Official "Whacker" or "Screwed Up Install" Thread

Ok saw this guy at the fair today. From a distance nothing looked out of place, until I got closer. The StreetHawk feet are screwed into 2 pieces of wood 2X4s and then straped down to the roof racks. Then the lightbar cable is feed through the door frame and there are a bunch of antenna all over it. Pictures below:


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tom said:
I still can't get over the fact that security companies in Texas get to use blue lights. :weird: Where I'm from, police is blue, fire is red, DOT/construction is amber, and security is amber or green.

It's not a fact. It is just something that the majority of LEO's do not enforce, becasue they are not clear on transportation code.

It's very easy to read. Red, clear and blue are illegal for anything not defined as an emergency vehicle, and security are not LE or first responders, so they do not have EV's.



There is a section somewhere that gives special exemption to off duty LEO's and their POV's (it used to be only constables and their deputies could have lights and sirens in their POV's). Also special municipal water districts and contructions vehicles that are working on a state contract on state highways can run blue.

It is also worth noting that the Texas Department of Public Saftey, Pricvate Security Bureau, who regulates security guards in Texas, does not address the issue directy. Instaed they follow the transportation code, which clearly defines the same laws above.

TxDPS - PSB Warning Lights

Almost weekly now, I hear stories about different departments starting to enforce lighting laws on security and construction companies. The construction compaines are able to get the tickets dismissed, but security comapnies are not as lucky. This is happening moslty in the suburban cities around dallas and Ft. Worth.

I would like to point out that there are many decent security companies that do follow the law, and get the fact that a police style car and blue lights do not make anymore difference than a Honda CRV with amber or amber green lights. We even have a number of compnaies that do not have any lights on their vehicles. And not one company in the State of Texas requires an employee to use his POV for patrol. And the State of texas requires all secuirty vehicles used for patrol be marked and have the company license # on each side. Basicly, Texas has banned unmarked security vehicles. And that they do enforce if they catch them. :hail:
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um ok that video isnt making any sense. it needs audio.

is there a police officer chasing the impersonator and then the impersonator does a little trick in the street bails out of the car (which then rolls backwards) and sticks a gun out at the cop or what?
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I read some of the comments, and I am sure HILO will elaborate, but it seems like the gent who owns the white car pictured above by cory has an in car camera system and the video was shot with that and was chasing the other gent in the black car who doesn't know how to put it into park. I guess he missed that part of his "academy training" he had.
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Car Cory has pictured is the same car with the dash cam footage of the alleged US Marshal drawing down on the old man.

Old man was a civilain traffic control volunteer in Dallas for over 30 years compared to my 17 years. He withheld the video tape for 2 days from the department so he could sell the story to the press. That pissed the department off, along with the way he handled the interview with the press. DPD brass were so mad they canned the whole program, so the other 5 volly's suffered from this old mans actions.
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Finally I can add to this! Found this Gem in Ocean City MD while on vacation.



For those who can't see, Thats a leapard print steering wheel cover with matching seat belt pillow. Also the seat cousion adds to the overall decor.

Couldn't see any radios in the car.
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Im in OCMD as well this week! nice find, saw a streethawk ona newer honda van..ghetto looking, didnt have my phone at the time
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on VACA in OCMD...went to a water/fun park and found this in the parking lot...




Notice that the the mirror is missing on the driver side (hard to tell, cell doesnt zoom very well)
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Ben E. said:
Nobody has really explained what "Pioneer Control Officers" are yet, either. Bueler?


I think that picture justifies me pulling over every security company i see and me running there criminal background and see if they are wanted for something or to see if super security man has a doobie or some fine white powdery substance on him to pass the time while he patrols his imaginary jurisdiction.
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Found at the local mexican Club... Alwasy driven by a mexican in whos just usually weating a blue or white polo shirt

No decals on the car at all




Check out the mounts for the rear deck bar... yes that is expandable foam.

the light is using a long Dashmiser style housing and had some knock off strobes in it


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You guys clearly haven't seen any hispanic car shows. lol More chrome and lights than you can imagine. Even up here, a PR Jeep club was in a Christmas parade blasting sirens. Really pissed me off since I've had run-ins with that club before. How about this video? a "parade" with strobes and sirens for a girls 15th birthday in PR.

