them, but the mirrors are totally solid. The guys couldn’t drill into them.” I asked him about the missing Arjent. He didn’t like it because: (a) “you couldn’t see it enough in the day” and (b) he couldn’t get into a casino parking garage with it on the roof. I asked him if he sold it. He said that he still has it. I asked how much he wants for it. He said that he’d give it to me for free. He also said that he’ll drop by when the repair/install is done so that I can record it lit up. Free Arjent and the opportunity to record the Whacker Wagon Mark 3. I got lucky! Hopefully, it’ll have some more lights! He was very interested in the Whelen products I told him about. Next time I see him, I’ll mention CanTrol. If he can get it installed, he likely will. This will mean more lights. He’s apparently already spent “$12,000” in lighting plus the “$4,000” on the SoundOff. There was plenty of other hilarious BS that he spewed. Hopefully I’ll actually get the Arjent. He’s not most honest guy at all. I have some aces up my sleeve, though.

I’m only posting the older pictures of the Whacker Wagon. I’m saving the newest incarnation of it for a video once he has it fixed and upfitted. I’ll take some pictures of it tomorrow just in case he backs out. I really hope that he gets CanTrol. I forgot to mention that I told him about the Valor and the Freedom 4 WC and Rota-Beam. He was visibly enticed by their descriptions. Their cost didn’t seem to bother him, nor did the fact that he wouldn’t be able to get into the casino parking garage. I think I’ll mention that he should put a 4500 on the back of his truck next time I see him :D . I also forgot to mention that he doesn’t use the bumper work lights as work lights. He turns them on whenever he’s driving his snow plow. He seemed mystified that he could use them as work lights. Not wanting to be “too visible” my ass.

WhackerOne_1.jpg WhackerOne_2.jpg WhackerOne_3.jpg WhackerOne_4.jpg
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High quality Wecade lights, with cigarette lighter power sources, are the best, in his opinion? Wow. I wonder what his qualifications are. I stopped listening at that point.
I don't have audio at work, but I'm imagining a lot of labored breathing and a voice that sounds like he has a mouth full of donut holes.
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OK, I took some pictures of Whacker One's truck. I've put each of them in spoilers to make the message more readable. His best quote about his truck is: "This truck's got a lot going on." As of last week, his truck has the following:

-6 dual colour (blue/blue, amber/white) LED flashers on the grille
-4 dual colour (b/a) LED flashers on the tailgate (used to be 2)
-2 dual colour LED flashers above the rear window
-2 dual colour LED flashers on both sides of the rear window
-6 single colour LED flashers on the bumper (alternate a/w)
-2 8-LED work lights on the bumper
-2 dual colour LED flashers b/w each door (1 on the right, 1 on the left)
-5 amber LED clearance lights that double as amber/white flashers.
-Red/White striped “danger” tape on the bumper
-8 light LED Traffic Advisor behind the rear window
-Amber/White HAWs in headlights
-Amber/White HAWs in fog lamps
-Amber/White cannons in brake lights and work lights
-Blue/Amber LED Dash Mount (not sure what make/model; it's a bigger one) (Now removed)
-1 dual colour LED flasher in place of Cummings Diesel logos on each side (Now Removed)
-Blue/Amber Arjent on the roof (Now Removed)
-2 SA315s
-SoundOff nERGY 400

He claims that the nERGY cost him $4000 and that he got it because he wanted to "Go big, or go home." His lighting still allegedly doesn't work. I had him try all of the slide switches and buttons and something's buggered or so he claims.

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