I've got a firefighter friend in PR, I really need to ask her what the deal is with all the sirens down there.
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I can promis you thats not an official car. Scary part it it might be an off duty constable or officer using that car for escorting funerals. First of all he has illegal front license plates since they must be placed in the further most part of the vehicle "front windshied" is NOT further most part of the car. Can someone please run those damn plates!!
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As Station 3 noted: it could be a LEO's POV having been designated as a LEO vehicle by the head of the agency employing him/her.

That said: Front license plate on dash is not in compliance with State Law, per Texas Supreme Court.

Front license plate not mounted on front bumper is an arrestable offense in Texas (although a citation is more commonly issued, when the violation is not totally ignored). I carry a copy of the Supreme Court's Decision to provide to the unbelievers. I like our TX Supreme Court!
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No it is not a LEO's POV. It is used as a security car at a taco bell club. Dallas PD are not allowed to work ODJ's at the club becasue it is to dangerous. Of course outside cities, or school/hospital police will work the ODJ's there. Even so, the car is still illegal. If used as a security car, it mustbe marked and have the security license displayed. Plus, the only Police I'v seen that look like the guy driving it are from the land where the drug dealers make the law.
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why so many ghey "street thunders" in that mess :Banghead:
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Ben E. said:
Nobody has really explained what "Pioneer Control Officers" are yet, either. Bueler?


At least they have their fingers up and off of the trigger, I can't stand security companies that advertise (or worse yet, youtube videos of "actual duty") running with the finger on the trigger or posing like so. Blow your nuts off while you're at it, even up the gene pool.
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wait, whats holding those dual talons on the glass? There are no suction cups. Must be some great glue.
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Oh boy... I assume that it's probably Vanderbilt University Hospital, but I didn't investigate any further than to watch the video. That's a lot of green....
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WhiteLite03 said:
Oh boy... I assume that it's probably Vanderbilt University Hospital, but I didn't investigate any further than to watch the video. That's a lot of green....

its not vandy. my employer has that contract and they dont have green lights on our vehicles...

must be some lone ranger security guy with his own vehicle or st thomas or another horsp.
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Jarred J. said:
its not vandy. my employer has that contract and they dont have green lights on our vehicles...

must be some lone ranger security guy with his own vehicle or st thomas or another horsp.

I thought vandy uni PD had the hospitals. Does security supplement PD or do they just take care of the school?
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not 100% percent how the college works but the hopsital has both uniformed and under cover armed security roaming around it and the parking garages...
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Jarred J. said:
not 100% percent how the college works but the hopsital has both uniformed and under cover armed security roaming around it and the parking garages...

Vandy also has "community service trucks" or something along those lines that I think help with parking, directions, etc. They are clearly marked with amber lightbars.

I am sure the hospitals pay to get personalized "Milkrun" tags on their security vehicles as well. Also notice the thin blue line plate on the front of the truck. Hard to see through all the GREEN
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here's one i saw in your area adam....


its obviously a retired CV but cb and scanner antennae?


2 duals and a quad in the grill


ok E tag is kinda legit but thin blue line sticker on it? seriously?

and the pieste de resistance

[Broken External Image]:

handicap parking. BOOM

i looked on the inside and saw a pa300 a cb and a scanner... :weird:
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saw this lil guy on vacation in bowling green KY.



I immediately spotted the 20 dollar wal mart light out of the hole mall parking lot we were at. :hopeless:
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Let me start this post by saying, I have seen a lot of screwed up shit in my years of doing install work. Some of it I could look at and think "It looks like ass but there was some effort put into it". Other installs I have looked at and thought "WTF!?!"

This one has to be in the top 3 of WTF installs I have ever seen. This truck came in the other day to get a siren installed on it. The kid is a vollie FF who has done most of his own light work to his truck. The wiring is horrendous, and then I noticed what was on the front push bumper.

Notice anything unusual about the push bumper?


Lets take a closer look.


My first thought was "No way not possible". But yes, there are 3 AC powered Disco/DJ Strobes velroed to the push bumper.


The heat vents for them are clearly visible (well maybe not in these pictures but they are there) exposed to the elements.

I then started wondering how they were hooked up and found this behind the front factory bumper.



And inside the cab I found


Of course the truck owner had already installed the siren speaker for us, via white cable ties.


And he had hooked up his own variety of electronics


I pretty much told the kid his truck was going to catch fire and that he needed to take that crap off.
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